Выберите английские эквиваленты, соответствующие данным русским словам.

1.1. однако 1. just

2. sometimes

2. вот почему 3. often

4. till

3. когда-либо 5. that's why

6. ago

4. только-что 7. ever

8. because

5. часто 9. however

10. seldom

2.1. без 1. among

2. in spite of

2. согласно 3. with

4. hardly

3. если не 5. until

6. according to

4. едва 7. along

8. without

5. среди 9. hard

10. unless

3.1. в конечном счете 1. hence

2. than

2. вдруг 3. suddenly

4. soon

3. тем временем 5. meanwhile

6. then

4. потом 7. since

8. in the end

5. следовательно 9. next

10. last

4.1. достаточно 1. again

2. even

2. также 3. besides

4. too

3. как правило 5. as a rule

6. between

4. между 7. yet

8. therefore

5. снова 9. enough

10. as soon as

5. 1. иногда 1. at least

2. behind

2. в то время как, пока 3. except

4. sometimes

3. кроме 5. yet

6. some time

4. позади 7. between

8. at last

5. наконец 9. while

10. till

Test 2

Выберите слово, наиболее близкое по значению к данному.


1. application 2. cooperation 3. significance 4. description

In fact

1. finally 2. contrary 3.at last 4. actually


1.rapid 2. permanent 3. slow 4.frequent

To predict

1. to recall 2. to forget 3. to forecast 4. to remind


1. broad 2. long 3. short 4. bright

To construct

1. to depend 2. to build 3. to ruin 4. to conceal


1. dependence 2. defense 3. conclusion 4. connection

To include

1. to save 2. to fulfill 3. to contain 4. to measure


1. seldom 2. often 3. suddenly 4. generally

To try

1. to cheat 2. to forgive 3. to attempt 4. to keep


1. increase 2. failure 3. guide 4. decline

To discover

1. to arrive 2. to find 3. to lift 4. to depart


1. constant 2. pleasant 3. horrible 4. full


1. later 2. earlier 3. after 4. since

To count

1. to cover 2. to detect 3. to calculate 4. to catch


1. clever 2. stupid 3. boring 4. strange

To link

1. to damage 2. to discover 3. to connect 4. to react


1. definite 2. complicated 3. complete 4. effective


1. mix 2. entry 3. foundation 4. component


1. idea 2. dispute 3. meaning 4. brain


1. quiet 2. engaged 3. boring 4. easy

To break

1. to destroy 2. to keep 3.to brush 4. to repair


1. useless 2. able 3. lazy 4. quick

To check

1. to blame 2. to move 3. to inspect 4. to request


1. creative 2. cruel 3. crucial 4. cozy


1. competent 2. easy 3. difficult 4. convenient

To permit

1. to allow 2.to comfort 3.to prohibit 4.to promise


1. priority 2. difference 3. likeness 4. significance


1. creation 2. feature 3. reason 4. decision

To protect

1. to fight 2. to defend 3. to attack 4. to provide

Test 3

Выберите номера антонимов (слов с противоположным значением), соответствующих следующим прилагательным.

1. 1. early 1. rare

2. frequent 2. ugly

3. rude 3. late

4. wide 4. narrow

5. attractive 5. polite

2. 1. false 1. empty

2. cheap 2. wonderful

3. awful 3. true

4. full 4. expensive

5. strange 5. usual

3. 1. strong 1. easy

2. difficult 2. happy

3. slow 3. long

4. short 4. weak

5. sad 5. fast

4.1. boring 1. dishonest

2. low 2. heavy

3. fair 3. high

4. quiet 4. interesting

5. light 5. loud

5. 1. lazy 1. clean

2. thick 2. curious

3. dirty 3. industrious

4. indifferent 4. correct

5. wrong 5. thin

Test 4

Выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий каждому предложению.

1.Reading English books in the original is very ….

1.useless 2.thoughtful 3.helpless 4.helpful

2. All students should … grammar together with vocabulary if they want to be successful.

1.bring 2.practise 3.teach 4.translate

3. It is the least interesting book I have ever read. It is so …!

1.boring 2.fascinating 3.exciting 4.enjoyable

4. …. it was raining, they decided to walk to the station.

1.Besides 2.Although 3.However 4.Because

5. Turn off that terrible music! It … too loud.

1.listens 2.hears 3.sounds 4.tastes

6. My friend … that he should help me with English.

1.insisted 2.refused 3.failed 4.succeeded

7. Don’t …me when I am talking.

1.complain 2.attract 3. interfere 4. interrupt

8. I can’t make up my … what to do next.

1.mind 2.idea 3.thought 4.opinion

9.They are learning English but they haven’t … much progress.

1.done 2.got 3.made 4.performed

10. I wasn’t … enough to get a seat.

1.hurry 2.fortune 3.lucky 4.fond

11. She was … her homework when I came.

1.learning 2.making 3.working 4.doing

12. He can’t … a new car.

1.afford 2.perform 3.survive 4.attempt

13. This box … everything you need.

1. applies 2.concludes 3.consists 4.contains

14. Today individuals, companies, and institutions use the Internet in many … .

1.habits 2.ways 3.customs 4.types

15. The state … in attracting new industries.

1.interested 2.appointed 3.succeeded 4.promoted

16. Electronic games are … of color, sound and visual effects.

1.filled 2.full 3.filed 4.fulfilled

17. Though this question has been raised several times, it is still under….

1.consideration 2.correction 3.condition 4. cooperation

18. Tourism has become an important … of income.

1.thought 2.source 3.deal 4.effort

19. It is difficult to cross this … street.

1.living 2.heavy 3.busy 4.disturbing

20. The chairman … our attention to the next issue.

1.took 2.drew 3.showed 4.gave

21. I don’t … of his staying at their place.

1.consider 2.approve 3.believe 4.like

22. Lunch is the biggest … of the day and lasts two or three hours.

1.course 2.dish 3.food 4.meal

23. Washinton D.C. was … solely as a seat of government.

1.found 2.founded 3.fond 4.flown

24. I’m … English and French classes.

1.following 2.attending 3.educating 4.going

25. Will you … my telephone number if you don’t write it down?

1.resemble 2.remind 3.remember 4.restore

26. I’ve just finished … my shopping.

1.doing 2.going 3.making 4.buying

27. To … the truth, I don’t think she meant any harm.

1.speak 2.say 3.tell 4.talk

28. Can you … your ideas in simple words?

1.express 2.impress 3.possess 4.access

29. Did you … the contract I gave you yesterday?

1.seem 2.sing 3.sign 4.sigh

30. I’m … my final exam next Monday.

1.passing 2.taking 3.making 4.failing

Test 5

Выберите номера суффиксов, при помощи которых можно образовать существительные от следующих глаголов.

1. 1. invite 1. -ion

2. resist 2. -ure

3. pay 3. -ation

4. protect 4. -ment

5. please 5. -ance

6. develop

7. educate

2. 1. connect 1. -ance

2. press 2. -ation

3. agree 3. -ment

4. appear 4. -ure

5. discuss 5. -ion

6. admire

7. arrange

3. 1. fulfil 1. -ence

2. pass 2. -age

3. combine 3. -ment

4. depend 4. -ation

5. depart 5. -ure

6. improve

7. correspond

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