Pronounce with aspiration. Кукушка кукушонку купила капюшон
Кукушка кукушонку купила капюшон.
У кошки в лукошке пряники, коврижки, пироги да пышки.
Unit 29. GIRL
1. Listen and repeat:
cold-gold, coat-goat, curl-girl, class-glass, back-bag, clock- clog.
2. Listen and repeat:
give, beginning, get, together, again, guests, garden, gun, good, go, August, guitar, dog, Craig, Greg, Greek, Margaret, telegram, glad, England.
3. Dialogue. Guests in August
A.: I’ve just got a telegram from Margaret and Greg.
B.: Are they coming to England again?
A.: Yes. At the beginning of August.
B.: Good. We can all get together again.
A.: I’m glad they are coming in August. We can take the dog and go for walks together.
B.: Yes. And we can give a garden party.
A.: And Margaret can play her guitar in the garden and sing Greek songs again.
B.: Yes. August is a good time to come to England.
4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?
Cows graze in groves on grass which grows in grooves in groves.
Greek grapes.
Gray geese graze in the green, green grass.
George and Grace grew glossy grapes and grimy garlic gladly.
5. Drill. Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the intonation of apposition.
Приложение, ограничивающее значение существительного, тесно связано с ним и не выделяется в отдельную синтагму. Приложение, выступающее в качестве дополнительной информации в форме ремарки, обычно выделяется в отдельную синтагму, ударно и произносится тем же тоном, что и определяемое слово, но на более низком уровне.
1. Mark Twain, the famous American writer was traveling in France.
2. The part of Great Britain, lying south of the Scottish border, (Cheviot Hills), and east of Wales is England.
3. All my family (except for me) is involved in farming.
4. Robert Burns, Scotland's bard and the world's poet was born in 1759.
5. My brother-in-law, Peter Smith, is a teacher.
Unit 30. SUN
[s], [z] – переднеязычные апикально-альвеолярные щелевые фрикативные согласные. При произнесении этих согласных образуется узкая щель между кончиком языка и альвеолами. Английский согласный [s] сильнее русского [с], английский звонкий [z] слабее русского [з].
1. Listen and repeat:
Sue, bus, said, piece, sip, price.
2. Listen and repeat:
sit, Sam, sand, Saturday, Sunday, sailing, sensible, outside, seaside, interesting, instead, just, star, it’s, let’s sleep, spend, swim, skiing, expensive, exciting, six, yes, Alice.
3. Dialogue. It’s expensive
A.: Let’s go to the seaside on Saturday.
B.: Yes! Let’s go sailing and water- skiing. That’s exciting.
A.: It’s expensive too. Let’s just sit in the sun and go swimming instead.
B.: Let’s stay in the Six Star Hotel and spend Sunday there too.
A.: Be sensible, Alice. It’s too expensive. Let’s sleep outside instead.
B.: Yes. Let’s sleep on the sand. That’s more exciting.
Joining words.
Let’s sit in the sun. Let’s stay in a hotel. Let’s sleep outside. Let’s spend Sunday there too. Six Stars. He smokes cigarettes. He wants some books. He speaks slowly.
5. Reading. The smile of a snake.
She speaks slowly and smokes special, expensive cigarettes. As she steps upstairs, her long skirt sweeps over her silver slippers. She is small and smart and sweet – smiling. Her skin is like snow.
“You’ve stolen my heart!” I once said stupidly, and she smiled. But when she smiled, she smiled the smile of a snake.
6. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?
I saw Esau kissing Kate. I saw Esau,
he saw me, and she saw I saw Esau.
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
Unit 31. ZOO
1. Listen and repeat:
Sue-zoo, said-Z, sip-zip, bus-buzz, piece-peas, price-prize.
2. Listen and repeat:
Zzz! Zoo, buzzing, surprising, amazing, surprises, buzzes, Mrs., these, bees, is, does, says, noise, hisses, smells, something’s, contains, Jones, isn’t.
3. Dialogue. Surprises in the post office
Mrs. Smith: This parcel smells, Mrs. Jones.
Mrs. Jones: Something’s written on it.
Mrs. Smith: What does it say?
Mrs. Jones: It says: This parcel contains six mice.
Mrs. Smith: Pooh!
Mrs. Jones: Listen! What’s in this sack?
Mrs. Smith: It’s making a strange hissing noise.
(sack)hisses Sssssssssssss!
Mrs. Jones: Mrs. Smith! It’s a sack of snakes!
Mrs. Smith: So it is! And what’s in this box, Mrs. Jones?
Mrs. Jones: It’s making a buzzing sound.
Mrs. Smith: These are bees!
A parcel of mice! And a sack of snakes! And a box of bees! This is very surprising.
Mrs. Jones: It’s amazing. This isn’t a post office, Mrs. Jones. It’s a zoo.
4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?
Busy buzzing bumble bees.
Zebras zig and zebras zag.
5. Drill. Read the following sentences.
Постепенно нисходящая шкала ударных слогов может быть нарушена, если по смыслу необходимо выделить одно из промежуточных слов.
1. Tom had a bad fall.
2. I heard him play at the Albert Hall.
3. Didn't he tell us he knew nothing about it?
4. Didn't they promise to tell us at once?
5. Would you introduce me to that interesting brother of yours?
6. I left in such a hurry.
7. I feel for him the greatest admiration.
8. His last concert was a tremendous success.
Unit 32. SHOE
[ ] – переднеязычные альвеолярно-палатальные щелевые согласные. Кончик языка находится у альвеол, а средняя часть языка поднимается к твердому небу, что придает звукам оттенок мягкости. [ ] – глухой согласный, [ ] – звонкий.
1. Listen and repeat:
sea-she, Sue-shoe, sip-ship, ass-ash, Russ-rush, puss-push.
2. Listen and repeat:
sheets, shall, shop, shut, shouldn’t, Shaw, shake, show, shirts, sure, washing, machine, special, Marsh, wish, Swedish, English, shrunk, finished, demonstration.
3. Dialogue. A special washing machine
A.: Does this shop sell washing machines?
B.: Yes. This is the newest washing machine, madam.
A.: Is it Swedish?
B.: No, madam. It’s English.
A.: Please show me how it washes.
B.: Shall I give you a demonstration? Here are some sheets and shirts.
A.: You put them in the machine. You shut the door. And you push this button.
B.: The machine shouldn’t shake like that, should it?
A.: Washing machines always shake, madam. Ah! It’s finished now.
B.: But the sheets have shrunk and so have the shirts.
A.: Do you wish to buy this machine, madam?
B.: I’m not sure.
4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?
Preshrunk silk shirts.
The soldiers shouldered shooters on their shoulders.
Selfish shellfish.
5. Joining sounds:
English shops, Danish ships, Scottish sheep, Swedish shampoo, French champagne, Irish sheets, Polish shirts, Finnish shorts, Turkish sugar, Spanish shoes.