Exercise 2. Translate into English.
1. Вы хорошо провели время на каникулах? 2. Я очень устал и мне жарко. Я лучше приму душ и вздремну. 3. Ты был прав. Они не интересуются современными танцами. 4. Она опоздает. Мы можем завтракать без нее. 5. Твой научный руководитель (scientific adviser) очень доволен твоей работой. 6. Боюсь, ты не прокатишься на лошади сегодня. Уже поздно и она очень устала. 7. Я поболтала с ним по телефону. Он чувствует себя хорошо. 8. Ты был рад увидеть ее на вечеринке? 9. Я не женат и живу с родителями. У нас большая семья. 10. Майкл сейчас на работе. Вечером я переговорю с ним. 11. Тебе повезло. Она сейчас дома и вы можете поговорить. 12. Ты голодна или хочешь пить? – И то, и другое. 13. Ты ошибался, когда сказал, что ее не было дома. 14. Взгляни на эту картину. Нам повезло видеть ее в оригинале. 15. У нас проблема. Декан болен и нам придется ждать до понедельника. 16. Ты бы лучше сказал ему правду. 17. Мне починили машину. 18. У меня есть новая компьютерная игра.
Choose the right form
1. A tree ….. a plant.
A are
B is
C am
2. ….. trying to open the window
A I’s
B I’m
C I’re
3. “You” ….. the word people use when they are talking or writing to another person.
A are
B am
C is
4. How ….. you today?
A are
B am
C is
5. They ….. hungry.
A wasn’t
B were not
C isn’t
6. They ….. ….. leaving soon.
A shall be
B will be
C will are
7. ….. thinking of what you’ve just said.
A I’s
C I’m
8. They say it ….. raining all day tomorrow.
A is
B shall be
C will be
9. We ….. playing golf at 2 o’clock yesterday.
A were
B are
C shall be
10. Butter ….. made from milk.
A are
B is
C were
11. ….. the news today.
A Is he expecting
B He is expecting
C Expecting is he
12. Many accidents ….. caused by careless driving.
A won’t
B is
C are
13. When ….. America discovered.
A is
B was
C will be
14. Can you wait for me? I ….. very long.
A will be
B am not
C won’t be
15. You ….. stupid. (ты ведешь себя глупо)
A will be
B are being
C are
16. ….. quiet! (восклицание)
A Do be
B will be
C Be you
17. There ….. light in your room.
A aren’t
B isn’t
C won’t
18. He ….. being examined now.
A is
B will be
C will
19. There ….. an interesting film on TV last night.
A will be
B won’t be
C was
20. ….. watching a new film now?
A Are your parents
B Your parents are
C Will your parents
21. Some families ….. a pet.
A have
B has
C are having
22. How many friends have you got? – …..
A I has got few friends.
B I’ve got friends.
C I have few friends.
23. Each family ….. its own flat.
A have
B has
C are having
24. ….. lunch at 10 o’clock?
A Do you have
B Have you got
C Have you
25. Peter ….. a baby brother.
A doesn’t have
B don’t have
C have not got
26. ….. a nice new car?
A Do they have got
B They have got
C Have they got
27. She ….. blue eyes.
A is not having
B hasn’t
C haven’t
28. She ….. her laundry done.
A has
B is having
C has got
29. We ….. much to do yesterday.
A have got
B have
C had
30. We ….. a party tonight.
A have got
B are having
C had
31. Have you got a garage? – Yes, ….. .
A I have
B I have got
C I’ve got
32. I’m afraid he ….. a bath now.
A has got
B is having
C hasn’t got
33. Alligators ….. long jaws and sharp teeth.
A have
B has
C are having
34. ….. a bath every day?
A Have he
B Does he have
C Has he got
35. He ….. his room papered.
A have
B was
C has
36. ….. the party last week?
A Have you enjoyed
B Have you got enjoyed
C Did you enjoy
37. You are hungry. ….. to go to the canteen.
A You have got
B You had better
C You would rather
38. ….. your tooth filled yesterday?
A Did you have
B Has you had
C Have you got
39. ….. to go to school yesterday?
