In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages.

1. Making phone calls
Hello, can / could I speak to [Derek Ritter]? (Hello, is it possible to speak to___?) (Hello, could you put me through to ___?) (Hello, could I have extension 123, please?)
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -  
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - Who’s calling, please? It’s [John Snow]. (My name is [John Snow].)
  In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
Just a moment, please, I’ll put you through. (One moment, please.) (Hold on, please.)
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
I’m sorry___ ___there’s no answer. Shall I try someone else? (His / her extension is on voicemail. Would you like o leave a message?) You’re through now.
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
Hello. [Derek Ritter].
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
No, I’ll try again later. Hello, is that [Mr. Ritter]?  
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -  
Thank you for calling. Speaking.  
  In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -  
  Hello, [Mr. Ritter]. This is [John Snow] from [ABC Ltd]. (Hello, my name’s John Snow. I work for ABC Ltd.) What can I do for you?
2. Incoming calls    
  Who’s calling, please?  
  In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -  
  [Peter Moinor], form [ABC]. Can I speak to [Magda Angelis], please? In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
  In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - Would you like to speak to someone else? I’m afraid she / he is [away from her / his desk at the moment]. I’ll put you through.
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
Yes, OK – thanks. If you give me you number, I’ll get her / him to call you. Hello, [Mr. Moinor]. [Magda Angelis] here. I’m sorry, I can’t talk now. I’m [in a meeting / with a customer]. Can I call you back?
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
I’m putting you through to [Jen Elvin.] Thanks – it’s___. And my name is___. Of course, can you call me at (about)___? My number is___.
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
Thanks. I’ll get her / him to call you. Thanks, I’ll call you later.
  In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -  
  When will he / she be back / free?  
  In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -  
  He / she won’t be back / free till___. He / she will be away from his / her desk for___.  
  In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -  
  In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -  
  Thanks for calling.  
3. Phone messages  
Hello, can I speak to [Mr Gitto], please?
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
I’m afraid he isn’t here at the moment.
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
Can I take a message? (Can I give him / her a message?) Can I give him a message? (Could you give him a message?)
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
  Yes, of course.
  In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
Could you say that [Elena Roche] phoned? (Could you tell him that [Elena Roche] called?) (That’s R-O-C-H-E.) Did you get that?
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. (I didn’t catch your name.) (Could you say it again please?)
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -
Could you ask him to call me back [before 5]? (Could you tell him I’ll call again after lunch?)
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. -  
In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming calls, taking and leaving messages. - Yes, of course. I’ll tell him. (I’ll give him the message.) Thanks, goodbye.



Useful phrases and words.

Fax /fax message fax machine   business correspondence to send something by fax to fax someone to fax something (information / offers / price lists / advertising materials / press releases / written inquiries) факс (факсимильное сообщение) факс (аппарат факсимильной связи) деловая переписка отправлять что-либо по факсу отправлять кому-либо факс отправить что-либо по факсу (информацию / предложения / прайс-листы / рекламу / пресс-релизы / письменные запросы)
to fax someone something / to fax something (over/across) to someone отправить кому-то что-то по факсу
cover sheet confidential information intended recipient advise the sender get one’s fax the paper got stuck the machine jammed to send something through to go through legible to resend титульный лист конфиденциальная информация получатель сообщить отправителю получить чей-либо факс бумага застряла машина заклинила послать что-либо пройти (о факсе) разборчивый, четкий, понятный отправить повторно
e-mail/email/electronic mail электронная почта
to send an email   to email someone to reply to one’s email / to email someone back   to check email essential immediately / at once regularly to reply to to delete spam / junk mail anti-virus software attachments отправить сообщение по электронной почте отправить кому-либо электронное сообщение ответить на чье-либо электронное сообщение проверить электронную почту важный, необходимый немедленно, сразу регулярно ответить на (сообщение) удалить спам антивирусная программа приложение к электронному письму

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