В. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1. The exhibition displayed exhibits from 40 participating nations. 2. Participants hold business talks, negotiate transactions and sign contracts. 3. Fairs and exhibitions give visitors a good idea of the country's way of life. 4. Companies and firms from Belarus will present a great part of the exhibits. 5. They have traditionally regarded Belarus as an agrarian country. 6. Groups of firms organized several exhibitions of Chinese merchandise. 7. Representatives from nearly 50 large-scale and private firms attended the exhibition. 8. Visitors to the exhibition could buy traditional products for Chinese export. 9. They expect a delegation from the Moscow region to pay a return visit to the PRC next year. 10. Many will visit this new international event.

Diving Deeper

Think of 6 questions about fairs and exhibitions and write them down. Ask your group-mates to answer the questions.

6. Speaking

Tell your group-mates what you consider important to know about:

• different kinds of exhibitions;

• the business side of fairs and exhibitions.

7. Discussion

Discuss the answers to the following questions.

1. Why are exhibitions and fairs growing in size and scope from year to year? 2. Why do we say that every exhibition is a good method to advertise different goods? 3. Why do fairs and exhibitions pave the way for the consolidation of peace and friendship among nations? 4. What is the purpose of arranging exhibitions and fairs?

8. Reading

A. Last month I. Smirnov, an Export-Import Manager from Machinexport, had instructions to visit an exhibition of electronic equipment which was held at Olympia in London. Read the dialogue and say why buying a computer is only half the business.

Machinexport was interested in purchasing computers of the latest model. The Model K800 of Wilson & Co attracted Smirnov's attention.

After he had seen the computer in operation he got in touch with Mr. Adams, the Sales Manager of the company, to start talks for the purchase of computers.

Smirnov: Good morning, Mr. Adams. Here is my card.

Mr. Adams: Good morning. I'm glad to meet you. How do you like our stand?

Mr. Adams: Smirnov: Mr. Adams:

Oh, it's really interesting. We've had a happy chance to see your latest achievements in electronic industry. I must say you've made much progress in this field. Glad to hear it.

Mr. Adams, your stand-attendant has just shown me the Model 800 computer in operation. Is it for sale? Certainly. It's an up-to-date model. It was inlmdiued, into the_world market three months ago and since then it has been a great success. So I'm not surprised you got


interested in it was interested'

by its efficient performance and


Yes, I

design. Mr. Adams: The computer meets the highest world standards. Smirnov: But as you know, Mr. Adams, to buy a computer is only

half the business. You must have your own operators and

programmers to operate the equipment. I'd like to know

if it is possible to send our specialists here so that they

could get good training at your plants. Mr. Adams: No problem to arrange it. Smirnov: Fine. As soon as I come back to Minsk, we'll send you

our enquiry.

B. What words and word combinations in the dialogue have the
following meanings:

1) someone whose job is to help customers or people who visit an exhibition; 2) available for people to buy; 3) modern, using the latest ideas or knowledge; 4) a machine that is ... works well and effectively without wasting time, money, or energy?

C. Finish the sentences in accordance with the contents of the

1. I. Smirnov works as ... .

2. I. Smirnov went to the exhibition because ....

В. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive. - student2.ru

3. Mr. Adams has a job as ... .

4. I. Smirnov came up to Mr. Adams in order to ... .

5. The Model 800 has been a great success because ....

6. To buy a computer isn't enough because ....

7. I. Smirnov also wanted to know if ... .

8. I. Smirnov said they would send an enquiry as soon as ... .

D. Tell your fellow-students what you have learnt about:

• Smirnov's visit to the exhibition;

• his talk with the Sales Manager of the company.

9. Role-Playing

You are a representative of a Belarusian company which is taking part in an international exhibition and has its own exhibits on display. A representative of an American company came up to your stand and expressed an interest in your products. Do the following:

1) greet and introduce each other, say what companies you represent;

2) ask the American businessman what made him interested in your exhibits;

3) describe the products on display, putting special emphasis on the characteristics which make your goods different from their analogues;

4) say how your company supports its clients;

5) tell about the contract terms;

6) finish the conversation (express gratitude / hope for future business relations), part.


A. Write an essay on one of the following topics:

• Fairs and Exhibitions Help to Cross the Barriers between Countries;

• My Impressions of Visiting an Exhibition / Fair;

B. You are a manager of an international exhibition. Write
a detailed letter inviting large manufactures to participate in your
exhibition. Describe goods which are to be exhibited there.

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