Специальности «международное право»


Наименование темы
  Лексическая Грамматическая
2 курс 3 семестр Форма контроля – дифференцированный зачет
1. Республика Беларусь. 2. Минск – столица Беларуси. 3. Соединенное Королевство Велико-британии и Северной Ирландии. 4. Лондон – столица Великобритании. 1. Неопределенные местоимения both, either, neither, all, every, each, (the) other, (the) others, another. 2. Прилагательные и наречия (степени сравнения). 3. Предлоги после существительных и прилагательных. 4. Сравнительная характеристика времен Past Perfect и Past Perfect Progressive. 5. Способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке.  
2 курс 4 семестр Форма контроля – экзамен
1. Профессия юриста в Велико-британии и США. 2. Профессия юриста в Республике Беларусь. 3. Современный взгляд на трудо-устройство.   1. Предлоги после глаголов. 2. Времена английского глагола в страдательном залоге. 3. Модальные глаголы.  



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1. Письменные контрольные работы выполняются в отдельной тетради или в виде распечатки с компьютерного носителя. На обложке тетради (или на титульном листе распечатки) указывается фамилия, имя и отчество студента, название факультета, номер группы, адрес, номер и вариант контрольной работы, а также фамилия преподавателя.

2. Все задания контрольной работы выполняются письменно и в указанной последовательности.

3. При выполнении контрольной работы следует списывать условие выполняемого задания и оставлять поля.

4. Контрольная работа должна быть зарегистрирована в деканате в указанные сроки (не позднее двух недель до начала сессии), после чего она передается на кафедру иностранных языков для проверки.

Если контрольная работа выполнена без соблюдения указанных требований или не выполнена полностью, она возвращается студенту без проверки.


2nd Year 3rd Term



1. BRAIN STORMING. Choose the correct answers!

Quiz on Belarus

1. What does the prefix ‘Bela’ mean?

a) old

b) beautiful

c) white

2. What colors are on the flag of Belarus?

a) red orange black

b) red white green

c) yellow green red

3. How long is the coastline of Belarus?

a) 200 miles

b) 320 miles

c) no coastline

4. How many countries border on Belarus?

a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

5. What is a major natural resource?

a) limestone

b) forests

c) oil

d) coal

6. Which of the following rivers does not flow through Belarus?

a) Pripjet

b) Dnjepr

c) Tobol

7. What is the name of the highest point in Belarus?

a) Belаvezhskaya Pushcha

b) Dzyarzhynskaya Hara

c) Hara Vysokaya

8. How high is the highest mountain of Belarus?

a) 346m

b) 852m

c) 1043m

9. What is the main religion in Belarus?

a) Russian Orthodox

b) Roman Catholicism

c) Judaism

d) Protestantism

10. When did Chernobyl disaster take place?

a) 1985

b) 1986

c) 1989

11. When did Belarus declare its independence from the Soviet Union?

a) 1989

b) 1991

c) 1993

12. Which of the following is the world Heritage Site located in Belarus?

a) Kalwaria Cemetery

b) Trinity Suburb

c) Mir Castle Complex

13. Which of the following artists was born in Belarus?

a) Wassily Kandinsky

b) Kasimir Malevitsch

c) Marc Chagall

14. What is Kupalle?

a) a Belarusian food speciality

b) a Belarusian national costume

c) a Belarusian holiday

15. Which of the following international communities is Belarus not a member?

a) Commonwealth of Independent States

b) Eurasian Economic Community

c) European Union

d) United Nations Organization


2.1 Skim (read quickly) the text to get a general idea of the contents.

Home, Sweet Home

During my long flight back to Minsk I tried to sort out my impressions of America. Some things seemed unusual to me, others were a big surprise or even struck me. One thing was definite – I was greatly impressed by this ‘ambitious’ country. But while we were approaching Minsk, I was getting more and more excited. When the plane landed at Minsk International Airport and I got off the plane and went into the terminal, I couldn’t but remember the words “There is no place like home”.

My home is Belarus or the Republic of Belarus, to be exact. It is a landlockedcountry in Eastern Europe. It borders on Russia to the northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest.

The name ‘Belarus’ comes from the term ‘White Russia’ or ‘White-Rus’. There are several suggestions to where the origins of the name ‘White Rus’ came from. But the most popular one is that it came from the southern lands of Polotsk, Vitebsk and Mogilev that were not conquered by the Tatars and thus, remained ‘clean’ or ‘white’.

