Proverb: Business before pleasure.

Exercise 4. Find the following sentences in the text:

1. Где окно? 2. Это глаз слона. 3. Это ухо слона. 4. А где дверь? 5. Дай мне маленькую щётку. А тебе будет большая. 6. Это крыша, а это труба. 7. Это цветок. 8. Я не могу найти свою (= мою) щётку. 9. Она под стулом.
10. Моя карти­на закончена. 11. Какой забавный дом!

Exercise 5. Spell the following words:

the window, the elephant's eye, the door, the chimney, finished, careful.


Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Jack painting? 2. Is his dream house big? 3. What is it like[3]? 4. Is there a window? 5. Is there a door? 6. Is Jill's dream house finished? 7. What is it like? 7. Is there a roof? 8. Is there a chimney? 9. Are there windows? How many[4] windows are there? 10. Is there a door? 11. Do you like Jack's dream house? Why? 12. Do you like Jill's dream house? Why do you like it?

Exercise 7. Present Continuous (Present Progressive)

I am playing we are playing

you are playing you are playing

he, she, it is playing they are playing

Make sentences with the following words:

1. What, the children, doing, are? 2. Are, playing, they? 3. No, they, not, are, playing. 4. They, painting, are. 5. Is, painting, Jack, an elephant? 6. No, painting, is, his dream house, he. 7. Is, painting, Jill, too? 8. What, she, painting, is? 9. What, you, now, doing, are? 10. Are, painting, you, or (или), you, are, playing? 11. I, English, learning, am. 12. She, swinging, the swing, on, is.

Part 3

Jill: Hey, Pooh's in the pot.

Jack: Ding, dong, dot! Pooh is in the pot.

Ding, dong, dot! Pooh is in the pot.

Look at him in there. Oh, poor bear!

Ding, dong, dine! Pooh is on the line.

Look at him on there. Oh, poor bear!

Helen: Let's build a house for Pooh. Look. What's this in English? It's a window. A window. There are one, two, three, four windows. What's this? It's a door. A door. What colour is the door? It's brown. It's a brown door. What's this? It's the roof. It's a red roof. What's this? It's the chimney. What colour is the chimney? It's brown. It's a brown chimney. What are these? They are flowers. Flowers. What colour are the flowers? They are blue. Blue flowers.


There are blue flowers in front of the house. It's Pooh's house. Pooh, your house is finished. And here's your car.

Let's have a look at some pictures now. Джек рисует дом своей мечты.. I'm painting my dream house. Он просит Джил не трогать рисунок. Careful! Don't touch. Джек закончил свой рисунок. My picture is finished. My pictu­re's finished. Come and listen again to Jack and Jill.

Jack: My picture's finished.

Helen: My picture's finished too. Careful, Pooh! Watch out!

Ding, dong, dar! Pooh is in the car.

Look at him in there. He's a funny bear.

Goodbye, children. See you next Playtime.

Exercise 8. Find the following sentences in the text:

1. Давайте построим дом для Пу. 2. Что это по английски? 3. Здесь есть четыре окна. 4. Какого цвета дверь? – Она коричневая. 5. Это красная крыша. 6. Это коричневая дымоходная труба. 7. Что это? – Это цветы.

8. Какого цвета цветы? – Они голубые. 9. Перед домом голубые цветы.

10. Мой рисунок закончен. 11. Осторожно! Смотри в оба! 12. Посмотрите на него. 13. Он забавный медведь.

Exercise 9. Translate into English using the Present Continuous:

1. Что они сейчас делают (do)? 2. Они поют (sing) песню. 3. Она играет (play) в классики. 4. Кто рисует (paint) дом? 5. Мы идём (go) на ярмарку.

6. Всё ещё (still) идёт (rain) дождь. 7. Я выигрываю (win). 8. Он проигры­вает (lose). 9. Карусель останавливается (stop). 10. Я строю (build) дом.

Есть глаголы, которые обычно не употребляются в Present Continuous (Present Progressive). Вот несколько таких глаголов:

be – быть have* –в значении: иметь, владеть

like – нравиться, любить want – хотеть

know - знатьneed – нуждаться

see– видеть hear – слышать

love – любить think - думать

understand – понимать mean – иметь в виду

Where is she? Have you got many toys? I like it. What does he want? I don't know. We don't need it now. Do you see it? Do you hear me? He loves her. What do you think? Do you understand me? What do you mean?



Helen: Hello, children. Welcome to Playtime. Hello, Jack. It's Jill's birthday today. And Jack's playing "Happy birthday". Jill's birthday is in April. When is your birthday, Jack?

