Make up your own story using the following words and word combinations.

an experienced forest wanderer -опытный таежник

a complete camping outfit-полное походное снаряжение

fishing tackle- рыболовная снасть

hunting kit- oxoтничье снаряжение

A folding boat - складная лодка

a camp-fire- бивачный костер

furniture of the folding type -походная складная мебель

an emergency (reserve) supply- аварийный запас продуктов

to plan an excursion- планировать экскурсию

to map the route- наносить маршрут на карту

to map out one's time- распределять свое время

to camp out- ночевать на открытом воздухе

to camp- устроить место привала

to break up camp- свернуть лагерь (палатку)

to tent- жить в палатках

to get everything shipshape- приводить все в полный порядок

to take (lose) one's bearing in the forest- ориентироваться (заблудиться) в лесу

to distribute all the duties according to one's abilities -распределять особенности по способностям каждого

to cook and wash up the dishes alternatively -готовить пищу и мыть посуду поочередно

to build an open fire in the forest -разводить костер в лесу

to keep a spark in the fire- поддерживать огонь в костре

to inflate a rubber mattress with a pump -накачать резиновый матрац при помощи насоса

to rig up a table- строить стол наспех

Translate the following into English

1. Лагерь имеет прекрасный вид на море.

2. Где мы разобьем лагерь сегодня? — В лесу.

3. Мальчики решили провести отпуск в походе с палаткой этим летом.

4. Никогда не думала, что ему нравится путешествовать пешком. — Многие молодые люди в наши дни любят путешествовать пешком.

5. Это место переполнено туристами круглый год.

6. Наш переход через Гималаи оказался очень трудным.

7. Я прогуливался по холмам Йоркшира.

8. Мы разбили лагерь у подножия какой-то горы.

9. Они собираются разработать маршрут.

10. Какой тяжелый рюкзак! Ты действительно думаешь, что я его понесу?

11. Жалуется ли Лена на трудности? — Да. Турист из нее никакой. Надя, наоборот, терпеливо сносит невзгоды и даже мечтает заняться альпинизмом. 12. Домой он добирался пешком, так как плата за проезд была слишком высока. Он не мог себе позволить ехать на поезде.

13.Когда вы путешествуете на высоких скоростях, вы не успеваете увидеть что-либо интересное вокруг.

14. Я люблю путешествовать пешком. Это дает мне чувство свободы и, кроме того, это лучший способ узнать, что творится вокруг, не так ли?

15. Автостоп не для меня. Я предпочитаю более комфортные способы передвижения.

26.Write an essay on one of the following topics.

1) My impressions of a camping holiday.

2) A hiking holiday depends on enjoyment upon the weather.

3) I (dis)like hiking more than anything else.

Unit IV


Sochi is the largest world-famous climatic and balneological resort that boasts its medical muds and hydrogen sulphide springs and attracts visitors by a boundless azure of the sea, abundant sunshine and warmth, wonderful beaches and a fresh mountain air saturated the aroma of flowers. The city of Sochi became a resort thanks to the famous Matsestinskie mineral waters, which doctors use for treatment of various conditions. The majority of Russians travelling to Sochi aim to combine their holiday with a full range of balneological treatments in sanatoria and pensions. Medical services are offered in 250 different sanatoria organizations, and in addition each of them has a particular specification.

The city stretches for about 150 km along the coast of the Black Sea. It is a humid subtropical region of the Caucasus with a mild short winter (mean temperature in January is +6C) and a very warm summer (mean temperature in July is 25 to 28C above zero). A fine almost cloudless weather prevails for more than 200 days a year. The duration of sunshine-2300 hours a year- makes it possible to have sunbaths through the most of the year. The bathing season in the open sea begins in May and lasts till the end of October. The Black Sea is the warmest sea in Russia. It covers an area of 420 000 square kilometers, and could easily fit in two Great Britains. The coastline is 4790 kilometers in length, which is approximately the distance from Sochi to St Petersburg and back. The depth is genuinely oceanic, reaching a maximum of 2245 meters. This sea is considered to be one of the youngest on the planet. Scientists believe that it is not more than 10 000 years old. An important particularity of the Black Sea is the huge number of rivers emptying into it. They make the Black Sea water only as salty as ocean water. As specialists believe, the level of salt contained in the water of the Black Sea is the most favourable for bathing. That is why the Black Sea resorts are so popular. The living symbol of the Black Sea is the sea gull.

