English as a world language and an International aviation language
по чтению текстов авиационной тематики (для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов по специальностям ЛЭ, Вн, овд, ано)
Часть I
Беляева С.А.
Паскевич Н.С.
Попова Г.В.
Данный практикум предназначен для студентов, приступающих к изучению профессионально-ориентированного авиационного языка. Все тексты и упражнения к ним направлены на развитие навыков чтения и понимания специальной литературы и документов ИКАО.
Практикум состоит из 2х частей.
Часть I включает тексты по общеавиационной тематике, лексические и грамматические упражнения к ним.
Часть II включает дополнительные тексты для чтения.
English as a world language and an International aviation language.. 3
Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) 15
Weather.. 18
airport.. 23
Safety.. 30
Air traffic Control.. 33
Human factors in aviation.. 37
Weather is composed of a number of elements such as the temperature and humidity of the air, atmospheric pressure, the speed and direction of the wind, air visibility and of special phenomena such as fog, storms and others.
Pilots need the information about weather conditions along the route of flight and at the destination aerodrome. The object of the meteorological service is to contribute to safety, efficiency and regularity of air traffic.
There exist some sources of aviation weather information: surface observation, radar observation, automatic meteorological observation, pilot reports and others.
At every airport there is a meteorological station which is equipped with special instruments recording all changes in the atmosphere. They indicate air pressure and temperature, record wind speed and direction as well as the movements of clouds. All the observations are summed up on special weather charts. The observations at the airports are made every 30 minutes and every 15 minutes if the weather suddenly gets worse or better.
Preparing for the flight the pilot is to get the latest weather information and weather forecasts along the planned route and at the point of destination and the alternates.
At agreat number of met. stations situated along the airways complete weather observations are made and then transmitted to weather forecast centres by telephone, telegraph, radio and thousands of miles of teletype circuits. Thus, the pilot has a complete picture of the weather.
20-30 minutes before entering the aerodrome area the controller gives the pilot full information about the terminal weather. At many airports the information helpful for landing and take off is continuously broadcast on a navigational aid frequency. Prior to descent the pilot requests the actual weather and aerodrome conditions for the airport he is going to land.
It is considered that landing of an aircraft is probably the most difficult operation which a pilot has to perform and the standards of visibility required are higher than for any other phase of flight.
It is known that fog, rain and clouds often affect the aircraft operation. For many decades attempts were made to make flying independent of weather conditions or, in other words, to allow an aircraft to land under very low or zero visibility.
Now there exist several categories set up by ICAO:
Category I - 200 ft ceiling and 1/2 mile visibility;
Category II- 100 ft ceiling and I/4 mile visibility;
Category III - landing under zero-zero conditions.
Met. services for aviation require much work to collect data and prepare weather charts. This work is especially difficult for long-distance flights over vast areas with different climatic conditions.
Nowaday met. services for aviation are almost fully automated. Automated Surface Weather Systems are installed at the airports of many countries. The System provides for the measurements, processing and display of the following meteorological parameters: wind direction and speed, air temperature and dew point t°, runway visual range, minimum cloud height, barometric pressure.
The use of lazers makes it possible to give pilots all the necessary information when they land under low visibility conditions. The introduction of these systems has greatly increased the reliability and safety of flights.
Satellite meteorology has become an independent area of science. Weather forecasts based on information from outer space make forecasts more accurate and help to save a great sum of money annually.
At present the work of meteorologist becomes easier thanks to computers which make calculations quicker and due to them the weather forecast service is becoming more reliable. The use of satellites and computers greatly increases the accuracy of weather forecasts.
I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What elements are included in weather report?
