I. Определите функцию инфинитива и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The engineer’s task is to design a new high-speed device.

2. To translate a sentence is to discover its meaning.

3. They promised to supply us with the necessary equipment.

4. The metal to be used in our experiments is hard.

5. To reinforce the metal engineers use new methods.

6. The purpose of this article is to describe certain properties of metals.

7. To finish this experiment on time you must start it on Monday.

8. The aim of the experiment is to find new methods of treatment.

II. Выберите правильный вариант перевода для подчеркнутого слова.

1. You must work hard to pass the exam.
    a) для того, чтобы сдать b) сдавая с) сдаваемый  
2. The problem to be solved will be discussed at the meeting.
    а) для того, чтобы решить b) решаемый с) которую необходимо решить  
3. They sent a letter to inform the news.
    а) сообщая b) для того, чтобы сообщить с) сообщили  
4. This method is not good enough to be used in this field.
    а) используемый b) использовали с) для того, чтобы использовать  
5. To determine the right size of the machine is a difficult thing.
    а) определенный b) для того, чтобы определить с) определение  
6. To determine the right size of the workspace you should consult the specialist.
    a) определенный b) для того, чтобы определить с) определение  

7. He began to solve this problem.
    a) решаемый b) решая с) решать  
8. Some changes to be introduced into the TV set will improve its control.
    a) вводятся b) которые должны вводиться c) чтобы вводились  

III. Составьте шесть предложений с объектным инфинитивным оборотом, подбирая слова из каждой колонки по смыслу. Переведите получившиеся предложения.


We expect you to be a clever person. – Мы ожидали, что ты будешь умным человеком.

I want the parents stay in bed.
We expect you buy a new car.
The doctor made him to understand me.
Everybody thought her to be a clever person.
I like to hear me to have studied French at school.
We saw the man sing.

IV. Перепишите предложения, используя субъектный инфинитивный оборот.


0. It is known that one inch is equal to 2,5 centimeters. – One inch is known to be equal to 2,5 centimeters.

00. It seems that they are happy. – They seem to be happy.

1. It is known that Newton had formulated the laws of motion.

2. It is believed that the discovery greatly influenced the development of science.

3. It seems that the weather is changing.

4. It happened that I was ill that time.

5. It is likely that he will leave for Moscow tomorrow.

6. It is unlikely that they have met him.

7. It was known that he had arrived five days before the event.

8. It was supposed that pedestrian followed the traffic signs.

V. Переведите предложения c инфинитивными оборотами на русский язык.

1. They believed him to be an outstanding scientist.

2. I assume this method to be interesting.

3. She didn’t expect me to estimate the significance of this work.

4. This river is known to divide the city into two parts.

5. They proved to be experienced workers in that branch of science.

6. We wish our goods to meet the requirements of consumers.

7. The conference in the next month is reported to be attended by many foreign guests.

8. He seemed to notice all the changes.

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1For many women, life today is different from life in the time of their grandmothers. The changes have come very slowly but in many countries women now take a more active part in society.
2During World War I and the World War II many men went away to fight. This meant that more and more women had to work outside the home. For many women, this was the first time that they were independent and they had their own money. They were not wealthy but many women were not so poor as they used to be. At the end of the war they did not want to go back to the kind of life they used to have.
3In many countries, many women also started to fight for the right to vote in elections and to make political decisions. Their votes were important and male politicians had to start thinking about what women ask for.
4Other important changes affected the women’s lives. More girls started to go to schools. In the past, people used to send only their sons to schools. Many people used to think that education was too expensive to «waste» on girls. In time, governments started to provide education for girls and women were then able to get better jobs.
5Life for many women has changed but in some places it is still the same as it used to be 100 years ago. More than half the world’s population is female but women own less than 10% of the world’s land. On average, women earn 65 % of the salary of men. There are no women in the list of the world’s 100 richest people. More than three times more women than men cannot read or write. In schools girls usually do better than boys but boys generally get better jobs when they leave schools. In some countries, only 10% of the labour force is female.

1) Определите, какой заголовок (A-E) передает основное содержание соответствующего абзаца (1-5).

A) Работа на производстве

B) Современное положение дел

C) Женское образование

D) Женщины и политика

E) Жизнь меняется

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