Интонация предложений с прямой речью

интонация предложений с прямой речью - student2.ru

Предложение, вводящее прямую речь, выделяется в отдельную синтагму и произносит-ся либо восходящим, либо нисходящим тоном, либо на среднем уровне (Midlevel). Например:

интонация предложений с прямой речью - student2.ru

Слова автора после прямой речи обычно неударны или полуударны и продолжают ин-тонацию предшествующего ударного слога. Например:

интонация предложений с прямой речью - student2.ru

Если слова автора после прямой речи представляют собой распространенное предложе-ние, они произносятся тем же тоном, что и предшествующая интонационная группа в прямой речи. Например:

интонация предложений с прямой речью - student2.ru

В косвенной речи это предложение обычно не образует самостоятельной смысловой группы. Например:

интонация предложений с прямой речью - student2.ru

Exercise I. Read the following sentences. Observe the intonation of the author's words.

1. "We're not late I hope," I asked. 2. "Pass the sugar, please," she said in a voice just as sweet.

3. "I don't mind," my mother said with a smile. 4. "Are you ready?" he asked in an impatient tone. 5. "Can you come?" he asked quietly. 6. "Please, take one," she said invitingly. 7, "Is this for me?" he asked with surprise. 8. "Do you think it's true?" they kept on asking. 9. Ann says to Nina, "I can give you my book." 10. Peter asks me, "Are there several departments at your faculty?" 11. The girls ask me, "What is the assistant dean responsible for?" 12. The girl asks me if I've got any photos of our Institute. 13. Helen says she is fond of music. 14. Mary says, "We have a big garden in front of our

house." 15. Mary says they have a big garden in front of their house.

Exercise II. Listen to the following sentences. Mark the stresses and tunes. Read them.

1. "Right," he said slowly. 2. The teacher said, "Stand up." 3. He asked, "Is education in Rus-sia free?" 4. She asked, "What do American journalists write about the Russian educational system?"

5. "We decided not to give the usual marks,» says Shalva Amonashvili. 6. "They are teaching the children well," said Shalva in conclusion. 7. "My teachers have to be good," said the director. 8. The guide says that there are thirty principal theatres in London. 9. The author says that peace movement in Europe is acquiring diverse forms. 10. The teacher asks who is absent from the lesson.

Exercise III.Read the text. Pick up sentences with direct speech, comment on them.

Three Men in a Boat by J. K. Jerome

It was Mrs. Poppets that woke me up next morning. She said, "Do you know that it is nearly nine o'clock, Sir?" "Nine o'what?" I asked starting up. "Nine o'clock," she replied through the key-hole, "I thought, you were oversleeping yourselves."

I woke Harris and told him. He said, "I thought you wanted to get up at six." "So did I," I ans-wered, "why didn't you wake me?" "How could I wake you, when you didn't wake me?" he retorted.

Exercise IV.Prepare the joke for test reading.

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