2. What is the object of meteorological service?
3. How often is weather observation made at the airport?
4. What do the instruments at the meteorological stations indicate?
5. What weather information does the pilot get before the flight?
6. Do the pilots obtain weather information while in flight?
7. When does the controller give the pilot full information about the terminal weather?
8. What phase of flight does especially depend on weather conditions?
9. What weather phenomena affect the aircraft operation?
10. What categories are set up by ICAO?
11. What does Automated Surface Weather System provide?
12. When do lazers help the pilots?
13. What is the advantage of satellite meteorology?
14. What other instruments make weather forecast service more reliable?
II. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на словообразующие элементы:
direct – direction
visual – visually – visibility
observe – observation – observer
equip – equipment
transmit – transmission – transmitter
regular – regularity
depend – dependence – dependent – independent
provide – provision
accurate – accurately – accuracy – inaccurate
rely – reliable – reliability – unreliable
III. Найдите в тексте эквивалент следующим словосочетаниям:
сводки погоды, погодные условия, давление воздуха, скорость ветра, направление ветра, нижняя граница облачности, прогноз погоды, центр прогнозирования погоды, прогностические карты, станция обеспечения полета, погода аэродрома посадки
IV. Переведите на английский язык:
Погода состоит из таких элементов как температура и влажность воздуха, атмосферное давление, скорость и направление ветра, видимость. Weather is composed of a number of elements such as the temperature and humidity of the air, atmospheric pressure, the speed and direction of the wind, air visibility
2. Дождь, гроза, туман, шторм и другие явления опасны для полета. The rain, a thunder-storm, fog, a storm and other phenomena are dangerous to flight
3. Перед полетом пилот идет в метеобюро, чтобы получить сводку погоды и прогноз не только по своему маршруту, но и в пункте назначения. Preparing for the flight the pilot is to get the latest weather information and weather forecasts along the planned route and at the point of destination and the alternates
4. В каждом аэропорту есть метеостанция со специальными приборами, регистрирующими все изменения в атмосфере. At every airport there is a meteorological station which is equipped with special instruments recording all changes in the atmosphere.
5. Имея все данные о погоде, синоптики составляют погодную карту. Having all data on weather, weather forecasters make the weather map.
6. Во многих аэропортах информация о погоде непрерывно транслируется на определенной частоте. At many airports the information helpful for landing and take off is continuously broadcast on a navigational aid frequency
7. Посадка самолета – самая трудная операция. landing of an aircraft is probably the most difficult operation
8. Стандарты видимости для посадки выше, чем для любой другой фазы полета. Standards of visibility for landing are higher, than for any other phase of flight
9. Сейчас большинство метеостанций почти полностью автоматизированы. Nowaday met. services for aviation are almost fully automated
Автоматическая система погоды показывает скорость и направление ветра, температуру воздуха, точку росы, дальность видимости на полосе, высоту облачности. The System provides for the measurements, processing and display of the following meteorological parameters: wind direction and speed, air temperature and dew point t°, runway visual range, minimum cloud height, barometric pressure.
11. Прогноз погоды, полученный со спутников, делает его точнее. Weather forecasts based on information from outer space make forecasts more accurate
12. Использование спутников и компьютеров повышает точность прогноза погоды. The use of satellites and computers greatly increases the accuracy of weather forecasts.
There are airports in every country.
In theory, an aircraft can fly an infinite number of paths through the air from any surface point to any other. In practice, paths of flight lead from airport to airport. Aircraft not only need proper landing and take off facilities. Moreover, those who use aircraft need services and accommodations which the airport must provide.
In the early days of aviation when aeroplanes were small a cow pasture could be used as a "flying field". But with the continuous increase of air traffic and the introduction of high-capacity aircraft it became necessary to expand airport facilities, to build new terminal buildings and to construct new airports.
In the interest of aviation safety and air traffic assistance and control air traffic rules were established. The rules relate chiefly to weather minima, flight altitudes and traffic patterns which are to be used under different circumstances. Much can be learned about the nature of a specific airport from aeronautical charts which pilots use. For example, the chart reveals the type and size of an airport, the radio facilities it uses and its altitude and location.
The modern airport is a complex structure, a centre of most diversified services. Millions of passengers and thousands of tons of airfreight are handled by modern airports. Thousands of people are working at airports.
In practical any airport can be divided into two main parts: the landing area (runways and taxiways) and the terminal area (aprons, buildings, car parking areas, hangars, etc.). There is also a third part - terminal air traffic control. The landing area includes runways and taxiways. The number of runways, their length and location depend on the volume and character of traffic, the prevailing wind direction and other factors.
The runways and taxiways should be arranged so that to prevent delays on landing, taxying and take off operations.
Aprons are required for aircraft to make final checks prior to departure.
The main function of the terminal buildings is to handle the departing and arriving passengers and their baggage.
Among the airport services are: flight assistance service, air traffic control services - airport traffic control, approach control, air route traffic control, radio communications and weather observation and forecasting service.
At every airport there is a number of supplementary services such as rescue and security services, an airport clinic, a fire brigade, special vehicles and equipment units (water trucks, tow tractors, etc.).
Other services include maintenance, overhaul and repair of stationary and mobile equipment, the supply of electricity, water, heat and air conditioning.
The facilities include runways, air navigational aids, passenger and cargo terminals. The airport has a hotel, a post office, bank offices, restaurants, car rental firms, etc. In the terminal there is everything for quick passenger handling: check-in desks, electronic flight information board of departure and arrival times, the baggage claim carousel and many others.
