Настоящее перфектно-длительное (совершенное продолженное) время

Упражнение 1.


1. Your clothes are dirty. a) It’s been raining.

2. You’re completely out of breath. b) I’ve been cooking chips.

3. Your eyes are red. c) I’ve been painting the fence.

4. You look bored. d) I’ve been skiing since I was 5

5. The streets are wet. e) I’ve been missing her.

6. You’re very good at skiing, aren’t you? f) I’ve peeling onions.

7. Jane is back from the States. g) A dog has been chasing me.

8. What’s the smell in the kitchen? h) I’ve been learning History.

Упражнение 2.

Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы в рамке в форме Present Perfect Continuous:

cook rise go out drive wait look play learn try walk

1. Here you are at last! We … for you for half an hour!

2. Here’s my calculator! I … for it for a few days!

3. This task is too difficult. I … to solve it for over an hour and I still have no idea how to do it.

4. They’re a very good team. They … together for over a year.

5. Why don’t we sit down and have a rest? – We … for a few hours.

6. Mary speaks very good English, doesn’t she? – Yes, but she … it since she was a kid.

7. My dad loves his old car. He … it since 1990.

8. We’re afraid of flood. The level of water in the river … continuously for a week.

9. I think Jack and Sheila are a perfect couple. They … together for over a month.

10. The meat should be ready by now. I … it for a long time.

Упражнение 3.

Переведите на английский язык:

1. В последнее время вы много работаете.

2. Она преподаёт английский уже семь лет.

3. Я читаю этот роман уже три дня.

4. Я живу здесь всю жизнь.

5. Я весь день готовлюсь к экзамену.

6. Он занимается этим исследованием последние 10 лет.

7. Я пытаюсь до тебя дозвониться три дня!

Тест – минимум

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. He have/has been studying French for 2 years.

2. How long/much have you been working for the company?

3. My friend has been trying/tried to find a new job since last week.

4. What time/How long has your father been living abroad?

5. Peter has been surfing the net for/since two o’clock.

6. I haven’t been driving a car since/for ages!

7. I have been/being watching them all day.

8. We haven’t/don’t have been talking for a long time.

9. Have you/You have been playing the game since 2 o’clock?

10. It has/was been raining all day.

Сравнение The Present Perfect Tense и The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Упражнение 1

Составьте предложения, используя for или since:

Example: She works in our school. She started working here last year. à She has been working in our school for a year/She gas been working in our school since last year.

1. David collects stamps. He started collecting them five years ago.

2. They moved to Chicago two years ago.

3. She went to bed ten hours ago. She is still sleeping.

4. Josh got his computer three years ago. He is still using it.

5. The plane took off two hours ago. We’re still on that plane.

6. My grandma came to stay with us three weeks ago.

Упражнение 2

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в правильную форму:

I (lost) have lost my key. Can you help me look for it?

You look tired. Have you been working (you/work) hard?

1) Look! Somebody (break) that window.

2) I (read) the book you gave me but I (not/finished) it yet.

3) 'Sorry I'm late.' 'That's all right. I (not/wait) long.

4) Hello! I (clean) the windows. So far I (clean) five of them and there are two more to do.

5) There is a strange smell here (you/cook) something?

6) My brother is an actor. He (appear) in several films.

Тест- минимум

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

1) He (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest.

2) What they (to do) now? – They (to work) in the reading-room. They (to work) there for already three hours.

3) Where he (be) now? – He (to be) in the garden. He (to play) volley-ball with his friends. They (to play) since breakfast time.

4) I (to live) in St. Petersburg. I (to live) in St.Petersburg since 1990.

5) She already (to dо) homework for two hours; but she (not yet to do) half of it.

6) I (to wait) for you since two o'clock.

7) What you (to do)? -I (to read). I (to read) for already two hours. I already (to read) sixty pages.

8) This man (to be) a writer. He (to write) books. He (to write) books since he was a young man. He already (to write) eight books.

2. Переведите на английский язык:

1) Он опять смотрит ТВ. По-моему, он смотрит его с самого утра.

2) Кто взял мою ручку? Я ищу её уже несколько минут.

3) Мы уже уложили вещи. Теперь ждем такси.

4) Сколько времени она уже говорит по телефону?

5) Они женаты с 1992г.

6) Погода ужасная. Часто идут дожди.

Тема 2.10 Научно-технический прогресс

Passive Voice. Страдательный залог

Упражнение 1.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive:

1) Bread ___ (to eat) every day.

2) The letter ___ (to receive) yesterday.

3) Nick ____ (to send) to Moscow next week.

4) I ___ (to ask) at the lesson yesterday.

5) I ___ (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday.

6) Many houses ___ (to build) in our town every year.

7) This work ___ (to do) tomorrow.

8) This text ___ (to translate) at the last lesson.

9) These trees ___ (to plant) last autumn.

10) Many interesting games ___ (always/to play) at our PT lessons.

11) This bone ___ (to give) to my dog tomorrow.

12) We ___ (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.

13) My question ___ (to answer) yesterday.

14) Hockey ___ (to play) in winter.

15) Mushrooms ___ (to gather) in autumn.

Упражнение 2.

Перепишите предложения, употребляя страдательный залог:

1) We received this letter after his departure.

2) Have dogs ever attacked you?

3) Bees gather honey from flowers.

4) Who discovered the circulation of blood?

5) The old man showed us the way out of the wood.

6) The doctor has prescribed her new medicine.

7) They don’t often speak about him.

8) Everybody laughed at this funny animal.

9) We’ll insist on strict discipline.

10) They teach three foreign languages at this school.


1. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) Many accidents ..... by dangerous driving.

A caused B are caused C cause

2) The house ..... by a pop star.

A bought B was bought C buys

3) Detroit ..... Motown in the past.

A was called B is called C called

4) Tom ..... his keys yesterday.

A was lost B has lost C lost

5) The room ..... later.

A will clean B has been cleaned C will be cleaned

6) The Earth's surface ..... mostly ..... with water.

A has ... been covered B was ___ covered C is ... covered

7) He ..... the girl's name now.

A remembers B remember C is remembered

8) The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States and it ..... in Ann Arbor.

A is located B located C location

9) A decision ..... until the next meeting.

A has not been made B will not be made C will not made

10) They ..... this clock now.

A repair B are repairing C are being repaired

11) The book ..... by Hardy.

A wrote B was wrote C was written

12) A new book ..... by that company next year.

A will publish B is publishing C will be published

13) This house ..... in 1930.

A built B has built C was built

14) In a minute the police ___ the criminal and put him into Mr. Wisdom’s car.

A disarmed B was disarmed C is disarmed

2. Заполните пропуски глаголами страдательного залога:

1) That old building was dangerous. So it ___________(knock) down.

2) When you go through customs, you luggage ___________ (check) by the customs officer.

3) In the morning I _____________ (wake up) by my alarm clock.

4) Next year her new book ______________ (translate) into a number of foreign languages.

5) John kicked a policeman, so he ____________(arrest).

6) After a long search the missing boy _____________ (find) in the forest near the town.

7) Many people think that today too much money ________________ (spend) on weapon.

8) The injured man couldn't walk, so he _____________ (carry) by the hospital orderlies.

9) I don't mind driving but I like when I _______________ (drive) by other people.

3. Переведите на английский язык:

1) Об этом событии много говорят.

2) Его машину украли вчера.

3) Новые результаты будут опубликованы в июле.

4) Президента выбирают каждые четыре года.

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