Part III. Reading Comprehension

When a cheque $200,000 arrived in the post one morning, Mrs Wood nearly fainted. She did the football poolsevery week, but she never expected to win anything. She never mentioned it to her family because she didn’t want them to laugh at her. Her husband and her son Ron knew all about football. They did the pools every week too and quite often won a few pounds.

The family was in the kitchen when she came in holding the cheque, unable to say a word. Her husband took the cheque from her and put it in the middle of the kitchen table. Her son made her sit down and her daughter Diane gave her a cup of tea. Two hundred thousand pounds! They forgot all about Mrs Wood and began to argue about the money.

“Well, I’ll be able to give up my job at last and stay at home,” said Mr Wood. He was fifty-two and worked as a lorry driver. “We’ll buy a nice house in the country, a new car – and have a nice easy life!”

“Don’t be selfish, Dad!” exclaimed Ron. “You’re old – you don’t need the money! There’s nothing wrong with this house and you’ve got a car already. No, I have a different idea. We’ll start a business – something in computers or video. I’ll run it and you can help. And we’ll all share the profits.”

“Just listen to you!” Diane said. “You are just as selfish as Dad! And you’re both stupid! This money won’t do us any good … can’t you see that? It’ll ruin our lives. Money always ruins people’s lives. The best thing to do is to send the cheque back, or else give it to charity.”

Then a real argument broke out. It went on and on until a voice interrupted them. “Stop it, all of you!” It was Mrs Wood, with a determined look on her face. “Now listen to me, she said, standing up. “You’ve all forgotten something, haven’t you? This is my money, not yours. I won it and I’m going to spend it. Of course I’ll give you all a share. After all, you are my family. But I’ll make the decisions! Is that clear?”

Mrs Wood picked up the cheque and put it in her pocket. Then, without saying another word, she walked out of the room.

XIII. Найдите в тексте слова из первой колонки и соотнесите с их значением во второй колонке (x1).

56. pools a) exchange angry comments

57. argue b) not clever

58. run c) break in on a person’s speech

59. stupid d) betting based on the results of football matches

60. interrupt e) manage or organize

XIV. Дополните предложения в соответствии с содержаниемтекста (x1).

61. When Mrs Wood won the football pools: a) she was afraid to tell her family, b) she was happy, c) she didn’t want the money.

62. Mrs Wood’s family forgot all about her because: a) she left the room, b) they were only interested in the money, c) she was drinking her tea.

63. Ron decided: a) to give up his job, b) to buy a new house and a new car, c) to start a business.

64. Diane didn’t want to keep the money because: a) it was bad for them, b) it was not for them, c) her family was stupid.

65. In the end Mrs Wood decided to: a) throw the cheque away, b) spend the money herself, c) give the money away.

XV. Соответствуют ли следующие утверждения содержанию текста? Если да, запишите букву T (TRUE), если нет – букву F (FALSE) (x2).