Nowadays there exists one more pressing problem - that of air piracy. The number of acts of unlawful interference resulted in deaths and injures of some hundreds of persons. So the ICAO Council has adopted Amendment 8 to Annex 17 (Security). The Amendment covers security screening and inspecting passengers, checked baggage, security control over cargo, courier and express parcels and mail. Every airport has new specific detection systems capable to screen airline passengers and their baggage within less than 8 seconds.
I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Why was it necessary to build new terminal buildings and construct new airports?
2. Why were air traffic rules established?
3. What do these rules relate to?
4. What does the aeronautical chart reveal?
5. What are the main two parts of the airport?
6. What is the third part of the airport?
7. What factors influence the number of runways, their length and location?
8. What does the aircraft crew do on the apron?
9. What is the main function of the terminal building?
10. What airport services do you know ?
11. What supplementary services are there at the airport?
12. What does the electronic information board indicate?
13. What equipment is used at the airport for preventing piracy?
14. How many airports are there in Petersburg?
15. What is the distance between the center of the city and Pulkovo-1?
16. How can you get to the airport?
17. Is there an airport in your native city?
18. Is it an international or domestic ?
II. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на словообразующие элементы:
continue – continuation – continuous – continuously
introduce – introduction – introductory
necessary – necessity – necessitate
divide – division – divider
depend – dependent – dependence
prevent – prevention – preventive
detect – detection – detective – detector
depart – departure
arrive –arrival
III. Найдите в тексте эквивалент следующим словосочетаниям:
средства посадки и взлета, правила управления воздушным движением, схема движения, радиосредства, зона посадки, преобладающее направления ветра, службы аэропорта, контроль подхода, наблюдение за погодой, служба поиска и спасания, обслуживание пассажиров, грузовой терминал.
IV. Переведите на английский язык:
Почти в каждом городе есть аэропорт, большой или маленький. There are big or small airports in every country.
2. Размер аэропорта зависит от объема перевозимых пассажиров и груза. The size of the airport depends on the amount of the transported passengers and freight.
3. Современные аэропорты обслуживают миллионы пассажиров и перевозят огромное количество груза. Millions of passengers and thousands of tons of airfreight are handled by modern airports.
4. С увеличением воздушного транспорта и с введением новых современных самолетов старые аэропорты расширяются и реконструируются. with the continuous increase of air traffic and the introduction of high-capacity aircraft it became necessary to expand airport facilities, to build new terminal buildings and to construct new airports.
5. Для обеспечения безопасности полетов существуют правила воздушного движения. In the interest of aviation safety and air traffic assistance and control air traffic rules were established.
6. Прибывающие и убывающие пассажиры обслуживаются в здании аэровокзала. The arriving and departuring passengers are served in the air terminal building.
7. Число ВПП зависит от объема перевозок. The number of runways depend on volume of traffic
8. Расположение ВПП зависит от превалирующих направлениях ветра. The location of runways depend on the prevailing wind direction
9. Пилот пользуется аэронавигационными картами. The pilot uses air navigation maps.
10. Эти карты указывают тип и размер аэропорта, его радиосредства, длину и расположение ВПП и т.д. These maps specify type and the size of the airport, his radio means, length and location of the runway etc.
During those years which have passed since the first aeroplane was built, aviation has enjoyed phenomenal progress. At present aviation influences many aspects of social life.
In the dynamic world of today, aviation provides a rapid transportation link between different population centres. In many places the aeroplane is the only known vehicle for the large-scale movement of passengers and freight over large distances. The airplane has made it possible to patrol the forests, to fight their fires, to assess their timber resources and to plan their harvesting. It has made an enormous contribution to the photographing and mapping of the vast territories, to exploring and prospecting for mineral wealth and to studying and assessing the water resources.
As for the helicopter, besides its use for passenger transportation, this type of aircraft has proved its value in special applications where vertical take off-landing are required. Helicopters are widely used in search and rescue operations in emergency situations or when some accident occurs.
The main components of airplanes are as follows:
1. The fuselage is the main body of the airplane and contains the pilot's compartment (cockpit) and passenger and baggage compartments. The cockpit contains the flight controls and instruments.
2. The wings are the main lifting surfaces which support the aircraft in flight. Aircraft may be divided into monoplanes and biplanes.
3. The tail unit or empennage consists of a vertical stabilizer and rudder and the horizontal stabilizer and elevators to provide the necessary stability in flight.
4. The three basic flight control surfaces are the ailerons, the elevators and the rudder.
5. The power plant is the heart of the airplane. There are many types of engines: turboprop, turbojet, turbofan, rocket engines, etc.