Jack: My birthday is in July.

Helen: Jack's birthday is in July.

Jack: When is your birthday?

Helen: My birthday is in December. No, Jack. No. You can't open the parcel. It's a present for Jill. It's my present for Jill. What's your present for your sister? A basket? I see, it's a surprise.

Ah, here's Jill. Hello, Jill. Happy birthday to you. How old are you today?

Jill: I'm six.

Helen: Jill is six today. And how old is your brother Jack?

Jill: He is nine.

Helen: Look, Jill. I have a surprise for you.

Jack: Happy birthday, Jill.

Jill: Thank you.

Helen: A doll from Jack. How nice. And this is my present for Jill. It's a magic box. And this is the key. A magic key. And this is the magic hat. You put on the hat.

You put the key into the lock and say: Turn the key, turn the key, turn the key around. Turn the key, open the box and listen to the sound. You can use this magic box for your birthday parties.

Jack: What a good idea!

Helen: No, Jack. Don't touch. It's Jill's birthday present. Jill, how many children are coming to your party?

Jill: Four.

Helen: And who is coming to the party?

Jill: Lucy, Diana, Tom and Harry.

Helen: Ah, here are the cards. Look: the cat for Lucy, the mouse for Diana, the elephant for Tom and the dog for Harry.

There's a doorbell. Go and answer the door, Jill.

Exercise 1. Find the following sentences in the text:

1. Сегодня у Джил день рождения. 2. Когда у тебя день рождения? 3. Не открывай пакет. Это подарок для Джил. 4. А у тебя какой подарок для сестры? 5. Корзинка? Понимаю, это сюрприз. 6. У меня для тебя сюр­приз. 7. Поздравляю тебя с днём рождения. 8. Сколько тебе исполнилось лет? 9. А сколько лет твоему бра­ту? 10. Сколько детей придёт на твою вечеринку? 11. Звонок в дверь. 12. Иди и открой дверь.


Exercise 2. Answer the following questions:

1. Whose [hu:z] (чей?) birthday is it today? 2. How old is Jill today? 3. Helen is giving Jill a present. What is it? Is it a magic box, a magic hat, a magic cloak ['kləʊk] (накидка) or a wand [wɒnd] (волшебная палочка)? 3. Has Jack got a present for his sister? What is it? Is it a surprise? 4. Is Jill giving a birthday party today? 5. Are her friends coming to the party? Who is coming to the party? 6. How old are you? 7. When is your birthday?

Exercise 3. Possessive[pə'zesɪv]adjectives['æʤɪktɪvz]:

Притяжательные местоимения:

I my мой we our наш

you your твой you your ваш

he his его

she her её they their их

it its его

1. My birthday is in October. 2. Is it your car? – No, it's their car. 3. This is her magic box. 4. Come to our party. 5. This is his house.

Part 2

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, dear Jill! Happy birthday to you!

Jill: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everybody. Come in.

Tom: How old are you, Jill?

Proverb: Business before pleasure. - Jill: I'm six today.

Diana: Oh yes, there are six candles on the cake.

Tom: I'm eight.

Jack: I'm nine.

Jill: Oh, roller skates. Super!

Jack: But they are too small for you.

Diana: They are not for Jill. They are for Pooh.

Jill: Thank you, Diana.

Jack: Let's sit down and have some cake.

Jill: Yes, sit down everybody. Have some orange juice or some hot chocolate[5].

Diana: What's that, Jill?


Jill: It's my magic box. It's a present from Helen.

This is my magic hat.

Now close your eyes. Turn the key, turn the key, turn the key around. Turn the key, open the box and listen to the sound.

Tom: Where are you, Diana?

Diana: I'm here.

Tom: What are you doing?

Diana: I'm eating Jill's birthday cake.

Jack: Let's play now.

Jill: Let's play circus[6].

Jack: It's your turn, Lucy.

Jill: It's your turn, Tom.

Elephant, elephant, turn around.

Elephant, elephant, touch the ground.

Elephant, elephant, touch your nose.

Elephant, elephant, touch your toes.

Jack: It's Harry's turn now.

Jill: Where's the key?

Exercise 4. Find the following sentences in the text:

1. Всем вам спасибо. 2. На торте шесть свечей. 3. О, роликовые коньки. Это супер! 4. Но они слишком маленькие для тебя. 5. Садитесь все.

6. Угощайтесь апельсиновым соком или какао. 7. Это подарок Хелен.
8. А теперь закройте глаза. 9. Давайте поиграем в цирк. 10. Поздравляем с днём рождения!