Nature has lavishly endowed Sochi with its riches. In the city’s environs you will see waterfalls and lakes with absolutely pure water, eternal snows and glaciers, towering mountain spurs, mysterious caves and grottoes, deep and narrow canyons, blooming Alpine meadows, centuries- old oaks and slender fir-trees.

In these parts you will be enchanted by the view of the mighty Caucasian Range, relic woods and groves, and monuments of history and culture.

Tourists come to Sochi for recreation and medical treatment, for hunting or taking part in congresses, symposia, festivals, Russian language seminars (in summer time). Some holiday- makers come here on cruise or motor tours. The city is also visited by specialized groups of tourists engaged in balneology and botany, horticulture, flower or vegetable-growing, in educational work at schools and kindergartens.

Sochi residents are proud of the cultural and historic traditions of their town. Many places of interest attract visitors from all over the world. The most famous sightseeings are the Sochi Museum of Art, the Winter Theatre, the Archangel Mikhail cathedral, the Dendrarium Park, the Riviera Park, Sochi National Park, and the Tower on the Bolshoy Akhun, Chaynye Domiki, Tea Plantations, Trout Farming, the Caucasian State Biosphere Reservation, Yew and Box Grove. One of the most mysterious wonders of the Black Sea coastline of the Caucasus are dolmens. Around a hundred of them have been preserved in the environs of Sochi. These stone giants are contemporaries of the Egyptian pyramids. They are found in the valleys of the rivers and on the slopes of mountains.

Sochi becomes more and more popular for rest and recreation in wintertime. At the foot of the Main Caucasian Range, 40 km from the Black Sea coast, the settlement of Krasnaya Polyana spreads. It is a centre for winter sport with modern hotels and necessary sport equipment. Krasnaya Polyana is considered to be one of the most beautiful places on the Black sea coastline of the Caucasus. The name of the village is now constantly in the pages of all the world’s press as Krasnaya Polyana will be the centre of the sporting competitions of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. The major construction of sports facilities to be situated in the Imeretinskaya Bay and in the environs of Krasnaya Polyana has begun. The Government of Russia has adopted a Federal Special Programme for Development of the Mountain Resort. Sochi will become a world class mountain resort with modern infrastructure, new roads and a developed network of hotels.

Modern Sochi is one of the most dynamically developing cities of the Russian Federation. The annual International Economic Forum held in Sochi in September has become an important event in the business life of Russia. One of the basic conditions of Sochi city development as federal value resort is an attraction of domestic and foreign investments for the modern resort industry formation, an engineering and social infrastructure creation, development of transport, communication, advertising activity, etc. The basic priority investment projects and Sochi’s development directions are defined according to the city economic and social development program and the concept of its investment development.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of resort is the City of Sochi?

2. What does Sochi attract visitors by?

3. How many kilometers does Sochi stretch?

4. What climate does Sochi have?

5. What area does the Black Sea cover?

6. How old is the Black Sea?

7. What is an important particularity of the Black Sea?

8. What is the living symbol of the Black Sea?

9. What can you see in the city’s environs?

10. Why do tourists come to Sochi?

11. What are Sochi residents proud of?

12. Name famous places of interest of Sochi. Describe one of them.

13. What are the most mysterious wonders of the Black Sea coastline of the Caucasus?

14. Why does Sochi become more popular in winter time?

2. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Sochi became a resort thanks to the Black Sea.

2. The Black Sea is the warmest in Russia.

3. The city stretches for about 200 km along the coast of the Black Sea.

4. An important particularity of the Black Sea is the huge number of rivers emptying into it.

5. The bathing season in the open sea begins in June and lasts till the end of September.

6. Sochi residents are proud of the cultural and historic traditions of their town.

7. Sochi becomes more and more popular for rest and recreation in summertime.

8. One of the most mysterious wonders of the Black Sea coastline of the Caucasus are dolmens.

9. Krasnaya Polyana is considered to be the most beautiful place on the Black sea coastline of the Caucasus

10. Modern Sochi is one of the most dynamically developing cities of the Russian Federation.

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