A first reminder of overdue account
Dear Sirs
As we have always received your payments punctually, we are puzzled to have had neither remittance nor report from you in connection with our current statement of 7 April.
We think you may not have received our letter containing the statement, as settlement is now 4 weeks overdue. We are accordingly enclosing a copy of the account to the amount of £. . . and you will no doubt give it your early attention.
Yours faithfully
A second reminder.
On I April we sent you our statement showing a balance due of £. . .
This sum should have been paid by 30 April, but, receiving no remittance,
we wrote to you again on 25 May, enclosing a copy of the statement.
As we are still without any reply from you, we regret to say that we must
hold your order no. 1111 until we have your payment or an explanation of
your delay in replying to our letters.
We regret very much that you have not replied to our letter of. . . asking
you to clear the amount of £. . . outstanding against invoice no. 000.
Kindly inform us if there are any reasonable grounds for your nonpayment,
or alternatively advise us of what arrangements you are making for settlement.
Dear Sirs
All our attempts to induce you to clear your indebtedness to us have been
ignored, and we are quite unable to understand why you have not even
replied to our letters. We think we have shown reasonable patience and
consideration, but we can do so no longer and must now reluctantly take
steps to obtain payment at law.
As you must yourselves appreciate, your own credit and reputation are
certain to suffer by our action, but we regret that there is no alternative. If,
however, you make an immediate payment to ... Bank of the full amount
due, we will suspend action against you.
Yours faithfully
Seller's enquiry to reference given by buyers.
Dear Sirs
We have had a request from Messrs. J. L. Dyer & Co. of Port Elizabeth
S.A. for supplies of our products on open account terms. They have given
your name as a reference, saying they have done business with you for the
past 5 years.
We would appreciate it as a very great favour if you would kindly let us
know in confidence whether you have found Messrs. Dyer & Co. reliable
in their dealings and prompt in settling their accounts. As we understand
that their requirements may be to the amount of £1,000 monthly, we
should be grateful to you for an opinion on their ability to meet a liability
of this size.
Any other information which you could supply would be very welcome,
and would of course be treated as strictly confidential.
Yours faithfully
Reply toa letter enquiring about acustomer's credit.
Dear Sirs
Replying to your letter of...under ref. no. AB/A we can give you the following information.
The firm you mention are well-known in local business circles and appear to have
a good reputation. They have been established for over 10 years, to our knowledge,
and conduct a fairly extensive import trade in our line. We have been doing business
with them for just over 5 years on quarterly account terms and can say that their
obligation to us have been punctually met at all times. Although their credit with us
has never reached the level mentioned in your letter we would have no hesitation in granting
them this amount, if asked.
This information is given without responsibility, of course.
Yours faithfully
Dear Sirs
We regret we are unable to help you very much with regard to the firm
mentioned in your letter of...
It is true that we did business with them during the period 1993-1995, but
the amount involved was not large and accounts were not always
satisfactorily kept.
This is, of course, in strict confidence.
Yours faithfully
Bank customer requests an overdraft.
The Manager,
Southland Bank Ltd.
Westerham, Kent K32 GN4
Dear Sir
Further to our interview of yesterday, I request your permission to overdraw
my account up to a limit of £1,000 between 1 January and 1 August 19....
As I explained to you yesterday, I have during this period to meet certain
capital costs incurred in the expansion of my business. The benefit of this
expansion will not be felt till around 30 June, when considerable sums
will be due to me from home and overseas customers. As security,
share certificates worth £500 will be deposited with you and a life
endowment policy for £300 will be assigned to you. I look forward to an early reply.
Yours faithfully
Letter to solicitors, asking them to act for the firm.
Your name has been given to us by Green, Black & Green,* our solicitors in Luton,
and I am writing at the request of my Directors to ask if you would be good enough
to act on our behalf in the matter of nonfulfillment of a contract by... (name given)
of your city. The precise facts of the case are set out in the enclosed copy of the
document and attached statement by my Directors.
We hope you will be willing to undertake the case for our company, and as the
matter is rather urgent your early reply will be greatly appreciated.
(Такого рода письма подписываются управляющим делами фирмы)
Фамилию и имя юрисконсульта фирмы может узнать в посольстве страны, в которой будет возбуждено судебное дело (в которой будет заявлен иск), или в министерстве торговли в Лондоне и т.д.