Read the sentences with: 1) Complex Object; 2) Complex : Subject; and 3) Infinitive as an Attribute. Translate the sentences.
1. The criminal to be arrested must be identified and located first.
2. Extreme egoism and individualism are considered to be the objective and subjective basic tendencies of criminal behavior.
3. The laboratory examination of certain physical evidence is considered, in some types of offenses, to be the most important part of the investigation.
4. The investigating officer supposed the discovered evidence to be linked with the suspect.
5. The police officer planned the search of the crime scene to be conducted very thoroughly.
6. The person to be identified committed a serious crime.
7. The investigator reported of the defendant's innocence to have been proved.
8. The facts to be collected by the police officer must provide sufficient evidence to bring the criminal to justice.
9. The police happened to have located the dangerous fugitive rather quickly.
10. The defendant's fingerprints proved to be the only means of identifying the victim.
11. Vice crimes are often considered essentially to be «victimless» crimes.
12. We expect our future detectives to learn how to use informants through personal experience.
13. The material evidence to be examined in the FBI Laboratory will be sufficient to convict the defendant.
14. The last witness to be interviewed was X, a narrow-shouldered young man who had been the only one in the place to have seen the bandit.
15. On the day this robbery is supposed to have been committed he swears he was working in the library all day.
6. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the forms of the Infinitive.
1. The witnesses were glad to help the accused.
2. The prosecutor is satisfied to have been working at this case with Mr X. during the trial.
3. The lawyers were glad to have been invited to train law students.
4. The judge is qualified to decide law questions.
5. The jury was directed to follow the instructions on the relevant law.
6. The defendant is satisfied to have been hearing "witnesses during the trial.
7. Mr Black is glad to be found 'not guilty'.
8. The jury is ready to be helping the judge.
9. The accused appeared to be living in the area.
10. He hoped to be earning his living in a year's time.
11. They thought that law to have been abolished in that country.
Look through the table to see the function of the Infinitive in each sentence and the way of translating it.
Function | Example | Translation |
Subject | To protect the interests of the public and to punish and deter the criminal is the court's duty. | Защищать общественные интересы, и наказывать преступника, и удерживать его от дальнейших правонарушений – это обязанности суда. |
Nominal part of the compound predicate | The job of a judge is to decide questions of law. | Работа судьи состоит в том, чтобы решать вопросы права (правосудия). |
Object | He likes to read literature on law in a foreign language in the original. | Он любит читать юридическую литературу на иностранном языке в оригинале. |
Attribute | There exist different methods to punish the offenders. | Существуют различные методы наказания правонарушителей. |
Adverbial Modifier | To understand the questions of the High Court jurisdiction he studied a great deal of law and history literature. | Чтобы понять вопросы юрисдикции Верховного суда, он изучил большое количество юридической (правовой) и исторической литературы. |
7.Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the function of the Infinitive.
1. A simple majority of the jury is enough to reach a verdict.
2. The law presumes the accused not to be guilty until his guilt has been proven.
3. To use custody is a sanction of last resort.
4. The defendant prefers to be discharged at once.
5. The person is unfit to be tried.
6. To inform the defence of witnesses whose evidence may help the accused and whom the prosecution does not propose to call is a job of the prosecution.
7. To have made the same mistake twice was unforgivable.
8. He discovered how to open the safe.
9. The solicitor encouraged me to try to appeal again.
10. He was the only one to be imposed a sentence of imprisonment.
11. The defendant appears to have been waiting a long time.
12. The person is too young to arrest him.
Look through the table to see the construction "The Objective Infinitive Construction" and pay attention to the way of translating it.
Subject Object Infinitive
The decision of the court obliges the authorityto place the child in a community home.
Решение суда обязывает власть поместить ребёнка в детский дом (школу-интернат).
Look through the table to see the construction "The Subjective Infinitive Construction" and pay attention to the way of translating it.
This young inmate is known to have spent three months in custody.
Известно, что молодой правонарушитель провёл три месяца под стражей (в заключении).