Decide if the sentences (1-6) below are true or false.

1. The Academy of Construction and Architecturedates back to February, 1944 when Rostov Civil Engineering Institute was opened. T\F

2. The University maintains cooperation with higher education and leading companies of fifty eight countries. T\F

3. The Academic body of the University is not interested in extension of scientific and technical cooperation with the leading higher educational institutions. T\F

4. The academic year starts on the first of November and terminates as a rule at the end of August. The academic year is divided into three semesters. T\F

5. The Academy trains civil engineers, architects and economists. T\F

6. Heading the South-Russian Association of Institutions of Higher Civil Engineering Education, the University, along with the educational activities, carries out research, certification, expertise in the field of construction. T\F

Make up at least 10 questions about the text above.

Work in pairs.

Develop the situation: S1 is a student of the Don State Technical University, S2 is a foreigner, who would like to enter this University. S1 asks as many questions about RSUCE as he/she can, S2 answers these questions.

Look at a diagram and then present the information about the educational system of Russia in your own words. You need to write at least 100 words.

Decide if the sentences (1-6) below are true or false. -


Translate the text into English.

История создания Ростовского строительного института

14 февраля 1943 года Ростов был окончательно освобожден от фашистской оккупации. В то время население города составляло не более 170000 человек. Фашисты разрушили практически все заводы и фабрики, образовательные, культурные и общественные учреждения.

В сентябре 1943 года строительные организации выступили с предложением организовать в Ростове-на-Дону Инженерно-строительный институт.16 декабря 1943 года был создан Ростовский инженерно-строительный институт (РИСИ).

7 февраля 1944 года начались первые занятия единственного тогда строительного факультета. К учебе приступило 269 студентов.

К сентябрю 1945 года в институте насчитывалось уже три факультета: строительный, строительно-технологический и промышленно-транспортный.

В 1944 году был произведен первый выпуск инженеров в области промышленного и гражданского строительства. Их оказалось немного – 4 человека. В следующем, 1945 году диплом получил всего один выпускник, в 1946 – 11, в 1947 – 20, в 1948 – 58, а в 1949 году уже 317 человек.

К началу 70-х годов РИСИ стал одним из крупнейших инженерно-строительных вузов страны с полным набором строительных специальностей. Учебный процесс осуществлялся по 12 специальностям. Строительный факультет: промышленно-гражданское строительство; сельско-хозяйственное строительство; экономика и организация строительства.

Строительно-технологический: производство строительных изделий и конструкций; экономика промышленности строительных материалов. Дорожный: автомобильные дороги; промышленный транспорт; инженерная геодезия.

Архитектурный: архитектура; городское строительство.

Санитарно-технический: теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция; водоснабжение и канализация.

Число студентов достигало на очном отделении 4500 человек, а на заочном – более 2500.


10. Read the following text and do the tasks after the text:

Students These Days

My son, Danny, is in his second year at university studying computing. He’s not enjoying it. He tells me it’s boring and too hard. He says he has to go to too many lectures, and he doesn’t really have enough time to do the essays and projects he has to write. He wants to drop out and apply to do American studies at a different university, but I say he shouldn’t. Last night we had a big argument about it while we were having dinner. “You don’t understand. It was different when you went to university!” he shouted and then he left the house.

Actually, I really do understand and he is right to say things were different when I went to university. Twenty five years ago, being a student in Britain was really easy. We didn’t have to pay anything to study at university. It was completely free. In fact, when I went to university the government actually GAVE me money. And I mean, gave. I got a grant of over two thousand pounds (which was a lot of money in those days) and I was free to spend it, and I never had to pay any of it back at all. Nowadays, lots of students (or their parents!) have to pay two or three thousand pounds for their course. They also have to pay for food, somewhere to live, books, bills and everything else. The government gives you a loan, which you then have to pay back after you graduate. Most people have to get a part-time job while they are studying.

I used to work in the summer holidays, but I didn’t have to get a job during term-time, so I could just concentrate on studying. I say concentrate on studying, but actually a lot of the time we just sat around and chatted to each other, watched French films, read books, went on demonstrations or went to parties. I only had to go to ten hours of lectures each week, so I had lots of time to write my essays and do everything else I wanted to do. And of course, almost all students lived away from home. We had a lot of freedom – we didn’t have to worry about coming home late or bringing friends home, because our parents weren’t there. It was fun and easy.

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