Тема 5. Перевод инфинитива и инфинитивных конструкций
Перевод английского инфинитива в функции обстоятельства цели, следствия и в функции обстоятельства последующего действия.
Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели и следствия можно переводить:
- неопределенной формой глагола,
- личной формой глагола,
- сочиненным и придаточным предложением цели и следствия.
Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства последующего действия всегда переводится личной формой глагола и выступает в предложении как однородное сказуемое, например:
He arrived only to learn that she had left
Он приехал и узнал, что она уже отбыла.
- A group of sixteen employees have filed a suit charging that the company tried to intimidate them into abandoning their plan to form a union not to be tied down by a collective bargain.
- The government introduced what it believed could become a revolutionary welfare system only to find out that it failed to encourage people off benefits and into work
- Europeans know enough of the single currency now to have lost almost all faith in its benefits
- The country was oiled with so much cash as to appear secure in its prosperity
- It took the increasing risk of bankruptcy and the global economic uncertainty to panic managers into a clampdown on employee spending
- Most analysts agree that the government’s latest decree alone is enough to wreck the competitiveness of an emerging manufacturing sector
- Lorry drivers went back to work only to see their business taxed and regulated to death
- The country’s best hope of escaping the commodity cycle died down to leave people more desperate than before
- She came to the job interview to find the position she had applied for alredy filled
- The company opened three more branches to expand its operations in the area
Перевод инфинитива в функции определения.
Инфинитив в функции определения можно переводить на русский язык:
- неопределенной формой глагола,
- личной формой глагола,
- определительными придаточными предложениями, которые могут передавать модальное значение (а) необходимости или (б) возможности, или отнесенность к будущему времени, например:
He was not a man to take things at their face value
Он был не из тех, кто принимает все за чистую монету.
- The CEO was the last to speak at the meeting
- Relative economic stability is a condition not only to be enjoyed but to be cherished
- The leading European countries find themselves is a position to bail out their less fortunate partners
- Many workers may have their wages frozen under government proposals to be piloted this spring
- Moves to ban traditional light bulbs are being looked at by the government in the battle against climate change. The aim is to encourage consumers to buy energy-saving bulbs, which last on average up to twelve times as long
- The government’s proposals to cut social benefits have been hardly criticized by the opposition leaders
- In the struggle against poverty social responsible business has a unique role to play
- His drive to modernize the country has received wholehearted public support
Перевод инфинитива в комплексах.
Инфинитив в комплексах переводится при помощи:
- неопределенной формы глагола,
- соответствующего придаточного предложения.
( В этом случае все зависит от функции инфинитивного комплекса в предложении.) При данном способе перевода происходят синтаксические замены (простое предложение заменяется сложноподчиненным).
- сочинительной связи, если это инфинитивный комплекс с предлогом « », а инфинитив выступает как сказуемое второй части сочиненного предложения, например:
Here is another report for you to look through
Вот еще один отчет, просмотри его.
- Cut your clothes according to cloths. It’s a good thing for everyone to know.
- Promotion means yet another incentive for all employees to work harder
- The Competition Commission is reported to rule out an enforced break-up of the company. yet the regulator believes the company has too few competitors for the restriction on it to be lifted
- What the management wants is for all the employees to understand clearly that massive layoffs are inevitable.
- This is no time for us to attempt to break into new market
- The negotiations seem to have been completed
- The original guess that world stock markets would continue to fall would proved to be right
- In his prediction manifesto he claimed to solve the problem of unemployment
- In the past few years governments across the world had searched frantically for effective measures to prevent incomes from dropping and the value of peoples savings from slumping
- In Spain and Portugal GDP appears to be rising, if only by a feeble 0.2% in the second quarter
- Greece’s economy is likely to shrink by 1.5 % in the second quarter
- The figures from France seem to be quite solid (if based more on consumer spending that exports)
- Small producers of niche capital goods are highly unlikely to see a surge in orders
- A sovereign-debt crisis and regional imbalance seem to threaten the single currency’s very existence. It will take a lot more than wishful thinking for the problem to go away
- Fears of a renewed recession in America prove to be overblown
- A stitch in time saves nine. This is something for our policy makers to chew on
- Jobs growth turned out to be scarce last year
- Acute competition appears to have driven margins down. The best firms used to make returns on equity above 30 %. Even the laggards could clock 20 % without breaking a sweat. Now the best that most can hope for is the teens and even that is sure to require chopping and changing