Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

The Internet

The Internet has changed 1) __________ (communicate) as we know it. From education to 2) _________ (advertise) this new 3) _________ (technology) advance has affected 4) _________ (practical) every aspect of our lives. Magazines, newspapers and even books are on-line and can be read on the computer. You can find 5) __________ (inform) on any topic – the 6) _________ (possible) are 7) _________ (end). The Internet can 8) __________ (instant) connect you to other computers, allowing you to chat with people all over the world. It’s actually very easy to learn how to use the system, and once you’re on-line, you’ll never want to turn the computer off. The 9) _________ (develop) of such technology has come a long way. These 10) __________ (amaze) electronic devices have changed many people’s lives forever.

Read the text below. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits the gap

On the box.

What do you need to become a __________________ (success) TV personality? The people who are usually chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have few______________ (qualify) for the job apart from having an _______________ (attract) appearance; in the case of women, this means being blonde and _____________ (beauty). A certain level of intelligence and education is ________________ (essence) but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very ______________ (talent) in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have a ____________________ (power) influence on viewers and it is _________________ (nature) for young viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the _________________ (late) fashion and always smiling. However, today’s youth deserve _______________ (good) role models than these.



Argumentative composition

The Internet is the new way to communicate. Some people think that it has more drawbacks than advantages.

What is your opinion on the Internet as a source of information?

Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan

§ make an introduction. (state the problem)

§ express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

§ express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

§ express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

§ make a conclusion restating your opinion


Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss


Sport is very important in our life. Today a growing number of people pay attention to fitness. Millions take up different kinds of sport in their spare time or even compete professionally. However, some realize that sport is useful but prefer watching numerous competitions, matches and games on TV.

Today I’d like to say a few words about extreme types of sport which have become very popular for the last ten years. A lot of people go white water rafting or snowboarding, diving, sky surfing or extreme mountain biking to feel speed, excitement and danger. Take bungee jumping for example. You jump off a bridge, you fall and fall, and then just before you hit the ground or water an elastic rope pulls you back. Most extreme sports appear just as crazy. In sky surfing you jump out of an airplane and use a board to surf the air doing gymnastics in mid-air.

By the way, extreme sports on land can be just as dangerous. Snowboarding is one of themost popular extreme sports with young people nowadays. They look forward to the first snow to cover the slopes, take a board and go to one of our winter resorts around St. Petersburg or abroad. Probably the most dangerous of all new winter sports is snowrafting. You sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at a great speed – and you can’t control the boat!

What makes people regularly risk their lives for an adrenaline buzz? Many of them get bored with studies, e-mails, deadlines, work challenges and try to find a perfect escape by bringing new thrilling experience and pleasant emotions into their lives. For others risky sport is a great opportunity to make friends who share the same passion.

To tell the truth, it would be fantastic to experience something extraordinary, at least once in a life time.

As for me I’m a (snow) fan and I’m into…. very much.

I’m pretty adventurous so I like doing…. or I’d like to try

I’m pretty adventurous but I’d rather watch extreme sports on TV than try doing one of them, although my friends go downhill skiing or snowboarding.

As for me I’m afraid of height and speed so I prefer playing tennis.

Study the vocabulary

To reduce/increase the risk of something


To be worth the risk/ to take a risk

A real risk of serious injury

Team spirit

The benefits outweigh the risk

Life - threatening activities

To get adrenaline going…

Mountain biking, mountain climbing, mountaineering, hang gliding, kiting


Give a 2-2.5 minute talk onthe topic “Risky sports”.

Rememberto say:

  • What risky sports are popular
  • What makes people risk their lives
  • If you prefer watching or taking up risky sports; why/ why not

Answer the question: Why are so many parents against the idea of their children playing risky sports and what is the solution to this problem?


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