Упр. 49. Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

1. The report (make, be made) at the conference is of great importance. 2. He came to the laboratory (carry out, have carried out) the experiments. 3. He had to do many experiments (discuss, be discussed) with his colleagues. 4. He had to do many experiments (prove, be proved) his idea. 5. I hope (finish, be finished) the work in time. 6. I am glad (be met, have been met) at the station yesterday as I didn’t know the way to the hotel. 7. I tried (translate, have translated) the article without a dictionary but failed. 8. (promise, have promised) it was so stupid of him. 9. Our guests want (have been shown, be shown) the city. 10. He must (do, have done) it before our arrival. 11. Her task was (wash, have been washed) the dishes after lunch. 12. I called every morning (see, be seen) if there was any news. 13. We stopped (have, have had) a rest. 14. He wants (give, be given) some sandwiches as he is hungry.

Упр. 50. а) Вставьте инфинитив в форме non-perfect в действительном или страдательном залоге.

1. I hate (bother) you but the man is still waiting (give) the answer. 2. He hated (bother) when he had so many important questions to decide. 3. She takes every chance to show her talents as she likes (praise) and (admire). 4. The idea is so complex (express) in one sentence. It will take us a paragraph (put) it into words. 5. Is there anything else (tell) him? He should (know) the truth and (tell) all about the event. 6. The book must (publish) and (appear) on sale pretty soon. 7. He writes his novel because he wants (make) a name. All he wants is (read) and not (forget).

b) Вставьте соответствующую форму инфинитива в действительном залоге.

1. He is so lucky (travel) all over the world and (see) so much of it. 2. He must (know) all European languages. He communicates easily with all our foreign guests. 3. He must (learn) the languages while studying at the University. 4. The girl pretended (read) a book and not (notice) me. 5. It is so clever of you (buy) the tickets in advance. 6. She must (sleep) for three hours.

с) Вставьте соответствующую форму инфинитива.

1. It will upset him (tell) about the accident. 2. The only sound (hear) was the ticking of the clock in the room. 3. I am glad (give) this book. It is my dream (read) it. 4. I am glad (give) you this book. You learnt so many new facts from it. 5. We want (inform) you about it. 6. They are glad (invite) to our party. 7. It is so nice of you (meet) me at the station last night. 8. Hi, I am glad (see) you. 9. I am glad (see) you at our last party. 10. He hates (joke), he doesn’t have any sense of humour. 11. Children like (tell) fairy-tales. 12. We pretended (listen) to him with interest and not (notice) his mistakes. 13. We hoped (find) him at home and went there by taxi. 14. She can (see) in the gallery every night as she is fond of art.



Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, которая называет действие как признак предмета или другого действия.

Английское причастие соответствует русскому причастию или деепричастию.

В английском языке есть 2 причастия: причастие I (Participle I) и причастие II (Participle II).


Причастие I образуется прибавлением суффикса –ing к основе глагола.

Причастие I имеет 4 основные формы.

INDEFINITE asking being asked
PERFECT having asked having been asked

Из 4 форм причастия в основном употребляется простое причастие, реже – перфектное. Пассивное и перфектно-пассивное причастия употребляются крайне редко.

1. Простое причастие (Indefinite Participle) – обычно показывает, что обозначаемое им действие одновременно действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.

Eg.: Reading the text I wrote out new words.

Читая текст, я выписывал новые слова.

Простое причастие от глаголов to see, to hear, to come, to enter, to arrive и др. может обозначать действие, которое предшествовало действию глагола-сказуемого.

Eg.: Coming home he turned on TV.

Придя домой, он включил телевизор.

2. Перфектное причастие (Perfect Participle) – употребляется, чтобы выразить действие, которое предшествовало действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.

Eg.: Having talked to her I left the room.

Поговорив с ней, я вышел из комнаты.

3. Пассивное причастие (Passive Participle) обозначает действие, направленное на лицо или предмет, выраженное подлежащим.

Eg.: Being told about the accident he became pale.

Когда ему сказали о несчастном случае, он побледнел.

Функции причастия I.


Переводится причастием или причастным оборотом.

Eg: The girl wateringthe flowers is my niece.

Девочка, поливающая цветы, - моя племянница.

The newspaper is the leading organ of the party.

Газета – ведущий орган партии.


Переводится деепричастием или деепричастным оборотом.

Eg: He sat at the table thinking.

Он сидел за столом, размышляя.

Having done the work we went home.

Сделав работу, мы пошли домой.


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