Banks as financial intermediaries

Banks are financial institutions that accept money deposits and make loans. Included under the term “banks” are firms such as commercial banks, saving and loan associations, mutual savings banks, and credit unions.

Banks are important for several reasons:

1. They provide a channel for linking people who want to save with those who want to invest.

2. They play an important role in determining the money supply.

3. They are a source of the financial innovation that is expanding the ways in which we can invest our savings.

Banks play a critical role in the creation of money, not by printing $50 bills but by lending. Banks loans create checking account deposits, a large component of the money supply.

Banks are financial intermediaries that the average person interacts with most frequently. A person who needs a loan to buy a house or a car usually obtains it from a local bank. Most Americans keep a large proportion of their financial wealth in banks in the form of checking accounts, saving accounts, or other types of bank deposits.

II. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. Which firms are included under the term “banks”?

2. What are the functions of banks?

3. How can an average person interact with banks as financial intermediaries?

III. Сопоставьте термины из первой колонки с их эквивалентами из второй колонки таблицы:

1- банковский сектор a) branch
2- различные учреждения b) wide range of
3- филиал c) banking sector
4- кредитно-денежная политика d) different institutions
5- физические лица e) to deal with
6- широкий ассортимент, широкий спектр f) finance and monetary policy
7- юридические лица g) general public
8- консалтинговые услуги h) businesses, corporate customers
9- работать (иметь дело с кем-либо) i) advising

IV. Переведите следующие русские предложения на английский язык, используя термины и словосочетания из упражнения III:

1. Банк «София» работает с физическими и юридическими лицами.

2. Сбербанк имеет много филиалов.

3. «Балаково-Банк» оказывает консалтинговые услуги.

4. Кредитно-денежная политика РФ поддерживает национальную валюту.

5. Выпускники академии будут работать в различных учреждениях, но я хочу работать в банковском секторе.

6. Наш банк предоставляет своим клиентам широкий спектр услуг.

V. Из перечисленных ниже банковских услуг выпишете английские соответствия русскому тексту об услугах, которыми пользуется юридическое лицо и об услугах, которыми пользуется физическое лицо:

As a client of this bank I: make deposits, take loans, take out cash from cash dispensers, make utility payments, make money transfers, use consulting services on different issues, use assistance with issuing shares, arrange mergers and acquisitions, open different accounts.

Я пользуюсь консалтинговыми услугами по различным вопросам, консультируюсь по вопросам покупки ценных бумаг, участвую в организации слияний компаний и в поглощении мелких фирм крупными, открываю различные счета. Я делаю вклады, беру кредиты, пользуюсь услугами банкоматов, осуществляю коммунальные платежи, делаю денежные переводы.

VI. Переведите предложения с модальными глаголами, подчеркните модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты:

1. These managers might sign new contracts.

2. Can you explain me why the presentation is not prepared?

3. The license agreement must be ready by tomorrow.

4. He had to drive all the time at high speed not to be late for the committee meeting.

5. The plane is to take off at 8 a.m.

6. You should consult a lawyer before making this agreement.

VII. Укажите номера предложений с временами группы Simple и переведите их на русский язык. Укажите номера предложений с временами группы Continuous и переведите их на русский язык. Укажите номера предложений с временами группы Perfect и переведите их на русский язык:

1. The account manager spent lots of time in the office and never made mistakes in a balance sheet.

2. The business lunch has already begun, please hurry up!

3. Education is becoming a matter of general interest and many managers organize additional training for their staff.

4. When I first met him in Moscow at the trade fair he was making a brilliant report in English.

5. Tom’s internship gave him an advantage over those specialists who hadn’t visited retraining courses.

6. Specialists of our research and development department have been designing the new model of this portable computer for a half of the year.

VIII. Определите время и залог сказуемого и переведите предложения:

1. He has been offered an interesting new job and now he is being paid a competitive salary for it.

2. Coaching is the kind of additional training, which started in the mid-nineties and is still spreading.

3. Nowadays foreign languages are taught with computers’ help.

4. Internet is being developed rapidly.

5. These matters should be settled after we raise profits.

IX. Спишите предложения. Подчеркните в них следующие члены предложения: подлежащее одной чертой, сказуемое двумя чертами, дополнение пунктиром, определение волнистой, а обстоятельство штрихпунктирной чертой. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. By the end of the year our business will have become profitable.

2. This electronic equipment has been designed for speeding up production.

3. Scientists throughout the world study the problem of the future of human civilization on the Earth.

4. Solicitors help their clients to make a will or buy a house.

5. Every manager must be concerned about the work conditions of his subordinates.

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