Упр.118. Составьте предложения.


1. Recently …

2. By the time the lesson is over …

3. Already …

4. When I came home …

5. By 4 p.m. next Sunday …

6. Never …

7. By the end of last month …

8. Lately …

9. Yet …


1. By 7 o’clock tomorrow

2. If you call me

3. Recently

4. In a week

5. I shall have read the book by the time …

6. When he came home …(2)

7. The other day

8. Before he called me

9. Every week

10. From 7 till 9 yesterday

Упр. 119. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your friend doing?

2. What does your friend do on Sundays?

3. What have you had for breakfast today?

4. How long have you been in the classroom?

5. Where did you have dinner yesterday?

6. What were you doing when the bell rang?

7. What TV programmes had you watched before you went to bed yesterday?

8. When will you get married?

9. What shall we be doing when the lesson is over?

10. What shall we do when the lesson is over?

11. How many exams will you have passed by the end of the school year?

12. What is there in your bag?

Упр. 120. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

1. She let us swim in the river. 2. The girls are playing volley-ball well. 3. He will have come by tomorrow. 4. She has told us about it. 5. There are many texts in the book. 6. She will be reading a book from 5 till 7 tomorrow. 7. We have English lessons every week. 8. I had translated all the textsby last Monday. 9. There will be a meeting tomorrow. 10. Mum brought some fruit. 11. It will take us 3 hours to get there. 12.It has snowed hard today.

Упр.121*. Раскройте скобки, употребляя соответствующие времена.


1. We (to go) to school every day. 2. Nick (to do) his homework by 7 o'clock yesterday. 3. You (to help) your father tomorrow? 4. We (to bring) a lot of berries from the wood. Now we shall make jam. 5. Look! Jane (to swim) across the river. 6. What you (to do) at 6 o'clock yesterday? 7. You ever (to see) the Pyramids? 8. I (to go) to the Crimea two years ago. 9. When Nick (to come) home yesterday his mother (to return) and (to cook) dinner in the kitchen. 10. When I (to go) to school yesterday I suddenly (to remember) that I (to forget) to take a text-book on History. 11. Yesterday Grandfather (to tell) us how he (to work) at the factory during the war.


1. I always (to come) to the Institute at 9. 2. Yesterday I (to come) to the

Institute at a quarter to 9. 3. Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to the cinema because he (to go) to the cinema yesterday. He already (to be) to the cinema twice this week. 4. What your brother (to do) now? 5. My friend (to like) bananas. He (to eat) bananas every day. When I (to meet) him in the street yesterday, he (to eat) a banana. He (to tell) me that he (to buy) the banana at the corner of the street. Look at my friend now! He (to eat) a banana again.


1. When you (to come) to see us? - I (to come) tomorrow if I (to have) time. 2. I (not to like) apples. 3. He (to come) home at 5 o'clock yesterday. 4. I (to ring) you up as soon as I (to come) home tomorrow. 5. I (to show) you my work if you (to like). 6. He (to come) by 6 o'clock yesterday. 7. Peter certainly (to help) you with your English if you (to ask) him. 8. The little boy never (to see) a crocodile. 9. Send me a telegram as soon as you (to arrive). 10. Let's go for a walk. The rain (to stop) and the sun (to shine). 11. If you (to help) me I (to do) this work well. 12. I always (to get up) at 7 o'clock but tomorrow I (to get up) a bit earlier. 13. What you (to read) now? - I (to read) Tom's book. I (to be) in a hurry. Tom soon (to come) and I (to want) to finish reading the book before he (to come). 14. As soon as you (to see) your friend tell him that I (to want) to see him.




Совершенно-продолженные времена выражают действие, начавшееся раньше определенного момента в прошлом, настоящем или будущем, и длившегося до этого момента, иногда и включая этот момент.

Группа Perfect Continuous имеет три времени: настоящее (Present Perfect Continuous), прошедшее (Past Perfect Continuous) и будущее (Future Perfect Continuous).

Все времена группы Perfect Continuous образуются при помощи перфектного вспомогательного глагола to have в соответствующем времени, 3-й формы вспомогательного глагола продолженного времени to be и смыслового глагола в 4-й форме (основа с окончанием -ing).


I have been studying English for five years.

Я изучаю английский язык 5 лет. (Я начал изучать английский язык 5 лет назад, изучал его все это время и в момент разговора все еще изучаю.)

He left for the station after he had been waiting for you for 20 minutes.

Он ушел на вокзал после того, как прождал тебя 20 минут.

I shall have been studying at the Institute for 2 years by the end of the school year.

Я буду учиться в институте на протяжении двух лет к концу этого года.


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