Silly to get upset about small things.

1. there is 2. it is

3. it 4. they

5. A car ... to me for the week.

1. has lent 2. lent

3. has been lent 4. is to lend

6. He said he ... me the next day.

1. will see 2. is seeing

3. would have seen 4. would see

7. The cake ... wonderful.

1. tastes 2. is tasting

3. was tasted 4. taste

8. Everybody except … can come.

1. he 2. himself

3. his 4. him

9. If I ... enough time tomorrow, I’ll help you with the housework.

1. will have 2. have

3. had 4. would have

10. We had to go to school on Saturdays, ... we ?

1. hadn’t 2. didn’t

3. had 4. did

11. It was a firm I … never ... of.

1. had … heard 2. have … heard

3. was … heard 4. was … hearing

12. He never thinks of ... .

1. other 2. the other

3. others 4. the others

13. She was the ... of all the staff.

1. quickest 2. quick

3. quicker 4. most quick

14. I wouldn’t do this if I … to .

1. won’t have 2. didn’t have

3. hadn’t had 4. wouldn’t have

15. They wondered if I ... German.

1. will learn 2. have been learning

3. would have learnt 4. was learning

16. He stayed in all evening waiting, but ... came.

1. none 2. no one

3. anyone 4. any

17. It ... steadily since last Saturday.

1. rained 2. is raining

3. has been raining 4. rains

18. I’m sorry you had ... bad trip.

1. such 2. so

3. a such 4. such a

19. You really ... to give up smoking.

1. should 2. must

3. ought 4. might

20. How’s that brother of ... ?

1. them 2.her

3. you 4.his

21. She is ... pretty ... clever.

1. either … and 2. neither … or

3. both … and 4. either … nor

Time is needed to learn a foreign language.

1. plenty 2. many

3. a lot of 4. much of

23. That’s the third cake you ... this morning.

1. have eaten 2. ate

3. had eaten 4. were eaten

24. You ... get in without a ticket – not a chance.

1. aren’t allowed 2. oughtn’t

3. can’t 4. won’t be able

25. The visitors ... a collection of old manuscripts.

1. shown 2. was being shown

3. had been shown 4. were shown

Выберите грамматическую конструкцию, соответствующую каждому предложению.

26. I would like ... on a cruise.

1. going 2. go 3. to go 4. gone

27. I watched the match because I knew some of the people ... .

1. playing 2. played 3. play 4. to be played

28. Don’t let me ... you working.

1. to stop 2. stopping 3. stopped 4. stop

29. She’s angry about not …

1. to invite 2. having been invited 3. invited 4.inviting

30. … for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.

1. to sleep 2. sleeping 3.having slept 4.sleep

31. I didn’t think it worth ... about the meal.

1. complain 2. to complain 3.complained 4.complaining

Составьте вопросительные предложения из данных слов. Запишите цифры, которыми обозначены слова, в правильной последовательности. 33. 1.he

2.clock 2.evening 3.his

4.where 4.have

5.repaired 5.this


7.have 7.will

8.are 8.finished

9.your 9.job

34.1. house 35.1. far

2. seen 2. to

3. out 3. is

4. the 4. nearest

5. come 5. station

6. he 6. how

7. to 7. the

8. was 8. underground

9. of 9. it

Выберите русское предложение, наиболее точно соответствующее по смыслу английскому предложению.

He appears to be looking for his friend.

1. Казалось, он искал своего друга.

2. Он пришел, чтобы поискать своего друга.

3. Кажется, он ищет своего друга.

I would like your report to be discussed with our staff.

1. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты обсудил свой доклад с нашими сотрудниками.

2. Я бы хотел, чтобы твой доклад обсудили с нашими сотрудниками.

3. Я бы хотел обсудить твой доклад с нашими сотрудниками.

They are said to have made a new proposal.

1. Говорят, они должны сделать новое предложение.

2. Они сказали, что сделают новое предложение.

3. Говорят, они сделали новое предложение.

We expected him to arrive before dark.

1. Мы ожидали, что он приедет до наступления темноты.

2. Как мы и ожидали, он приехал до наступления темноты.

3. Мы ждали его, пока не стемнело.

Выберите предлоги, соответствующие данным предложениям.

40. I must congratulate you … your exam results. 1. –

41. When I entered ... the room everybody stopped talking. 2. at

42. He doesn’t want to take part ... any more conferences. 3. on

43. I’m really angry ... you. 4. for

44. We met her ... a concert. 5. with

45. I’ve had this job ... a month. 6. in

7. by

Выберите слово, наиболее близкое по значению к данному.


1 disposal 2.distinction 3.displacement 4.display

To obtain grant observe acquire give


1.initially 2.originally 3.carefully 4.thoughtlessly


1.phrase 2 place 3.phenomenon 4.period

To consider believe prove convince confirm

Выберите правильный вариант подчеркнутой формы глагола.

Сегодня вечером я встречаюсь (51) со своим бывшим одноклассником. Мы не виделись (52) семь лет. На днях он позвонил (53) мне и предложил встретиться. Я сказал, что занят (54), так как сейчас веду (55) переговоры, которые будут завершены (56) к пятнице.

51. 1. meet 52. 1. didn’t see

2. am meeting 2. hadn’t seen

3. will meet 3. weren’t seen

4. have been meeting 4. haven’t seen

53.1. has called 54. 1. am busy

2. had called 2. have been busy

3. called 3. had been busy

4. was calling 4. was busy

55. 1. was having 56. 1. would be over

2. have 2. would have been over

3. am having 3. will be over

4. had been having 4. are over

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