A Did you have
B Have you had
C Have you got
40. They ….. cut the bread yet.
A did not
B have not got
C have not
Define the function of the verb
41. A unicorn (единорог) is a make-believe animal.
A link verb
B auxiliary verb
C notional verb
42. Zippers (застежка-молния) are made of small pieces of metal or plastic held together by a piece of cloth.
A link verb
B auxiliary verb
C modal verb
43. There are about 790,000 words in English.
A link verb
B modal verb
C notional verb
44. People use it when they are talking or writing to another person.
A link verb
B auxiliary verb
C notional verb
45. My sister is to lay the table.
A auxiliary verb
B modal verb
C notional verb
46. We’re at home.
A link verb
B modal verb
C notional verb
47. An ocean is also called a sea.
A link verb
B auxiliary verb
C notional verb
48. They are working on the computer now.
A modal verb
B auxiliary verb
C notional verb
49. They are to come in half an hour.
A modal verb
B auxiliary verb
C notional verb
50. The order will be delivered.
A modal verb
B auxiliary verb
C notional verb
51. They are at the disco now.
A notional verb
B modal verb
C auxiliary verb
52. All my money was stolen at the hotel.
A auxiliary verb
B modal verb
C notional verb
53. My brother was here yesterday.
A auxiliary verb
B modal verb
C notional verb
54. I am sorry.
A auxiliary verb
B link verb
C notional verb
55. It’s time we went home, darling!
A modal verb
B link verb
C notional verb
56. I am to answer this call immediately.
A modal verb
B link verb
C notional verb
57. It is ten o’clock now.
A link verb
B auxiliary verb
C notional verb
58. The children are sitting and playing in their room.
A notional verb
B modal verb
C auxiliary verb
59. There aren’t people here.
A notional verb
B modal verb
C auxiliary verb
60. I wish I were five years younger.
A auxiliary verb
B link verb
C notional verb
61. They have not arrived yet.
A notional verb
B auxiliary verb
C modal verb
62. I’ve got a headache.
A notional verb
B part of a construction
C auxiliary verb
63. We are having breakfast.
A auxiliary verb
B have+object
C notional verb
64. Now he has a small business and feels quite happy.
A notional verb
B auxiliary verb
C have+object
65. We have to help our group-mates.
A notional verb
B auxiliary verb
C modal verb
66. When Lucy is hungry she has bread and cheese.
A notional verb
B auxiliary verb
C have+object
67. He had his watch repaired.
A have+object
B modal verb
C part of a construction
68. When I came, my mother had gone.
A notional verb
B auxiliary verb
C part of a construction
69. Tomorrow I’ll have much free time.
A modal verb
B auxiliary verb
C notional verb
70. He has a shower every morning.
A have+object
B modal verb
C notional verb
71. I have to get up early to catch the bus.
A have+object
B modal verb
C notional verb
72. I had the letters posted yesterday.
A auxiliary verb
B have+object
C part of a construction
73. He has returned to Moscow.
A auxiliary verb
B part of a construction
C modal verb
74. He has no books on this subject.
A auxiliary verb
B notional verb
C modal verb
75. Has he got a good dictionary?
A notional verb
B auxiliary verb
C have+object
76. When do you have dinner?
A notional verb
B auxiliary verb
C have+object
77. They won’t have to read the whole book.
A have+object
B modal verb
C notional verb
78. Have you bought that beautiful car?
A notional verb
B auxiliary verb
C have+object
79. He had his shoes cleaned this morning.
A part of a construction
B have+object
C modal verb
80. She will have to do it once more.
A auxiliary verb
B notional verb
C modal verb
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1. In sentences, which say that something exists or does not exist somewhere, we usually use ‘there’ as a kind of introductory subject and put the real subject after the verb:
There is ice on the lake. There is a lot of noise in the street.
There is a long historical tradition in this process.
2. ‘There are’ is used with plural subjects:
I don’t know how many people there are in the waiting room.
Mind! If there are somesubjects in the sentence the choice of the form of the verb ‘to be’ depends on the number of the first one:
There is a table, six chairs, a TV set and a bookcase in the room.
There are six chairs, a table, a TV set and a bookcase in the room.
3. ‘There’ can be used with all tenses of the verb ‘to be’:
Once upon a time there were three wicked brothers.
There has never been anybody like you.
There will be snow in the mountains.
4. ‘There’ can be used with modal verbs + be and with some other verbs (seem, appear, happen), verbs which refer to states or arrivals:
There must be somebody at home – ring again.
There seem to be some problems.
Could you be quiet? There happens to be a lecture.
In a small town in Germany there once lived a poor shoemaker.
There remains nothing more to be done.
Suddenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in black.
There followed an uncomfortable silence.
5. Note also the structure: there is certain/sure/likely/bound to be.
There is sure to be trouble when she gets his letter.
Do you think there’s likely to be snow?
6. Infinitives (there to be) and –ing forms (there being) are also used.
I don’t want there to be any more trouble.
What’s the chance of there being an election this year?
7. Introductory “there” is often used with ‘gerunds’ and ‘infinitives’ in the negative form:
There was no stopping him. — Его было невозможно остановить.
There was never any telling when he would turn up. — Никак нельзя было предугадать, когда он появится.
8. Set expressionswith‘sense’, ‘point’, ‘use’ and ‘need’ have some modal meaning and speak about ‘possibility/impossibility’, ‘willingness/unwillingness’ to perform the action expressed by the gerund.
There is no sense in making him angry.-He нужно/Нет смысла сердить его.
Is there any point in talking about it again? — Нужно ли опять об этом говорить?
Do you think there is any use trying to explain? — Вы считаете, что нужно попытаться как-то это объяснить?
There is по need to hurry — we’ve got plenty of time. — Нет необходимости торопиться, у нас много времени.
Exercise 1. Agree with the following statements using «there is/are».
Models: You’ve got three members in your family. — Yes, there are three members in my family.
You can see a boy in the picture. — Yes, there is a boy in the picture.
1. You’ve got a book in front of you. 2. She’s got many foreign books in her library. 3. They’ve got many pets at home. 4. She’s got three mistakes in her test. 5. You’ve got no laboratory on the first floor. 6. You can see a farm near the forest. 7. You can see a lot of interesting pictures in this book. 8. You can see a TV set in the hall. 9. You can see a large family in this picture. 10. You can see many difficult words in this text. 11. You can see many countries on this map. 12. You can see two sentences on the blackboard.