Read and translate the following dialogues. Play out one or two of them.

Booking Airline Tickets

Dialogue 1

- I want to fly to Geneva on or about the first.

- I’ll just see what there is.

- I want to go economy, and I’d prefer in the morning.

- Lufthansa Flight LH 203 leaves at 9.20.

- What time do I have to be there?

- The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.

Dialogue 2

- I’d like to book a flight to Munich for Monday the tenth.

- I’ll have a look in the time-table for you.

- I’ll need an economy class open return.

- KLM have got a DC-9 leaving at 9.25.

- What else ought I to know?

- The latest time of reporting is 8.35 at the airport.

Dialogue 3

- What flights are there from London to Vienna tomorrow?

- If you’d like to take a seat, I’ll find out for you.

- I’d like to travel first class, please.

- BEA Flight BE 502 takes off from Heathrow at 9.25 and flies direct.

- What time have I got to get there?

- You’ll have to be at West London Air Terminal by 8.10 as the latest.

Dialogue 4

- Are there any planes to Zurich on a Sunday?

- If you excuse me for a second, I’ll check.

- By the way, I don’t want a night flight.

- There is a Swissair Trident out of London at 9.10.

- When am I supposed to check in?

- If you are going to the airport, you must be there before 8.25.

Dialogue 5

- Good morning. What can I do for you?

- I want to fly to London. Are there any seats available on Wednesday, next week?

- Are you flying alone, sir?

- Yes.

- What class?

- Economy.

- Just a moment, sir. I’ll check. Yes, there are a few seats left.

- Fine.

- What is your name, sir?

- James Brown.

- As a rule, we sell return tickets too. You can buy an open return.

- OK. How much is it?

- 435 dollar, including airport taxes.

- May I pay in cash?

- Certainly, sir. Here you are. Flight PS501

- What time is the flight due to depart?

- It leaves at 8.55 a.m. But you must check in one hour prior to departure, sit.

- And what time does it arrive in London?

- 10.30. Local time. There’s two hours time difference, you know.

At the Airport

Dialogue 6

- Excuse me, can I check-in for Manila here?

- Yes, sir. Can I see your ticket and your passport, please? Thank you. Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat?

- An aisle seat, please – if possible.

Dialogue 7

- Do I have to clear customs in Helsinki?

- No, it’s a through flight. There are customs facilities in Tampere. Do you have any hand luggage?

- Yes, one piece.

- Did you pack your bag yourself?

- Yes, I did.

Dialogue 8

- Can I have your ticket, please?

- Yes, of course.

- Thank you. How many suitcases have you got?

- Just one.

- Have you got much hand luggage?

- Just this bag.

- That’s fine.

- Oh, can I have a seat next to the window?

- Yes, that’s OK. Here’s your boarding pass. Have a nice flight!

Dialogue 9

- Excuse me, is this the right check-in for Dallas?

- Yes, it is. Can I see your ticket and passport, please? …And how many bags do you have to check in?

- None, I just have hand luggage. Can I have an aisle seat?

- Yes, we have one left.

- Good, I have long legs so I need some space! I’m flying on to Los Angeles – it’s a long flight. Do I need to clear customs in Dallas?

- No, you can clear customs in Los Angeles.

- Fine.

- Here’s your boarding card. It’s Gate 16, boarding at 4.10. Have a good flight.

- Thank you.

Dialogue 10

- Excuse me! Where the departure gate for flight 645 Boston – New-York? The boarding has just been announced, and I haven’t checked in yet.

- Hurry up! The plane’s taking off in half an hour. What’s your company?


- Your check-in desk is over there. You get your boarding pass and leave your luggage right at the desk.

- By the way, how much luggage is allowed free of charge?

- No more than 30 kilograms. And you certainly have to pay for excess weight.

On Board

Dialogue 11

- Would you like a drink, sir?

- Yes, a mineral water, please.

- Ice and lemon?

- Just lemon. And have you got today’s English newspapers?

- No, I’m afraid I haven’t. I’ll try and find one for you later.

- Thank you.

Dialogue 12

- Tea or coffee?

- Tea, please.

- Milk?

- Yes, please.

- Sugar?

- No, Thanks. …And do you know when we get into Sydney?

- We’re due in at five o’clock, but I think we’re going to be late.

Dialogue 13

- Excuse me, I think that’s my seat.

- Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll move.

- Can I put your bag up for you?

- Yes, please. Thanks.

- Do you need your coat?

- Yes, please.

Dialogue 14

- Look! The take-off time is 15.30, and they haven’t started the engines yet. Something is up, I’m afraid. Where’s the emergency exit?

- Come on! Don’t worry! The flight is delayed by half an hour. We’ll take off at 16.00. There’s nothing to be afraid of.

- I don’t like this plane. Next time we’ll fly by Panam.

- Panam doesn’t fly its planes to Austin.

- Why did you take the economy class? The business class is much more comfortable. And they serve food there.

- We had a meal half an hour ago. And didn’t you tell me that you hate to travel business class?

- Oh, my!.. How long is the flight to Austin?

- The landing time is 17.30. Two hours all in all.

- Is it a direct flight or do we stop anywhere?

- No, it’s a non-stop flight. Is there anything else?

- Yes…No…Yes! I’m already airsick. Call the flight attendant, please!

Dialogue 15

- Excuse me, what time do we arrive in Frankfurt?

- We’re due in at 10.15, but unfortunately we’re going to be half an hour late. Would you like a drink from the bar?

- Yes, please. Can I have a mineral water? Thank you. How much is it?

- Nothing, sir. The drinks are complimentary.

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