6. The landing gear or undercarriage is used during manoeuvering of the aircraft on the ground while taxying, taking off and landing. In flight the retractable landing gear is retracted into the wing or the fuselage structure.
Aircraft instruments are basically devices for obtaining information about the aircraft and its environment and for presenting that information to the pilot. Their purpose is to detect, measure, record, process and analise the variables encountered in flying an aircraft. They are mainly electrical, electronic or gyroscopic. Modern aircraft have a computer on board. They are concerned with the behavior of the engines, the speed, height and attitude of the aircraft and its whereabouts. Instruments concerned with the whereabouts of an aircraft are navigation instruments.
An aircraft usually takes the name of the designer or manufacturer. Here are some of the Russian designers: Tupolev, Ilyushin, Antonov, Yakovlev. Manufacturer's names are represented by Boeing, Douglas, Lockheed and others. The name of the designer or manufacturer is followed by a type code, known in some airlines as a class. For example: Ilyushin-96 (designer's name and type code), Boeing-747 (manufacturer's name and type code).
I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What does aviation provide?
2. Where are helicopters used?
3. What types of aircraft do you know?
4. Name the main parts of the aircraft.
5. What does the fuselage contain?
6. What for are the wings required?
7. What are the components of the wing?
8. What does the tail unit provide?
9. What is the power plant?
10. What types of engines do you know?
11. When are the landing gears used?
12. What is the purpose of aircraft instruments?
13. What Russian and foreign designers do you know?
14. What name does the aircraft take?
II. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на словообразующие элементы:
transport – transportation
move – movement – movable
possible – possibility – impossible
apply - application
power – powerful
retract – retraction – retractable - unretractable
require – requirement
provide – provision
measure – measurement
contribute – contribution
III. Найдите в тексте эквивалент следующим словосочетаниям:
населенный центр, минеральные и водные ресурсы, применение авиации, перевозка пассажиров, пассажирское и грузовое отделения, приборы самолета, навигационные приборы, рули управления самолетом, пилотская кабина, конструкция фюзеляжа, аварийная ситуация, поисково-спасательные операции.
IV. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Огромный прогресс сделан в авиации за последнее десятилетие. During last decade aviation has enjoyed phenomenal progress
2. Авиация применяется во многих аспектах общественной жизни. aviation influences many aspects of social life.
3. Авиация обеспечивает быструю перевозку пассажиров и груза из одной точки в другую. aviation provides a rapid transportation link from one destination to another.
4. В некоторых местах авиация является единственным средством перевозки. In some places the aviation is the only vehicle for movement of freight.
5. Вертолет удобное средство передвижения благодаря вертикальному взлету и посадки. Helicopter is convenient vehicle due to vertical take off-landing.
6. Фюзеляж является основной частью самолета. The fuselage is the main body of the airplane
7. Несущими поверхностями самолета являются крылья. The wings are the main lifting surfaces
8. Крылья и хвостовое оперение состоят из подвижных частей, таких как руль высоты, руль поворота, руль направления, стабилизатор, элерон. The wings and the tail unit or empennage consists of a vertical stabilizer and rudder and the horizontal stabilizer and elevators
9. Шасси используются при рулении на земле и убираются в крыло после взлета. The landing gear or undercarriage is used during manoeuvering of the aircraft on the ground and is retracted into the wing or the fuselage structure after take off .
10. В кабине пилота много приборов, показывающих скорость и высоту полета, работу двигателя и другую информацию. In a cabin of the pilot there are a lot of devices showing the speed and flight altitude, operation of the engine and other information.
11. Современные самолеты имеют на борту компьютер. Modern aircraft have a computer on board.
Safety is the most important problem in aviation. The prevention of collisions between aircraft in the air and on the ground is the main task of aviation specialists.
The achievement of aviation safety is the result of progress in many sciences and disciplines including engineering, aerodynamics, meteorology, psychology, medicine and economics.
Safety is ensured by thousands of ICAO and governmental regulations, by high standards in the design and manufacture of an aircraft and by rigid (strict) procedures of airline safety practices.
The aviation industry is constantly taking steps to prevent accidents but the crashes do occur time after time. They result from different causes: failure in the aircraft structure, human errors, navigational failures, malfunctioning of airborne and ground aids, hazardous weather conditions and so on.
Poor knowledge of English can also contribute to or result in an accident or incident. Therefore ICAO revised the provisions related to the use of the language for radiotelephony communications and demands good discipline to follow more closely to standard phraseology in all air-ground exchanges.