66. Mrs. Wood won $200,000 in a lottery.

67. Mr. Wood wanted to retire.

68. Mrs. Wood’s son wanted to start a business and share the profits with the family.

69. Mr. Wood interrupted the argument.

70. Mrs. Wood took the cheque and went out of the room.



I. The noun


1. geese 6. ladies 11. children 16. sheep

2. deer 7. women 12. teeth 17. boxes

3. mice 8. wolves 13. lives 18. families

4. roofs 9. benches 14. fish 19. boys

5. feet 10. strawberries 15. photos 20. churches


1. A 3. B 5. B 7. A 9. B

2. B 4. A 6. A 8. A 10. A

II. The article


1. the, the, – 11. –, a, a, the 21. the, a, the, – 31. –

2. an 12. the 22. the, – 32. The, –

3. a, – 13. – 23. –, –, –, the 33. The, –, the

4. –, – 14. the, – 24. the, a 34. the, the

5. an, –, – 15. a 25. the 35. the, the, the,–,–, the, –

6. the, –, – 16. The, a 26. The, the 36. the, –, the, the, –, the

7. – 17. the, the 27. a 37. –, –

8. a, – 18. a 28. a 38. –, –, –

9. the 19. the 29. –, a 39. the

10. – 20. the, the, – 30. –, –, the 40. –, the, the

III. The adjective


1. depressed 6. exciting 11. astonished

2. interested 7. amazed 12. surprised

3. boring 8. terrifying 13. disappointed

4. horrified 9. disgusting 14. worried

5. embarrassing 10. exhausted 15. tiring


1. B 6. B 11. C 16. C 21. A 26. C 31. B 36. B

2. B 7. C 12. B 17. A 22. B 27. B 32. C 37. A

3. B 8. C 13. A 18. B 23. B 28. A 33. C 38. B

4. C 9. A 14. B 19. B 24. C 29. C 34. B 39. A

5. B 10. A 15. C 20. C 25. B 30. A 35. C 40. A


1. the most interesting 8. best 15. the cleverest

2. happier 9. tired 16. finer

3. lighter 10. cheaper 17. good

4. nice 11. greener 18. richer, happier

5. harder, harder 12. worse 19. more difficult

6. the most beautiful 13. farther 20. the most experienced

7. larger 14. busy

IV. The pronoun


1. him 5. him 9. him 13. It 17. It

2. them 6. you 10. it, it, me 14. It 18. It, it

3. She, me 7. she 11. him 15. It 19. you

4. He, us 8. them 12. it 16. you 20. it


1. my 4. her 7. our (my) 10. their 13. his

2. mine 5. mine 8. your 11. my 14. your, mine

3. its 6. theirs 9. its 12. its 15. their


1. this 5. These 9. this (that) 13. That 17. that

2. That 6. Those 10. this 14. This 18. That

3. those 7. those 11. That 15. that 19. This

4. these 8. that 12. Those, these 16. That 20. That


1. Who 5. Who 9. Who 13. Whose 17. What

2. Whose 6. What 10. What 14. Who 18. Whose

3. Who 7. Which 11. What 15. What 19. What

4. What 8. What 12. Who 16. Whose 20. Whose


1. herself 5. themselves 9. himself 13. herself 17. ourselves

2. himself 6. herself 10. themselves 14. yourself 18. herself

3. herself 7. herself 11. ourselves 15. myself 19. ourselves

4. itself 8. himself 12. itself 16. herself 20. yourself


1. some 5. any 9. every 13. some 17. any

2. some, any 6. any 10. any 14. any 18. some

3. any, some 7. any 11. some / no 15. some / no 19. some

4. no / some 8. some 12. every 16. some 20. any


2. nothing 5. no one 8. someone 11. everyone

3. No one 6. someone 9. anyone 12. everything

4. Everyone 7. something 10. anyone


1. everybody 4. anybody 7. everybody 10. everybody/

2. somebody 5. nobody 8. somebody 11. anybody

3. everybody 6. anybody 9. nobody


1. somebody 11. anybody 21. something 31. something

2. something 12. anything 22. somebody 32. something

3. somewhere 13. somebody 23. anybody 33. something

4. anything 14. anywhere 24. something 34. anything

5. anything 15. somebody 25. anything 35. anybody

6. anybody 16. anything 26. anything 36. somebody

7. somewhere 17. somewhere 27. anything 37. anywhere

8. somebody 18. something 28. somebody 38. anything

9. something 19. anybody 29. anything 39. anybody

10. something 20. anything 30. somebody 40. anywhere


1. much 7. many 13. many 19. many 25. little

2. much 8. few 14. much/little 20. a lot of/few 26. much

3. many 9. much 15. a lot of 21. much 27. many

4. little 10. a lot of 16. little 22. a lot of 28. little

5. a lot of 11. much 17. much 23. many/few 29. a lot of

6. many 12. a lot of 18. much 24. much 30. much


1. few 5. some 9. little 13. little 16. few

2. much 6. few 10. few 14. any 17. few

3. some 7. some 11. few 15. any 18. any

4. any/much 8. some 12. some

V. The preposition


1. B 5. A 9. C 13. C 17. A

2. B 6. C 10. B 14. B 18. C

3. C 7. C 11. B 15. A 19. A

4. B 8. A 12. A 16. B 20. B


1. in 7. to 13. on 19. -- 25. with

2. in 8. for 14. on 20. to 26. for

3. in 9. through 15. of 21. from 27. to

4. for 16. to 22. to 28. for

5. in 11. for 17. for 23. to 29. about

6. to 12. for 18. with 24. on 30. of



1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c


1. bring along 3. to bring out 5. brought out 7. (has) brought down

