Qualifying and classifying sings of bilingualism: aspects, types, methods
Anatoliy Zahnitko
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine
The research of bilingualism is an actual problem of modern linguistics because of active promotion of its exhibitions that are not equable and increase in the burden of functional in various sectors of society, as well as the formation of planes active / passive bilingualism with different spectral distributions in frames nationality, particular social groups. Generalization of conceptual and terminological developments in bilingualism allows to develop the models that apply their application.
The purpose of the analysis is to establish qualifying and classifying features of the bilingualism with classifications of aspects of the bilingualism study.
The purpose raises the following tasks: 1) determination of characteristic bilingual signs; 2) disclosure of the correlation matrix and guest languages in bilingualism; 3) the clarification of aspects of studying of the bilingualism; 4) establishment of basic types of bilingualism; 5) description of methods, techniques and methods of the study of bilingualism.
The theory of bilingualism including bilingual studies is generally replenished with new methods, techniques and research methods of bilingual situations, bilingual skills in statics and dynamics. The analysis of language patterns of study requires methods that are considered as switching codes and so on.
The problem of bilingualism, its theoretical understanding and practical expression requires the coverage of different aspects and establishing of spatial fillings of bilingualism with its active and passive discover that determine the future research.
Qualifying features of bilingualism are considered. Correlation of bilingualism with monolingualism, multilingualism, and diglossia are disclosed. The main methods and techniques for the study of bilingualism to the definition of the basic models of the relation between matrix and guest languages are analyzed.
Keywords: bilingualism, language, multilingualism, diglossia, sociolinguistic portrait, comparative method, method of errors, introspective methods.
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Correspondence: [email protected]
Anatoliy P. Zahnitko is Doctor of Philology, Professor, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, Head of Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University. His areas of research interests include functional linguistics, cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, categorical linguistics, lexicographic linguistics, and text linguistics.
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