Experience has shown that phraseology alone is not sufficient to cover all of the potential situations, particularly in critical or emergency situations. That’s why proficiency in common or plain language is also of great importance.
One of ICAO’s chief activities is standardization in all spheres of aviation operations. The main ICAO document is SARPS (International Standards and Recommended Practices). Its main task is to provide the necessary level of standardization for safe and regular air operations.
I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the most important problem in aviation?
2. What is the main task of aviation specialists?
3. By what means is safety ensured?
4. What factors may cause accidents?
5. What can you say about the role of language in the problem of safety?
6. Can radiotelephony alone cover all of the potential situations?
7. What is the main document ICAO?
8. What is the main task of SARPS?
II. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на словообразующие элементы:
terror – terrible – terribly – terrific
danger – dangerous – dangerously
care – careful – careless – carelessness
safe – safety – unsafe
prevent – preventive – prevention
collide – collision
special – specially – specialist – speciality – specialize – specialization
achieve – achievement
ensure – insurance
govern – governor – government – governmental
regular – regularly –regulation – regularity – irregular
differ – different – differently –difference
fail – failure
navigate – navigator – navigation – navigational
hazard – hazardous
know – knowledge – unknown
provide – provision – provider
relate – relation – relative – relatively – relativity
communicate – communication – communicative – community
sufficient – sufficiently – sufficiency – insufficient
proficient – proficiently – proficiency
necessary – necessarily – necessity – unnecessary
critical – critically – criticize – criticism – uncritical
close – closely
III. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Самая важная проблема в авиации – безопасность. Safety is the most important problem in aviation.
2. Для обеспечения безопасности полетов ИКАО установила специальные правила и процедуры. For providing Safety ICAO set special rules and procedures
3. Все государства – члены ИКАО должны строго соблюдать все правила и процедуры, принятые ИКАО. All member states of IKAO have to follow strictly all rules and the procedures adopted by IKAO.
4. Одна из самых задач авиационных специалистов – предотвращать столкновение самолетов в воздухе и на земле. One of the tasks of aviation experts is to prevent collision of planes in air and on the earth.
5. Достижения в технике, аэродинамике и других науках повышают авиационную безопасность. The achievements in technology, aerodynamics and other sciences increase aviation safety.
6. Еще одним условием, обеспечивающим авиационную безопасность, является стандартизация во всех авиационных операциях. One of the conditions providing aviation safety is standardization in all spheres of aviation operations.
7. Всем авиационным специалистам очень важно знать английский язык. It’s very important for all aviation specialists to know English language
8. Хорошее знание английского языка необходимо для обеспечение безопасности полетов. Good knowledge of English language is necessary for providing safe flights
9. Причина катастрофы - человеческая ошибка. The cause of accident is a human mistake.
10. Самолет не смог вылететь из-за опасных погодных условий. The plane couldn't take off because of dangerous weather conditions.
11. Отказ двигателя привел к катастрофе. Engine failure has led to accident.
12. В районе аэропорта аварийная ситуация. It’s an emergency around the airport
13. Одна из главных задач ИКАО – обеспечивать необходимый уровень безопасности. One of the main tasks of IKAO is to provide the necessary level of safety.
Air traffic Control
The ATC’s first concern is safety, that is the prevention of collision between aircraft in the air and orderly flow of traffic.
To perform their exacting duties air traffic controllers need adequate facilities. The introduction of radars greatly assists in expediting the flow of traffic reducing the separation minima. Computers are also a powerful tool. They give assistance by taking over routine tasks but they must not dominate the system. The human controller is much more efficient than any current system because it is he who takes responsibility for controlling aircraft and it is he who takes final decisions in all situations including conflicting and emergency.
During periods of heavy traffic controllers work under high stress. They may control several aircraft simultaneously, their number sometimes exceeding 15 and even more. Controllers’ slightest error may cause loss of human lives and property.
Top physical and mental condition is a vital requirement for atc controllers. Therefore they undergo strict medical examination which are repeated at periodic intervals.
The problem of the selection and training of ATC personnel is extremely important. The controllers should possess a number of qualities which are absolutely necessary for them: a high degree of morality, a very good nervous and emotional balance, a sound critical judgment, a readiness for decisions and an instinct for team work. To become a highly professional controller one must be proficient not only in specialized aviation English but also in plain language because aviation safety depends on accurate pilot – controller communications.
The training of ATC personnel is carried out by different methods using various teaching aids, systems and simulators. Modern simulators can reproduce the whole ATC task from take-off to landing including all manoeuvers even the dangerous ones.