2. bringing about 4. bring along 6. (has) brought about


1. D 3. B 5. A 7. C 9. B

2. B 4. C 6. D 8. C 10. A


Crazy prepositions

2. for 6. On 10. to 14. for 18. for

3. at 7. in / with 11. from 15. at 19. at/on/to

4. on 8. at 12. of 16. in 20. at/upon

5. by 9. with 13. in 17. of 21. to

Little Red Riding Wolf

1. In 4. on 7. from 10. by, on 13. in

2. of 5. at 8. at 11. along 14. for

3. of 6. by 9. of 12. with 15. into

VI. The verb


1. B 6. B 11. B 16. B 21. C 26. C 31. B 36. B

2. A 7. C 12. C 17. A 22. C 27. C 32. B 37. C

3. C 8. C 13. B 18. C 23. C 28. B 33. B 38. C

4. C 9. c 14. B 19. C 24. A 29. B 34. B 39. B

5. C 10. B 15. C 20. B 25. C 30. B 35. C 40. B


1. B 7. C 13. B 19. B 25. C

2. C 8. B 14. A 20. A 26. A

3. C 9. C 15. A 21. A 27. C

4. A 10. B 16. B 22. A 28. C

5. A 11. B 17. A 23. B 29. B

6. B 12. A 18. C 24. A 30. C


1. The answer will be given tomorrow.

2. A cup of coffee is always brought to Mr. Palmer by the secretary.

3. A telegram has been sent sent to you (by her).

4. Who was this novel written by?

5. Will the house be painted in the summer?

6. He wasn’t offered any job. / No job was offered to him.

7. He isn’t visited (by anybody).

8. The children aren’t looked after properly.

9. Everything will be taken care of (by these people).

10. This exercise can be done by the pupils without any difficulty.

11. The book was published last year.

12. Your bags must not be left in the hall.

13. The light was switched on and the door was opened.

14. You will be given an answer in some days.

15. She was shown the easiest way to do it.


1. will be built 5. have been published 8. is switched on

2. was painted 6. has been cut off 9. was invented

3. is produced 7. was broken 10. has just been constructed

4. am searched


1. John said (that) he was sorry to disturb Lisa.

2. He asked where Jill was going.

3. Sally said (that) she would buy a new skirt.

4. Robby asked Bobby if Bobby knew “Old Barn” which was on the Shrubbery Road’.

5. The doctor asked how I felt.

6. Colin asked Richard if he would be free the next day.

7. My parents told me not to open the door or answer the phone.

8. The policemen asked why he hadn’t locked the car door.

9. The students said (that) they wished their exams were over.

10. Tom said (that) Jerry had been his best friend since childhood.

11. An old man asked the police officer where the nearest bus stop was.

12. The teacher asked us to be quiet.

13. The boy asked to show him those jeans.

14. Jeff asked not to worry if he was late.

15. Dad asked not to swim too far.

16. Tim remarked that Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.

17. Mrs. Smith asked Mr. Smith not to wear his new trousers in the garden.

18. He told his mother that he was going away the next day.

19. Roger said (that)he had been to London twice.

20. Betty said that nothing grew in her garden as it never got sun.

21. I remarked that it wasn’t so foggy that day as it was the day before.

22. They said that they had a lift but very often it didn’t work.

23. The stranger said that he would sit there till she came in, but he hoped she wouldn’t be late.

24. Gerry asked angrily who had put salt in his coffee.

25. The teacher asked why Petrov was absent.

26. My mother asked me what time I had come back the day before.

27. Nick asked if I understood what he meant.

28. Bob asked how far my native town was.

29. Dad asked how long it would take to get there.

30. Felix asked Marsha if she had been happy with him.


1. A 11. B 21. B 31. A 41. C 51. C 61. C

2. C 12. A 22. C 32. B 42. C 52. A 62. A

3. A 13. A 23. B 33. A 43. B 53. A 63. A

4. B 14. C 24. A 34. A 44. A 54. C 64. B

5. C 15. A 25. C 35. B 45. C 55. B 65. C

6. A 16. C 26. B 36. C 46. B 56. A 66. A

7. C 17. B 27. A 37. A 47. C 57. B 67. B

8. A 18. C 28. A 38. A 48. A 58. A 68. A

9. B 19. B 29. B 39. B 49. B 59. C 69. B

10. A 20. C 30. C 40. A 50. C 60. C 70. C


Text 1

1. saw 6. not only learn 10. do not fully understand

2. was 7. made 11. work

3. has been teaching 8. was 12. have increased

4. have done 9. has 13. is being done

5. works

Text 2

1. have come 7. have just given 13. has just spoken

2. left 8. have just had 14. was planted

3. have painted 9. have taken 15. arrived

4. have brought 10. has exploded 16. slept

5. arrived 11. have called 17. probably planted

6. made 12. have finished 18. has been planted


1. happened; was; had lost; was watching; noticed

2. arriving; to wait; waiting; to be

3. was taking; jumped; pulled; had been playing; had happened

4. don’t take; will have

5. (had) won; received

6. not turning on; finish

7. is, begins (was / had been, began)