Exercise 5. Translate into Russian:

1. Come in everybody. 2. It's his birthday present. 3. Who is coming to the party? 4. You can use this box for your birthday parties. 5. These are her magic hat, cloak and wand. 6. How many candles are there on the cake?
7. These roller skates ['rəʊlə'skeɪts] are too big for me. 8. Listen to the sound. 9. Where are our friends? 10. Have some cake and hot chocolate. 11. Have fun at the party! 12. The children are having fun at the party. 13. Their party was super. 14. He has got birthday in July. 15. Who has got birthday in summer?

Exercise 6. Translate into English:

1. Это её шляпа. 2. Это их дом. 3. Это наши друзья. 4. Это мой подарок.
5. Чей это ключ? 6. Это твой ключ? 7. Это ваши роликовые коньки?


Part 3

Helen: What a funny party. They are playing circus at Jill's birthday party. Джил превратила своих друзей в животных.

Look. Here's Diana. What is she now? Yes, she is a mouse.

Here's Harry. What is he now? Yes, he's a dog.

Here's Lucy. What is she now? Yes, she's a cat.

And here's Tom. What is he now? Yes. he's an elephant.

What about you? Вы тоже хотите поздравить Джил? Happy birthday, Jill. Том спросил Джил, сколько ей лет. How old are you? Джил ответила: I'm six today. And you? How old are you? I'm five. I'm six. I'm seven. I'm eight. I'm nine. Our Playtime program is for children from five to nine. And older, of course.

It's Pooh on his roller skates. He has got a letter. For me? Give me the letter, Pooh. Thank you. "Jill has lost the key. Come and help. Jack".

Oh dear, I must go and find the key. Come on, Pooh. Come and help Jack and Jill. Come and listen again.

Jill: Where's the key?

Jack: Hi, Helen. Come here. We can't find the key.

Jill: We are looking for the key. We can't find it.

Helen: Look, here's the key. Turn the key, turn the key, turn the key around. Turn the key, open the box and listen to the sound.

Lucy: What a funny birthday party!

Harry: Thank you for the party.

Jill: And thank you for the presents.

Helen: Goodbye everyone and don't forget to watch next Playtime. Bye!

Exercise 7. Translate into Russian:

1. Jill is doing magic (/ magic tricks). 2. She turns her friends into animals.
3. Her friends turn into animals. 4. Happy birthday, Jill! 5. Jack is three years older than his sister. 5. He can play chess very well, and he knows it, of course. 6. Jill has lost[7] the key. Come and help. 7. Look at me! 8. We are looking for the key. We can't find it. 9. What are you looking for? 10. Thank you for the presents. 11. Pooh is roller skating. He loves it (= he likes it very much). 12. Where is chalk? I want to draw a hopscotch pattern. 13. Number the sections.

Exercise 8. Transcribe the following words:

the birthday, a cake, a candle, a present, a party.



Helen: Hello, children. Welcome to Playtime. Look, this is my bike. Hello, Jack. Have you got a bike?

Jack: Yes, I have.

Helen: And you, Jill, have you got a bike too?

Jill: Yes, I have.

Helen: What about going on a bike tour today?

Jack: That's a good idea.

Helen: What about you, Pooh? You haven't got a bike, have you[8]? Come on, Jill. Let me help you to get onto your bike.

Jill: I can't ride. My legs are too short.

Helen: Your legs are too short? The saddle is too high.

Let me see. Look, this is Jill's bike and this is the saddle. Let's lower the saddle a bit. Here you are, Jill. Here's your bike. Now Jill can ride the bike.

I've got a picnic for Jack and Jill. It's in the basket. Are you hungry, Jack?

Jack: Yes, I am.

Helen: All right. Here are some apples, a banana and some biscuits. Look, these are the biscuits. This is an apple. And here's a banana. Here you are.

Have a nice ride and watch out.

Jill: Have you got the picnic?

Jack: Yes, I have.

Jill: Are you ready?

Jack: No, I'm not.

Jill: Come on, Jack. Hurry up!

Jack: Let's go.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian:

1. Have you got a bike? 2. You haven't got a bike, have you? 3. What about going on a bike tour today? 4. Let me help you to get onto your bike. 5. My legs are too short. 6. The saddle is too high. Let's lower the saddle a bit. 7. I've got a picnic for you. 8. Here are some apples, a banana and some biscuits.
9. Have a nice ride and watch out. 10. Are you ready? 11. Hurry up! 12. Let's go.

Exercise 2. Transcribe the following words:

have, a tour, short, high, watch out, ready.


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