Forty percent of its 207,600 square kilometers is forested, which makes it beautiful in any season, especially when you travel by car. It is often called blue-eyed in poetry because of a lot of lakes. Most of Belarus's population of 9.85million reside in the urban areas. More than 80% of the population are native Belarusians, with sizable minorities of Russians, Poles and Ukrainians. Since a referendum in 1995, the country has had two official languages: Belarusian and Russian.

Administratively Belarus is divided into six regions, which are named after the major cities that serve as their administrative centers: Minsk, Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Mogilev and Vitebsk. At least one of these cities is worth special mention. It’s Brest, famous for its Brest Fortress. The Brest Fortress’s defense in 1941 is remembered as an act of heroism in fighting the German aggression. It should be noted that statistically, Belarus (BSSR at that time) was the hardest hit Soviet Republic in the war. During the war, Germany destroyed 209 out of 290 cities in the republic, 85% of the republic's industry, and more than one million buildings. Casualties were estimated about a quarter to one-third of the total population, while the Jewish population of Belarus was devastated during the Holocaust and never recovered.

There is no official religion, although the primary religion in the country is Russian Orthodox Christianity. The second most popular, Roman Catholicism, has a much smaller followingby comparison, but both Orthodox and Catholic Christmas and Easter are officially celebrated as national holidays.

Politically,Belarus is a presidential republic, governed by a president and the National Assembly – a bicameral parliament comprising the 110-member House of Representatives (the lower House) and the 64-member Council of the Republic (the upper House). The parliament of the republic declared the sovereignty of Belarus on 27 July 1990, and following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Belarus declared independence on 25 August 1991.

Economically, the country relies on imports such as oilandgasfrom Russia. The biggest exports from Belarus are heavy machinery (especially tractors), agricultural products, and energy products. Important agricultural products include potatoes and cattle byproducts, including meat. Historically important branches of industry include textiles and wood processing.

Internationally, Belarus is involved in the Commonwealth of Independent States, has membership in the Eurasian Economic Community and the Collective Security Treaty Organization. It has been a member of the international Non-Aligned Movement since 1998 and a member of the United Nations Organization since its foundation in 1945. Belarus is also a member of the Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Culturally, Belarus has four World Heritage Sites: the Mir Castle Complex, the Nesvizh Castle, the Belavezhskaya Pushcha (shared with Poland), and the Struve Geodetic Arc (shared with nine other countries). Several state holidays, such as Independence Day and Victory Day, draw big crowds and often include fireworks and military parades. The government's Ministry of Culture sponsors events promoting Belarusian arts and culture both inside and outside the country. One of the examples is the annual cultural festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk, which showcases Belarusian performers, artists, writers, musicians, and actors.

These are but a few facts about my home land.


The Struve Geodetic Arc is a chain of 265 triangulation points stretching through 10 countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldavia, and the Ukraine) and over 2,820 km. These are points of a survey, carried out between 1816 and 1855 by the German-born Russian astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve, which represented the first accurate measuring of a long segment of a meridian. This helped to establish the exact size and shape of the earth. The original arc consisted of 265 main station points. Nowadays, the listed site includes 34 of the original station points, with different markings, i.e. a drilled hole in rock, iron cross, or built obelisks.

In 2005, the chain was inscribed on the World Heritage List as a memorable ensemble made up of 34 out of the original 265 station points.

2.2 Choose the best variant to complete the sentences below.

1. Geographically, Belarus is entirely surrounded by …

a) sea

b) land

c) range of mountains

2. Forty percent of its territory is covered with …

a) woods

b) river valleys

c) hills and mountains

3. Most of Belarus's population live in …

a) villages

b) cities and towns

4. The majority of the population are …

a) Russians

b) Jews

c) Belarusians

5. Every … citizen of the Republic was killed during the War.

a) fourth

b) second

c) fifth

6. The most popular religion in a country is …

a) Roman Catholicism

b) Orthodox Christianity

c) Islam

7. Belarusian Parliament consists of … chambers.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

8. Internationally, Belarus is a member of …

a) EU

b) CIS

c) Council of Europe

9. Slaviansky Bazaar is a …

a) street of shops and workshops

b) big market in Vitebsk

c) series of performances given once a year

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