8. are being questioned; was stolen; has already been arrested

9. had been stolen; phoned; left / leaving

10. is seeing; is (he) expecting; am having

11. will give; fall; goes off; are having; is going; is catching

12. freezes; will be

13. to touch; being

14. was walking down; met; recognized; was wearing; was suffering

15. am; going; skiing / to ski; skiing; making

16. park; to park

17. were taken; were sent; started

18. to lean; watching; going; coming

19. living; to like

20. took; forgot; had put

21. found; had been dripping; was

22. will explain; are

23. left; was; arrived; learnt; had just left; found out; had used

24. had lived (had been living); taught (had taught); retired; will take

25. to travel; to take; to go

26. to catch; getting; getting

27. are having; is leaving

28. see; will be struck; has improved; went

29. have completed; will have been living; don’t think; will stay

30. told; had been stopped; admitted; driving


1. turned 9. thinking 16. entered

2. noticed 10.could 17. found out

3. was 11.asked 18. could

4. had shut accompany 19. has never happened

5. had gone 13. turned out 20. thought

6. had not said 14. was 21. hoped

7. was coming/‘d come 15. would look 22. would never happen

8. slackened

VII. Word order

1. You live in Madrid, don’t you?

2. Whose car did you borrow?

3. Have you ever drunk whisky?

4. Who broke the window last Monday?

5. How long have you lived in your town?

6. Where did you go on holiday last year?

7. Who told you about George’s girlfriend? (Who told George’s girlfriend about you?)

8. What are you looking for in my bag?

9. She likes visiting exotic countries, doesn’t she?

10. How many foreign countries has he visited?

11. Why wasn’t I invited to your party?

12. When was this castle built?

13. Does your mother enjoy watching comedies?

14. What are Tom and Sally talking about? (What are Sally and Tom talking about?)

15. When did you start learning English?

16. How often does she play tennis?

17. Why haven’t you got a dictionary?

18. Where did she live when she was a child?

19. Who is going to make sandwiches?

20. Who did she get married to?

21. How much is a cup of tea and a Shepherd’s pie? (How much is a Shepherd’s pie and a cup of tea?)

22. Where were you yesterday morning?

23. Is John going to phone you tomorrow?

24. How many languages do you speak?

25. Will it be possible to leave early?

26. Do you go to work on foot or by car? (Do you go to work by car or on foot?)

27. Did you learn German when you were at school?

28. What day was it yesterday?

29. Who did Peter have an argument with?

30. Where do you go on Sunday evenings?

31. How many people are you going to invite to your party?

32. What are the dates of public holidays in your country?

33. Have you ever ridden a camel?

34. Who does this car belong to?

35. Who did Jack dance with?

36. Is there a store department near here?

37. Did you enjoy meeting Bob’s parents? (Did Bob’s parents enjoy meeting you?)

38. Did she go to America when she was three?

39. How much is a mineral water and a sandwich? (How much is a sandwich and a mineral water?)

40. Who do you usually sit next to?



1. decide

2. fries

3. customer

4. ban

5. mean

6. doughnut

7. advertising

8. suit

9. salary

10. bee

11. unpleasant

12. messy

13. drawer

14. seed

15. sign

16. celebrity

