Exercise 1. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. Pay special attention to the words in bold type.

1. I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. (Agatha Christie) 2. There was a solution and it had come to Emma in a flash. The solution was planning. She suddenly knew that if the work was planned properly and systematically, in a sensible way, and distributed more intelligently it would be easier to manage. Of this she was absolutely confident, and the more she thought about it, the more convinced she had become. 3. I fell blindly, madly, irrevocably in love with him. And he with me, as I was eventually to discover. He captivated me entirely. 4. He stood up when he saw her and smiled faintly, almost apologetically, but he made no move in her direction, as he would normally have done. 5. We were close friends and then we started to work together professionally, when suddenly, unexpectedly, we broke. 6. You are old enough to discuss this calmly and intelligently, in a reasonable manner. 7. Just as a newborn baby grows physically, so you will grow spiritually. 8. May you always laugh heartily, cry openly, sing loudly, dance wildly, love unashamedly!

Exercise 2. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adverbs.

Badly, briefly, carefully, clearly, distinctly, early, effectively, efficiently, far, fast, frankly, frequently, hard, heartily, honestly, late, little, much, often, patiently, soon, well, willingly.

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with words from the right column.

1. Mind, it is ... confidential. a. hopefully

2. He’ll have to limit Ms expenses ... . b. immediately

3. It changes ..., like night and day. c. seriously

4. We’ll contact you ... . d. automatically

5. They never took me ... . e. well

6. This morning they quarreled ... . f. occasionally

7. In the grate a log fire burned .... . g. brightly

8. This chap plays the piano so ... . h. regularly

9. He expresses his ideas ... . i. clearly

10. They didn’t think twice and came … . j. directly

11. I go to the theatre ... . k. briefly

12. Her mind on her son, she cooked ... . l. badly

13. They considered the contract ... . m. severely

14. I ... get up at 8 o’clock. n. deeply

15. «Can we come in?» she asked ... . o. strictly

16. Always try to breathe ... . p. normally

Exercise 4. Put the words in brackets into the right form.

1. Statistics say that women drive (carefully) than men. 2. Please talk a bit (quietly) and (little) aggressively. 3. There’s nothing (annoying) than losing your door key. 4 Tom prefers to be alone. He is (sociable) person in the office. 5. This time he tried (hard) than last time. 6. A big car can be parked (easily) than a small one. 7. We walked (far) than we had planned. 8. Today David acted (generously) than ever before. 9. The final exam was (little) difficult of all. 10. This month Caroline worked (badly) of all, though actually she works (well) of all the pupils of her class. 11. You don’t remember some details. You should study the papers (closely). 12. They can get here at 7 o’clock at (early). It’s a long way from here. 13. Changes will become necessary by the autumn, at (late). 14. Really, Alex, you could work (efficiently)!

Exercise.5. Translate into English.

1. Они прожили вместе много лет вполне счастливо. 2. Говорят, ты очень хорошо выступил вчера, поздравляю! 3. Инспектор немедленно принял необходимые меры. 4. Мой учитель бегло говорит на пяти языках. 5.Посидите здесь тихонечко, дети, пока не придет ваша мама. 6. Моему другу нравятся только быстрые машины. 7. Люди, которые очень быстро ездят, рано или поздно попадают в аварии. 8. Она настолько же глупа, сколь и красива. 9. Это легкий вопрос. Ребенок легко может ответить на него. 10. – Вам понятно это правило? – Да, вы его так четко объяснили. 11. Вчера к нам совершенно неожиданно приехали гости. 12. Ты определенно понапрасну тратишь свое время. 13. Я практически никогда не ложусь спать до 11 часов. 14. Мои друзья почти всегда отдыхают летом. 15. В основном это была моя вина. 16. Я полностью с вами согласен. 17. Давай поделим поровну денежный приз. 18. Позволь рассказать тебе вкратце в чем дело. 19. В этой школе примерно двести учеников. 20. Должен сказать вам, что вы вели себя провоцирующе.

Exercise 6. Find adverbs in column В which suit the verbs in column A. In some cases there can be more than one verb.

1. argue 2. behave 3. sleep 4. speak 5. explain 6. feel 7. investigate 8. react 9. sing 10. fight 11. rain 12. remember 13. love and respect 14. get mad a) deeply b) thoroughly c) convincingly, forcefully d) spontaneously e) bravely f) truly g) deeply, heavily h) distinctly i) badly, stupidly j) softly, quietly k) concisely, briefly l) sweetly m) continuously n) easily

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