Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке. (1) We thank you for your letter dated the 29th September and are pleased to send you our latest catalogue and the current price list

Письмо 1

(1) We thank you for your letter dated the 29th September and are pleased to send you our latest catalogue and the current price list. We shall send you a special offer as soon as we have your exact requirements.

(2) George Finchley & Sons, 68 Bond

Street, London

4 October 2009

(3) Yours faithfully,

Sally Blinton Sales Manager

(4) Messrs Dickson & King, 9 Newgate Street, London

(5) Dear Sirs,


1) 2,4,5,1,3

2) 4,2,5,1,3

3) 5,4,1,3,2

4) 1,3,2,5,4

Письмо 2

(1) We me interested in increasing our range of car heaters and would like to receive information about the various models you are producing.

(2) The Sales Manager, Motorheat Ltd., Walker Road, Coventry

(3) Dear Sir,

(4) Yours faithfully,

Frank Henley,


(5) Clarke & Sims LTD., High Street, Effingham, Suffolk

17 August 2003


1) 2,5,4,1,3

2) 5,2,4,1,3

3) 5,2,3,1,4

4) 2,5,3,1,4

Письмо 3

(1) Mr G.Castellos, 37 Star Road, Aberdeen VH42 57GT

(2) Thank you for your letter of application for the post of PR manager.

We would like to invite you to attend an interview.

We shall be conducting interviews on Monday 30 May and ask you to contact us to arrange a suitable time.

(3) New Publishers, 26 Greenhouse Street, Aberdeen PV31 23TR

Telephone 9593 385749 Fax 9593 75843

23 May 2005

(4) We look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Joan Dumorieur

Personnel Manager

(5) Dear Mr Castellos,


1) 3,5,4,2,1

2) 1,5,2,4,3

3) 1,3,5,2,4

4) 3,1,5,2,4

5.4. Итоговый контроль знаний:

Поставьте предложения в страдательный залог:

1. Someone is repairing the garden fence.

- The garden fence is being repaired.

2. Do they teach Latin at this school?

- Is Latin taught at this school?

3. I don’t like people pointing at me.

- People pointing at me are not liked by me.

4. She hit him on the head with a tennis racquet.

- He was hit on the head with a tennis racquet.

5. Michael has made the preparations.

- The preparations have been made by Michael.

6. Is Tim cleaning the house?

- Is the house being cleaned by Tim?

7. Who built the Pyramids?

- Whom the Pyramids were built?

8. They are building a new hospital at the moment.

- A new hospital is being built at the moment.

9. My father repaired the TV set yesterday.

- The TV set was repaired by my father yesterday.

10. Who translated this book into Russian?

- Whom this book was translated into Russian?

Ситуационные задачи по теме

1. Просмотрите предложенный отрывок резюме. На какую должность претендует его автор?

2. Представьте, что Вы – кандидат на эту должность. Дополните свое резюме необходимыми предлогами.

OBJECTIVE: Clinical Research Associate.


Having completed many years … my specialist field … treatment … leukaemia, I have decided that the time is right … a change in area … specialization. Completing my Ph.D. was one … the most exciting and challenging periods … my life and I want to experience such a steep learning curve again …another medical field. The position of Research Associate would therefore be very suitable … me as I have many years’ experience … prestigious medical institutes and have studied … Russia, Germany and in the United States. My level of language is therefore exceptional, and my communication skills have been thoroughly tested. I am looking to broaden my knowledge of medicine, … which I have devoted my life and feel that I would be a particularly suitable candidate … the position.


Вы являетесь менеджером одной довольно известной клиники , в одном из каталогов фирмы TECHO PRODUCTS (адрес 30 Thore way , Manchester MN1 3RT, Great Britain).Вы увидели томограф, который необходим Вашей клинике. К тому же они собираются презентовать свое оборудование на международной выставке медицинских товаров. И Вы решили заказать несколько моделей.

Напишите несколько слов о своей клинике, сообщите, как вы узнали о существовании TECHO PRODUCTS. Проявите интерес к предложению. Расспросите, где и когда пройдет выставка, попросите письменное приглашение на участие в ярмарке.

Не забудьте подписаться и указать свою должность

Домашнее задание для уяснения темы занятия

Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Further to our letter of March.

2. I am happy to inform you that everything has been arranged for the translation of your book.

3.With this letter I am sending you the list of names and the titles of the reports. Please acknowledge receipt.

4. Thank you for your letter of the 19th December and for the material which you enclosed with it.

5. In accordance with your letter we have the pleasure of sending you the material you need.

6. On behalf of our Institute I wish lo acknowledge with sincere thanks the receipt of your letter of the 12th May.

7. With very pleasant recollections of the many good days we have spent together and kindest regards from S_ to Prof. B_, I remain, Yours sincerely, ___.