17. happy

18. freshman

19. escape

20. invisible

21. roll

22. earring

23. tree sap

24. tissues

25. widow


Music: trumpet piano band

keyboard drum

At the doctor’s:surgery twist sore throat patient headache

Shopping:price stalls newsagent’s seller greengrocer’s

Crime:burglar thief kill prison steal

Jobs:soldier builder journalist decorator artist


1. sea creature

2. marital status

3. artist

4. literature

5. journey

6. holiday

7. clothes

8. shop

9. building

10. musical instrument

11. environment

12. weather

13. food

14. price

15. environment

16. orchestra

17. occupation

18. transport

19. character

20. occupation


2. fruits

3. religions

4. buildings

5. nationalities

6. sports

7. adverbs

8. languages

9. vegetables

10. weights

11. prepositions


1. e

2. o

3. e

4. o

5. e

6. e

7. e

8. e

9. e

10. o

11. o

12. e

13. e

14. e

15. o

16. o

17. o

18. e

19. o

20. e

21. e

22. o

23. o

24. e

25. o

26. o

27. e

28. o

29. o

30. e


1. b

2. q

3. s

4. l

5. e

6. j

7. p

8. t

9. k

10. n

11. r

12. d

13. m

14. o

15. c

16. f

17. g

18. h

19. a

20. i


1. c

2. l

3. i

4. n

5. h

6. o

7. a

8. f

9. m

10. k

11. b

12. e

13. j

14. g

15. d


1. d

2. m

3. f

4. l

5. p

6. s

7. h

8. j

9. o

10. g

11. r

12. k

13. n

14. i

15. q

16. a

17. c

18. e

19. b

20. t


1. n

2. e

3. a

4. i

5. o

6. g

7. m

8. j

9. l

10. c

11. f

12. b

13. h

14. k

15. d


1. nobody

2. shallow

3. hardly ever

4. single

5. always

6. worse

7. light

8. behind

9. last

10. after

11. far

12. adult

13. bottom

14. future

15. country



1. e

2. g

3. f

4. a

5. c

6. b

7. d


1. f

2. g

3. e

4. d

5. b

6. a

7. c


1. f

2. c

3. g

4. e

5. a

6. b

7. d


1. c

2. g

3. d

4. f

5. a

6. e

7. b


1. d

2. a

3. g

4. b

5. f

6. c

7. e


1. b

2. d

3. g

4. a

5. c

6. f

7. e


1. borrowed

2. beside

3. building

4. funny

5. countryside

6. lying

7. taught

8. raise

9. happy

10. get up

11. bring

12. go with

13. work

14. invented

15. remind


1. make

2. do

3. make

4. make

5. do

6. make

7. do

8. make

9. do

10. do


1. passionately

2. slowly

3. hopefully

4. fast

5. heavily

6. angrily

7. hard

8. badly

9. well

10. perfectly

11. always

12. at last

13. properly

14. suddenly

15. late



1. change

2. branches

3. kind

4. book

5. tap

6. plays

7. mean

8. sink

9. flat

10. ring

11. strike

12. change

13. branches

14. kind

15. playing

16. mean


1. believe in

2. believe

3. believe

4. keep

5. charities

6. waste

7. waste

8. wastes

9. went on

10. it’s a shame

11. cause

12. causes

13. consider

14. kept

15. experiences

16. experienced

17. recognized

18. accepted


1. b

2. i

3. g

4. a

5. d

6. c

7. e

8. j

9. f

10. h


1. inexpensive

2. unhappy

3. unemployed

4. incorrect

5. uninterested

6. uncomfortable

7. unimportant

8. impossible

9. inconvenient

10. impatient


-er: cooker, interviewer, computer, owner, player, heater, freezer, mixer, cleaner

-tion: population, appreciation, pronunciation, addiction, education, description, election, introduction, attraction, desperation

-ment: employment, adjustment, entertainment, enjoyment, retirement, agreement, arrangement, improvement, payment

-ness: cleanness, completeness, politeness, kindness, meanness, rudeness, happiness, laziness, loneliness