I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the main task of ATC activity?
2. How can controllers expedite the flow of traffic?
3. What aids and systems do controller use to control air traffic?
4. Can any aids or systems substitute a human controller? If not, then why?
5. What are the working conditions of controllers?
6. How many aircraft may controllers control at peak traffic periods?
7. What is one of the vital requirements for ATC controllers?
8. How often do they undergo medical examinations?
9. What qualities should a person possess to become a controller?
10. What can you say about the role of the English language in controller’s work?
11. How are controllers trained?
12. Can modern simulators reproduce conflicting and emergency situations?
II. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на словообразовательные элементы:
prevent – prevention – preventive
provide – provision – provider – provisional
order – orderly
perform – performance
exact – exactly – exactness
introduce – introduction – introductory
reduce – reduction
power – powerful – powerless
efficient – efficiently – efficiency
responsible – responsibility – response – respond
decide – decision – decisive
strict – strictly – strictness
necessary – unnecessary – necessity
depend – dependent – dependence – independent
train – trainer – trainee – training
carry – carrier – carriage
differ – different – indifferent – differently
simulate – simulator – simulation
III. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Существует много технических средств, помогающих диспетчерам в их работе. There are many technical means helping ATC personnel with their work.
2. Главным элементом в системе УВД является диспетчер, т.к. он принимает окончательное решение в любой ситуации. The human controller is the main element in ATC system as he takes takes final decisions in all situations
3. Так как работа диспетчера очень ответственна необходим строгий отбор и подготовка персонала УВД. the selection and training of ATC personnel is extremely important, Because it’s work is very responsible
4. Диспетчер должен иметь хорошее физическое здоровье умение принимать решение и работать в команде. ATC personnel should have a high degree of morality, a very good nervous and emotional balance, a sound critical judgment, a readiness for decisions and an instinct for team work.
5. Различные тренировочные средства, системы и специальные тренажеры используются для подготовки персонала УВД. ATC personnel is carried out by different methods using various teaching aids, systems and simulators
6. Современные тренажеры позволяют имитировать все этапы полета, включая аварийные ситуации. Modern simulators can reproduce the whole ATC task from take-off to landing including all manoeuvers even the dangerous ones.
7. 15 или даже больше самолетов находятся под контролем диспетчера в период интенсивного движения. ATC personnel may control several aircraft simultaneously, their number sometimes exceeding 15 and even more.
8. Электронные средства не могут заменить диспетчера. Они могут только помогать ему. Current system cannot replace human controller it can only help him.
9. Диспетчер не должен допускать ошибок, так как это может привести к потере человеческих жизней. Controllers must not make any slightest error because it may cause loss of human lives and property.
10. Минимумы эшелонирования будут уменьшены в ближайшем будущем. Minima of echeloning will be reduced in the near future.
11. Какой европейский центр подготавливает диспетчерский персонал? Which European center prepares ATC personnel?
12. Этот тренажер не может воспроизводить аварийные ситуации. This simulator can't reproduce emergencies.
Human factors in aviation
Human factors is a critical aspect of aviation safety, one that ICAO began to address more than a decade ago.
ICAO convened the first in a series of global symposia on flight safety and human factors in 1990. From the beginning, when the first event was held in a city known then as Leningrad, there was a conviction that international aviation could make enormous progress in improving safety through the application of human factors knowledge.
The first symposium was a turning point and the stage for following meetings in the United States in 1993, in New Zealand in 1996 and, finally in Chile in 1999. There have been encouraging developments since 1990, but we still have challenges to pursue: after the Leningrad symposium, human error remains a significant safety concern.
The purpose of the worldwide symposia and 10 regional seminars which were held in the past decade was to increase the awareness of States, industry and organizations in all ICAO regions about the importance of human factors. The ongoing implementation of the ICAO communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems concept has introduced new challenges, and also new possibilities for human factors. The reason the community must respond to is, of course, to ensure that civil aviation continues to achieve its ultimate goal: the safe and efficient transportation of passengers and goods.
The ICAO flight safety and human factors programme is safety–oriented and operationally relevant. Moreover, it is practical since it must deal with real problems in a real world. Through the programme, ICAO has provided the aviation community with the means and tools to anticipate human error and contain its negative consequences in the operational environment. Furthermore, ICAO’s efforts are aimed at the system – not the individual.