8. Thanking you in anticipation, and with all good wishes, I remain, Yours sincerely, ____ .

9. It was a great pleasure to make your acquaintance at the Congress and I look forward to the possibility that we may meet again in this country.

10. I trust you will inform me of the date I am to come to Krasnoyarsk.

Контрольные вопросы по теме занятия.

Переведите следующие письма на русский язык и определите тип письма:


1) Memo

2) CV

3) Letter of apology

4) Contract

I am writing to apologize for the mix-up in your order. We recently began using a new packaging system, which still has a few small bugs. This morning we straightened out your order and sent it. To compensate for the inconvenience, we have enclosed coupons for you to enjoy on future purchases at any of our retail stores. Again, I apologize for the confusion and any trouble that may have caused you.


1) Letter of apology

2) Letter of application

3) CV

4) Contract

Responsible for training and mentoring system technicians and system designers. Also responsible for ensuring that delegated tasks are done accurately, on-time, billed within budget, and performed within the scope of the contract. Must also oversee a high degree of regard to employee and subcontractor safety. Must also oversee that safety standards are adhered to.


Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. She is woken up ….. a loud noise.

2. The parcel is tired up ….. a string.

3. John is told off ….. his mother.

4. This picture is painted ….. a famous artist.

5. The chair is covered ….. a woollen blanket.

6. The walls are decorated ….. posters.

7. My car is repaired ….. my father.

8. This dessert is made ….. fresh cream.

Ситуационные задачи по теме:

Вы являетесь владельцем сети аптек в городе. Вы заказали партию ингаляторов в Sabena Pharmacytics адрес 39 Turner Road , Bedford MK 40 United Kingdom Mr R Harrison (Purchasing Manager ) По вашему заказу прибыл товар , но как оказалось в двух коробках не хватает инструкции по эксплуатации прибора, а один и вовсе не работает. Сделайте запрос в компанию продавца, объясните о поломке и отсутствии инструкций. Вы также предлагаете сделать вам скидку за причиненные неудобства. Выражаете желание обсудит с партнером по телефону сложившуюся ситуацию. Просите его назначить вам удобное для него время и дату.

- Выучить новые слова и выражения.

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ к занятию 1

Allison Importers Ltd

Rooms 21-8 | Rothermede House | London WC 1 1AR

TELEPHONE: +44 (0)1332 45790 | FACSIMILE: +44 (0) 1332 51977

17 October 2008

Mr. F Iglasis

Iglasis Leather Manufacturing SA

Enrique Granados 109



Dear Mr. Iglasis

We are interested in your offer you made to us in your letter of 8 October to act as sole agents for your leather goods in this country.

We think that the annual turnover you suggested was rather optimistic, and while we agree that there is a demand for leather cases and bags here, we think that half the figure you quoted would be more realistic. In view of this, the commission you offer, 6 %, is rather low, and we would expect a minimum of 10% on net invoice total.

As sole agents, the territory you offer, i.e. London, would be too restrictive for sales, and this would have to be extended to the home counties. We also feel it would be better for customers to settle with us direct, and we would remit quarterly account sales deducting our commission, but we are prepared to leave this matter open for discussion.

If these conditions are suitable, then we would certainly accept an initial one-year contract to act as your agents.

Yours sincerely,

M. Allison

Managing Director

7. Рекомендации следовательской работе обучающихся:

- Примерные темы проектов / докладов: Business Correspondence.

Занятие № 11

Тема: «Business Correspondence: Applying for a Job (Questionnaire,
Cover Letter, CV)», «International Grant Application»

2. Форма организации занятия: практическое занятие. Разновидность занятия: в интерактивной форме.

Методы обучения: ролевая игра.

3. Значение изучения темы: актуальность темы обеспечивается, прежде всего, ее профессиональной направленностью. Информация о правилах ведения деловой переписки и оформления писем различного вида представляет интерес для студентов как будущих специалистах в данной области. В ходе изучения темы студенты приобщаются к социокультурной среде носителей языка, знакомятся с основами межкультурных отношений в менеджменте, развивают способность эффективно выполнять свои функции в межкультурной среде. Актуальность владения английским языком для будущего специалиста как участника интеграционных процессов является важным фактором.

4. Цели обучения:

- общая: обучающийся должен обладать ОК-5, ОК-6.

- учебная: вести диалог, принимать участие в дискуссии, применять методы и средства познания для интеллектуального развития, повышения культурного уровня, профессиональной компетентности; составлять и представлять публично монологические высказывания в рамках профессиональной деятельности (презентация, выступление), составлять деловые письма отвечать на них, уметь вести переписку по Интернету.

5. План изучения темы:

Наши рекомендации