-dom: freedom, boredom


1. throat

2. Saturn

3. wallet

4. rabbit

5. spider

6. salmon

7. blouse

8. skiing

9. eighty

10. pigeon

11. lawyer

12. guitar

13. nephew

14. lizard

15. petrol


2. roar

3. pear

4. ruler

5. cold

6. mean

7. tram

8. shave

9. soap

10. brave

11. open

12. store

13. steal

14. seek

15. tiny

16. tale

17. flame

18. flat

19. horse

20. sharp

21. stroll


1. bride

2. author

3. team

4. trip/ tour

5. own

6. gun

7. midnight

8. litter

9. fool

10. cupboard

11. lie

12. ferry

13. rain

14. cauliflower

15. recipe

16. engine

17. lonely

18. vegetarian

19. spend

20. stable

21. wing

22. excited

23. round

24. battle

25. widower

26. hill

27. tomb

28. ruin

29. argument

30. honeymoon



1. the bank

2. decided

3. to write

4. in touch

5. software

6. computers

7. professionals

8. finished

9. period

10. ambitious


1. horses

2. tidied

3. old

4. gardens

5. family

6. to fight

7. village

8. generosity

9. problems

10. Perhaps


1. a life-raft

2. condition

3. to hit

4. the water

5. a machine

6. raw

7. sharks

8. hands

9. Then

10. Costa Rica


1. billion

2. jungles

3. the moon

4. the animals

5. cathedrals

6. communicators

7. voices

8. present

9. the world

10. to destroy



1. b

2. a

3. g

4. f

5. d


1. f

2. a

3. b

4. e

5. d


1. f

2. a

3. g

4. b

5. e


1. d

2. f

3. a

4. b

5. c


Text A Text B

I. 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c II. 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. a III. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T   I. 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b II. 1.b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c III. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

Text C Text D

I. 1. e 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c II. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. c III. 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T   I. 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b II. 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c III. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F    


Test A

I. IV.   VIII.          
1. a 16. c 31. b 46. a          
2. b 17. e 32. a 47. c          
3. d 18. a 33. b 48. b          
4. d 19. b 34. b 49.b          
5. c 20. d 35. c 50. c          
    36. b            
II. V. 37. c IX.          
6. e 21. b 38. b 51. Which school do your children go to?
7. o 22. c 39. b 52. Why did you buy so much food?
8. o 23. a 40. b 53. They don’t sing Swiss songs, do they?
9. e 24. b   54. When did you last go to the cinema?
10. o 25. b   55. Have you eaten in a restaurant this week?
III. VI. VII. X.   XI.   XII.    
11. f 26. b 41. b 56. d   61. c   66. F    
12. d 27. b 42. b 57. a   62. b   67. F    
13. e 28. b 43. c 58. e   63. c   68. T    
14. c 29. b 44. a 59. b   64. c   69. F    
15. a 30. a 45. a 60. c   65. c   70. F    

Test B

I. IV.       VIII.          
1. a 16. c   31. c   46. c          
2. b 17. e   32. a   47. c          
3. d 18. a   33. a   48. a          
4. d 19. b   34. c   49. b          
5. c 20. d   35. a   50. c          
      36. b              
II. V.   37. b   IX.          
6. e 21. c   38. a   51. How long does your English lesson last?
7. o 22. b   39. b   52. Do you have to wear a uniform in your job?
8. o 23. b   40. a   53. Would you like to learn any other languages?
9. e 24. b       54. What did you buy at that shop?
10. o 25. a       55. Have you ever ridden a horse?
III. VI.   VII.   X. XI.   XII.    
11. f 26. c   41. a   56. d 61. b   66. T    
12. d 27. c   42. c   57. a 62. b   67. T    
13. e 28. c   43. c   58. e 63. c   68. T    
14. c 29. a   44. b   59. b 64. a   69. F    
15. a 30. b   45. a   60. c 65. b   70. T    

Библиографический список

1. John and Liz Soars «New Headway Pre – Intermediate. Student’s Book», Oxford University Press, 2003. P. 198.

2. John and Liz Soars « New Headway Pre – Intermediate. The THIRD edition. Student’s Book», Oxford University Press, 2011. P. 159.

3. Иванова Ю.В., Овчаренко В.П. Test Your Vocabulary Skills. - Таганрог: Изд-во ТРТУ, 2004. – 29 с.

4. Иванова Ю.В., Овчаренко В.П. Test Your Grammar Skills.- Таганрог: Изд-во ТРТУ, 2005. – 67 с.

5. Иванова Ю.В., Овчаренко В.П. Test Yourself. - Таганрог: Изд-во ТРТУ, 2006. – 66 с.

6. Каменский А.И., Каменская И.Б. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Справочное пособие для неязыковых вузов. – Часть 1. -Харьков: ИНЭМ, 2002. – 278 с.

Виктория Павловна Овчаренко

Юлия Владимировна Привалова

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