She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to

Know him inside and out. Julia wondered if she could be such a fool as to be in

Love with him.

But Michael rose from his chair.

"Now, darling, I'm ready for you."

Margery gave him his black Homburg hat and opened the door for Julia and

Michael to go out. As they entered the office the young man Julia had noticed

Turned round and stood up.

"I should like to introduce you to Miss Lambert," said Michael. Then with the

She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to -

Air of an ambassador presenting an attachй to the sovereign of the court to

which he is accredited: "This is the gentleman who is good enough to put

some order into the mess we make of our accounts."

The young man went scarlet (молодой человек зарделся; scarlet — ярко-

красный, алый, багряный, to blush /to flush, to turn, to go/ scarlet — вспыхнуть,

залиться румянцем). He smiled stiffly (он натянуто улыбнулся) in answer to

Julia's warm, ready smile (в ответ на теплую, естественную: «быструю,

готовую» улыбку) and she felt the palm of his hand wet with sweat (и она

почувствовала, что ладонь его руки мокрая от пота; wet — влажный, сырой,

sweat — пот, испарина, потение) when she cordially grasped it (когда она

сердечно пожала: «крепко схватила» ее; cordially — радушно, пылко). His

confusion was touching (его смущение трогало: «было трогательным»;

confusion — смущение, замешательство, путаница). That was how people had

felt (так, должно быть, чувствовали люди; to feel — трогать, чувствовать,

ощущать) when they were presented to Sarah Siddons (когда их представляли

Саре Сиддонс; Сара Сиддонс (1755-1831), самая известная английская

актриса XVIII века, особенно почиталась за свои роли в постановках

Шекспира). She thought (она подумала) that she had not been very gracious to

Michael (что была не слишком снисходительна к Майклу; gracious —

милостивый, милосердный, любезный) when he had proposed (когда он

предложил; to propose — предлагать, вносить предложение) asking the boy to

luncheon (позвать этого юношу: «мальчика» к ланчу). She looked straight into

his eyes (она посмотрела прямо ему в глаза: «в его глаза»). Her own were large

(ее собственные /глаза/ были большими), of a very dark brown (/очень/ темно

карие), and starry (и лучистые; starry — звездный, яркий, star — звезда). It was

no effort to her (для нее не представляло никаких усилий: «это не было

усилием для нее»), it was as instinctive as (это было настолько же

естественным: «инстинктивным» как) brushing away a fly (отмахнуться от

мухи; fly — муха) that was buzzing round her (что жужжала вокруг нее; to buzz

She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to - She had been with Michael for five years. In that time she must have got to -

— жужжать, гудеть), to suggest now a faintly amused, friendly tenderness

(предложить теперь слегка приятно удивленную, дружескую нежность).

cordially ['kO:dIqlI] gracious ['greISqs] luncheon ['lAntS(q)n] straight [streIt]

The young man went scarlet. He smiled stiffly in answer to Julia's warm,

Ready smile and she felt the palm of his hand wet with sweat when she

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