Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below

ü Say Please and Thank you

ü Raise your hand

ü Share with others

ü Be polite

ü Follow rules

ü Take turns

Ex. 2 The instructions can be positive and negative. Read the following statements, divide them into two columns ‘DO’ and ‘DON’T’.

Read the text quickly. ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Don’t use the dictionary. ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Come to class on time

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Tease other students

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Help your partner

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Shout

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Copy your partner’s work

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Remember to bring your materials

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Speak English in class

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Leave the classroom without asking

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Ask if you want to borrow something

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Keep your books neat and tidy

Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru Talk when somebody else is talking

Ex. 3 Complete the instructions with the key words. Make the sentences negative.

Answer, complete, list, match, read, use, work, write

1. … in pairs. Ask and … questions.

2. … five sentences about your house.

3. … the table with these words.

4. … the text and check your guesses.

  1. … your favorite films.
  2. … the words with the pictures.
  3. … the dictionary.


Ex. 4 Match the picture with the action

A. Stand up B. Sit down/ Take your seat C. Erase your name D. Go to the board E.Write your name Ex.1 There are some of the common school rules. Read them and choose among the following instructions those mentioned in the poems given below - student2.ru
A. Open your book B. Study page eight C. Put away your book D. Read page eight E.Close your book
A. Listen to the question B. Give the answer C. Help each other D. Raise your hand E.Work in groups
A. Do your homework B. Correct your mistakes C. Go over the answers D. Hand in your homework E.Bring in your homework
A. Answer the questions B. Take out a piece of paper C. Pass out the tests D. Collect the tests E.Check your answers
A. Lower the shades B. Watch the movie C. Turn on the projector D. Turn off the lights E.Take notes

Ex. 5 Put the instructions into the right order.

Now read the text quickly. Answer the questions
Write five sentences in your notebooks
Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your family. Don’t look at your books.
For homework, do Exercise 2 and 4 in the Language Powerbook. Don’t do Exercise 3
Do Exercise 1. Don’t use the dictionary.
Open your books on page 24

Ex. 6 Complete the instructions with these words

Don’t write, answer, work (2), do (2), speak, use, take out, don’t work, write, open, don’t read, ask

“(1) … your vocabulary books. Now, (2) … your course book on page 76. (3) … Exercise 1. (4) … individually – (5) … in pairs for this exercise. (6) … the dictionary and (7) … new words in your vocabulary books. (8) … the words in pencil – use a pen.’

‘Now (9) … Exercise 2. (10) … in pairs. (11) … in English! (12) … and (13) … questions about your family. (14) … the sentences form your notebook.’

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English Transcription Russian Kazakh
English Transcription Russian Kazakh
English Transcription Russian Kazakh

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