X. Заполните пропуски предлогами или наречиями.

Last year I had a holiday... winter. I spent a month... the country,... a holiday-home ... Moscow. I came there ... the 20th ... February. There were a lot of people ... the holiday-home. ... them I met my friend Peter Kotov, an engineer ... our Ministry.

One day ... breakfast we decided to have a walk ... the park. We liked our walk very much. We were back just... time ... dinner.... dinner Peter went to buy tickets ... the cinema. An interesting film was on. We went... the cinema... half... seven. The film was good, and we liked it. We came the holiday-home... 10 o'clock. While I was listening... the news... the radiо, Peter was going ... some magazines and newspapers. ... an hour we went... bed.

XI. Переведите на английский язык:

1.У меня был отпуске мае, и я провел его на Черном море. 2. — Куда ты идешь? — Я иду в кино. — А у тебя есть билеты? — Да, я купил их вчера. 3. Сегодня очень жарко. Пусть дети пойдут на Волгу купаться. 4 — Сколько времени вы потратили на эту работу? — Две недели. 5. Первого сентября все дети идут в школу. 6. — Вы не очень загорели. — Видите ли, я не могу загорать, я обычно сижу под тентом, когда очень жарко. 7. Сейчас уже 10 часов, а ребенок все еще смотрит телевизор. Не разрешайте ему смотреть телевизор после 9 часов. 8. Они катались на коньках, в то время как мы ходили на лыжах. 9. — Где дети? — Они играют вон там. — Пусть они идут домой. Обед готов. 10. — Где вы собираетесь провести свой отпуск в этом году? — В Греции. Там много красивых мест.



XII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий рассказ:

1. Do many people have holidays in summer? 2. When did you last have a holiday? 3. Where did you spend your holiday? 4. How much time were you there? 5. Did you have a good time there? 6. When did you come back?

1. Do your children like the sea? 2. When did you take your family to the Black Sea? 3. What did your children do on the beach? 4. Did they get sunburnt? What about your wife? 5. What were you doing while the children were sunbathing? 6. Canyour children swim well?

1. When did you spend your holiday at a holiday-home? 2. Were there many holiday-makers there? 3. Did you meet any friends among the holiday-makers? 4. How did you spend your time there? 5. What did you do in the evenings at the holiday-home? 6. How often did you go to the cinema there?

1. Where did you spend your holiday last winter? 2. Was there a lot of snow that winter? 3. How much did you ski and skate there? 4. What did you do when it was very frosty outside? 5. Did you like your winter holidaythere? Why?

XIII. Прочитайте и перескажите следующий текст:

There are a lot of boarding houses in beautiful places near Moscow. You can get a room there for a day, for a week, for a fortnight or for a month.

Last Saturday my friend and I decided to go to the Klazma boarding house. It was already 4 o'clock when we came there. It was getting dark. But many people were still skating and skiing. The buildings of the boarding house are modern. When we came in it was warm and cosy inside. Some people were playing chess or reading newspapers and magazines. We took our suit-cases to our room and went for a walk. The air was frosty outside. We had a nice walk in the forest and came back just in time for supper. An interesting film was on there that night and after supper we went to see it. The film was over at eleven o'clock. When we came into our room we listened to music on the radio. At half past eleven we went to bed.

a boarding house пансионат;

cosy уютный;

inside внутри;

to play chess играть в шахматы;

forest лес;

a suit-caseчемодан.

XIV. Закончите следующие ситуации:

1.Last summer I spent my holiday in Turkey. I went to the beach every day. Sometimes I went there not only in the morning but also in the evening...

2.When I came to the beach, it was 9 o'clock. There were already many holiday-makers there. Some of them ...

3.It was a nice winter day. It was not very frosty. We decided to go to the country. We telephoned our friends and ...

4.We are at the lesson now. We are sitting at our desks ...

XV. Составьте ситуации или диалоги со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

1.the Baltic seaside, hot, the sun, to shine, holiday-makers, to swim in the sea, to sunbathe, sunburnt, to have a good time;

2.to decide, the cinema, an interesting film, the box-office, a lot of people, among, to buy tickets for;

3.to have a holiday, in winter, to decide, a holiday-home, among, snow, to ski, to skate, to spend a fortnight.

XVI. Выполните следующие задания:

1.Позвоните вашему другу и скажите, что вчера вы вернулись из дома отдыха; расскажите ему о том, как вы хорошо провели время.

2.Спросите у вашего друга при встрече, как он провел отпуск на Кавказе, было ли там очень жарко, был ли хороший пляж там, где он был, ипригласите его к себе.

3.Пригласите вашего друга поехать кататься на лыжах в воскресенье. Скажите ему, что вы знаете красивые места под Москвой.

4.Позвоните вашему другу и скажите, что у вас есть билеты на новый фильм. Скажите, что ваша жена не может идти с вами, так как у нее много работы. Пригласите его в кино и договоритесь о встрече.

5.Позвоните г-ну Адамсу и скажите, что вчера вы приехали в Лондон для заключения контракта. Сообщите ему, что вы хотели бы с ним встретиться и обсудить некоторые вопросы.

XVII. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. My holiday. 2. My friend's holiday. 3. A day at the seaside. 4. On the beach.

XVIII. Составьте рассказы, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:


to spend to shine

in summer to sunbathe

a holiday-home a sunshade

beautiful to have a good time

wonderful a film

the sea interesting


to decide to skate

a holiday-home to watch TV

cold to ski

month wonderful

frosty outside

snow to have a walk



Grammar:1. Понятие о причастии прошедшего времени

(Participle II).

2.Настоящее совершенное время (The Present Perfect Tense).

3.Дополнительные придаточные предложения.

Revision:1. Времена Simple Present, Simple Past, Present

Continuous, Past Continuous. 2. Неопределенные местоимения some, any.


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