The global aviation safety plan (GASP) was developed by the ICAO Air Navigation Commission in 1997 and subsequently approved by the ICAO Council and endorsed by the ICAO Assembly. GASP was designed to coordinate and provide a common direction to the efforts of States and the aviation industry to the extent possible in safety matters. It is a tool that allows ICAO to focus resources and set priorities giving emphasis to those activities that will contribute the most to enhancing safety. Therefore the flight safety and human factors programme is among the six major activities that comprise the plan.
I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When did ICAO begin to address to the aspect of human factors?
2. When and where was the first symposium on flight safety held?
3. What can improve aviation safety?
4. How many symposia on flight safety were held by ICAO?
5. What was the purpose of the symposia and seminars?
6. Where can the knowledge of human factors be applied?
7. What is the ultimate goal of civil aviation?
8. What is the ICAO flight safety and human factors programme?
9. What for was the global aviation safety plan developed?
10. Why is the flight safety and human factors programme so important?
II. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на словообразующие элементы:
safe – safety – safely – unsafe
navigate – navigation – navigator – navigable – navigability
operate – operation – operative – operator – operational - operationally
industry – industrial – industrious - industrialist – industrialization
communicate – communication – communicative – communicable – communicator
progress – progressive – progression – progressionist
improve – improvement – improvable – improver
organize - organization – organizer - disorganization
efficient – efficiency – inefficient – efficiently – inefficiency
III. Найдите в тексте эквивалент следующим словосочетаниям:
знание человеческого фактора; важное дело для безопасности; идея систем связи, навигации, обзора и управления воздушным пространством и воздушным движением; программа ИКАО по безопасности полетов и человеческому фактору; план по авиационной безопасности в мировом масштабе; комиссия ИКАО по воздушной навигации; вопросы безопасности.
IV. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Человеческий фактор является одним из важнейших аспектов авиационной безопасности. Human factors is a critical aspect of aviation safety
2. В течение последнего десятилетия ИКАО провела несколько симпозиумов и семинаров, связанных с человеческим фактором в авиации. ICAO convened the first in a series of global symposia on flight safety and human factors
3. Знание человеческого фактора может значительно повысить безопасность полетов. Knowledge of a human factor can increase safety of flights considerably.
4. Для повышения безопасности новые системы связи, навигации и обзора постоянно широко внедряются. new communication systems, navigation and the review widely introduced for safety increase
5. Совершенствование управления воздушным движением будет продолжаться. Improvement of air traffic control will be continued.
6. Программа по безопасности полетов и человеческому фактору является инструментом, который позволяет предупреждать человеческие ошибки при выполнении полетов. The flight safety and human factors programme is safety–oriented and operationally relevant
7. Вопросы безопасности в авиации и человеческий фактор являются самыми важными в плане авиационной безопасности в мировом масштабе. Safety issues and a human factor in aircraft are the most important in respect of aviation safety on a global scale.
по чтению текстов авиационной тематики (для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов по специальностям ЛЭ, Вн, овд, ано)
Часть I
Беляева С.А.
Паскевич Н.С.
Попова Г.В.
Данный практикум предназначен для студентов, приступающих к изучению профессионально-ориентированного авиационного языка. Все тексты и упражнения к ним направлены на развитие навыков чтения и понимания специальной литературы и документов ИКАО.
Практикум состоит из 2х частей.
Часть I включает тексты по общеавиационной тематике, лексические и грамматические упражнения к ним.
Часть II включает дополнительные тексты для чтения.
English as a world language and an International aviation language.. 3
Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) 15
Weather.. 18
airport.. 23
Safety.. 30
Air traffic Control.. 33
Human factors in aviation.. 37
English as a world language and an International aviation language
English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England, almost in all the continents of the world. This exporting of English began in the XVII-th century, with the first settlements in North America. Above all, the great growth of population in the United States together with massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has given the English language its present standing in the world. Besides, basic characteristics of English also contribute to the situation that nowadays it is the most spread language on Earth. These characteristics are: simplicity of forms (very few endings); flexibility (the same word can operate as some different parts of speech); openness of vocabulary (English words are frequently admitted by other languages). At present English is the language of business, technology, sport and aviation.
There are four working languages in ICAO – English, French, Spanish and Russian. But all meetings, conferences and assemblies are conducted in English and then all materials are translated into other languages. For this purpose ICAO has a special “Language and Publications Branch” with four sections.
The most urgent problem in aviation is safety. The progress in safety is achieved by intensive efforts in various spheres – engineering sciences, meteorology, psychology, medicine, economics and “last but not least” the English language. Insufficient English language proficiency often results in accidents and incidents. For example, the worst disaster in aviation history occurred in 1977 when two Boeings 747 collided at Tenerife, Canary Islands. The crew of Pan American 747 missed or misunderstood taxi instructions requiring a turn off the active runway. At the same time KLM 747 initiated a shrouded take off on the opposite direction. The two aircraft met on the active runway, with heavy loss of lives.
Between 1976-2000 more than 1100 passengers and crews lost their lives in accidents in which language played a contributory role.
Concern over the role of language in airline accidents brought real actions. So in March 2003 ICAO adopted Amendments to ICAO Annexes 1, 6, 10 and 11. These Amendments make clear and extend language requirements. In addition, they contain new more strict requirements for language testing.
Additional standards in Annex 10 demand to adhere (=follow) more closely to standard phraseology in all air-ground exchanges and to use plain language when phraseology is not sufficient. Phraseology alone is unable to cover all of the potential situations, particularly (especially) in critical or emergency situations. Therefore the PELA (Proficiency in English Language) test examines use of both ATC phraseology and plain English.
I. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When did the exporting of English begin?
English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England, almost in all the continents of the world. This exporting of English began in the XVII-th century, with the first settlements in North America.
2. In what spheres of life is English most widely used? At present English is the language of business, technology, sport and aviation.
3. How many working languages are there in ICAO? There are four working languages in ICAO – English, French, Spanish and Russian.
4. In what language are meetings, conferences and assemblies conducted in ICAO? all meetings, conferences and assemblies are conducted in English and then all materials are translated into other languages.
5. How is the progress in safety achieved? The progress in safety is achieved by intensive efforts in various spheres – engineering sciences, meteorology, psychology, medicine, economics and “last but not least” the English language.
6. Could you explain why English language is so important in solving safety problem? Insufficient English language proficiency often results in accidents and incidents. For example, the worst disaster in aviation history occurred in 1977 when two Boeings 747 collided at Tenerife, Canary Islands. The crew of Pan American 747 missed or misunderstood taxi instructions requiring a turn off the active runway. At the same time KLM 747 initiated a shrouded take off on the opposite direction. The two aircraft met on the active runway, with heavy loss of lives.
7. What are ICAO real actions for improving English language proficiency? So in March 2003 ICAO adopted Amendments to ICAO Annexes 1, 6, 10 and 11.
8. Will you describe the Amendments to ICAO Annexes adopted in 2003? These Amendments make clear and extend language requirements. In addition, they contain new more strict requirements for language testing.
9. What do additional standards demand? Additional standards in Annex 10 demand to adhere (=follow) more closely to standard phraseology in all air-ground exchanges and to use plain language when phraseology is not sufficient.
10. Can phraseology alone cover all of the potential situation in the air? Phraseology alone is unable to cover all of the potential situations, particularly (especially) in critical or emergency situations.
11. What are the PELA test requirements now? Therefore the PELA (Proficiency in English Language) test examines use of both ATC phraseology and plain English.
II. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на словообразующие элементы:
establish – establishment
special – specially – specialist – speciality – specialize – specialization
urgent – urgency
safe – unsafe – safely – safety
achieve – achievement – achievable
vary – various – variously – variety – variant – variable – variability
sufficient – sufficiently – sufficiency
collide – collision
critical – uncritical – critically – criticize – criticism
require – requirement – unrequired
oppose – opposite – opposition – oppositionist
add – addition – additional – additionally
act – active – actively – activate – activity – action
heavy – heavily – heaviness
contribute – contributory – contribution
lose – loser – loss
strict – strictly – strictness
cover – coverage – discover – discovery
real – really – realist – realistic – realism – reality
III. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Каково население этого района?
2. Когда появились первые поселения европейцев на этом континенте?
3. Каковы основные характеристики английского языка?
4. Они обсуждают вопрос о новых рабочих языках в ИКАО – арабском и китайском.
5. Когда проводилась последняя ассамблея ИКАО?
6. Кто переводил эти материалы на русский язык?
7. Какова цель этой встречи?
8. Есть какие-нибудь новые публикации по этой проблеме?
9. Они достигли большого успеха в этой области.
10. Большие усилия нужны для решения этой проблемы.
11. Необходимо хорошо владеть английским, чтобы работать в международном аэропорту.
12. Недостаточное владение экипажем английским языком привело к катастрофе.
13. Катастрофа произошла над океаном.
14. На какой высоте столкнулись самолеты?
15. В этой катастрофе была большая потеря жизней.
16. ИКАО примет новые поправки к Аннексам в следующем месяце.
17. У нас достаточно топлива, чтобы лететь в Копенгаген.
18. Мы должны владеть как радиотелефонной фразеологией, так и обычным английским.