Central processing unit

It is well known in computer science that the words 'computer' and 'processor' are used interchangeably. Speaking more precisely, 'computer' refers to the central processing unit (CPU) together with an internal memory. The internal memory, control and processing components make up the heart of the computer system. Manufactures design the CPU to control and carry out basic instructions for the particular computer.

The CPU coordinates all the activities of the various components of the computer. It determines which operations will be carried out and in what order. The CPU controls the operation of the entire system by issuing commands to other parts of the system and by acting on responses. When required it reads information from the memory, interprets instructions, performs operations on the data according to the instructions, writes the results back into the memory and moves information between memory levels or through the input-output ports.

In digital computers the CPU can be divided into two functional units called the control unit (CU) and the arithmetic-logical unit (ALU). These two units are made up of electronic circuits with millions of switches that can be in one of two states, either on or off.

The function of the CU within the central processor is to transmit coordinating control signals and commands. The control unit is that part of the computer that directs the sequence of step-by-step operations of the system, selects instructions and data from memory, interprets the program instructions, and controls the flow between main storage and the arithmetic-logical unit.

The ALU, on the other hand, is that part of the computer in which the actual arithmetic operations, namely, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation, called for in the instructions are performed.

Programs and the data on which the CU and the ALU operate, must be in internal memory in order to be processed. Thus, if located in secondary memory devices, such as disks or tapes, programs and data are first loaded into internal memory.

Answer the following questions:

1. What words in computer science are used interchangeably and why? 2. What components make up the heart of the computer system? 3. What is the function of the CPU? 4. Name the sequence of operations the CPU performs (use five verbs). 5. What is the function of the CU? 6. What operations are performed in the ALU? 7. Where are data processed?


Exercise 1.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Внутренняя память; выполнять; координировать деятельность; управлять работой всей системы; уровни памяти; порт ввода-вывода; переключатели; режим включения или выключения; передавать сигналы; указывать последовательность пошаговых операций; основная память; управлять ходом выполнения программы; выполнять вычитание, сложение, возведение в степень, деление, умножение; для того чтобы.

Internal memory, perform, coordinate, manage the work of the whole system; levels of memory I / O port, switch, mode switch on or off, to transmit signals, to specify a sequence of incremental operations, main memory, control the progress of the program, perform the subtraction, addition, construction in degree, multiplication, division; to.

Exercise 2.Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь перевести словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.

Direction: clockwise/counterclockwise direction; data direction; forward/backward direction; inverse / reverse direction; negative direction; positive direction.

Level: access level; application level; data level; difficulty level; error level; function level; hardware level; high level; input/output level; performance level; program level; security level; software level.

Processor: control processor; data processor; error processor; general-purpose processor; special-purpose processor; image processor; language processor; mail processor; message processor; numeric processor; peripheral processor; text processor.

Switch: to switch between programs; to switch between windows; to switch disks; to switch on/ off; to switch over.

Step: final step; procedure step; program step; programming step; step by step; one step at a time; to step down/out; to step up; to take steps.

Exercise 3.Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.

1. Programs and data to be processed must be in the ________ memory.

(internal, external, secondary)

2. The control unit ___ instructions from the program.

(sends, changes, obtains)

3. The read out command is passed from the ____register to the ____ register.

(instruction, address, storage)

4. CPU is designed to ____ and to ___ basic instructions for the computer.

(control, consist, carry out)

5. CU and AlU consist of electronic circuits with millions of ____.

(sensors, switches, servers)

Exercise 4.Подберите пары или группы близких по значению слов из приведенных ниже. Переведите слова на русский язык.

Verbs: relate, employ, insert, perform, remove, operate, show, interpret, select, issue, use, receive, cause, print, make, compute, connect, execute, take away, require, act, convert, carry out, demand, permit, demonstrate, choose, transmit, type, store, get, calculate, proceed, continue, keep, allow.

Nouns: response, unit, component, computation, storage, gate, amount, element, memory, instruction, device, equipment, connection, circuit, order, command, information, relation, quantity, answer, calculation, number, data.

Adjectives: broad, complete, each, appropriate, every, basic, essential, digital, original, full, wide, initial, major, large, numerical, common, necessary, usual, important, general, great.


Exercise 1.Переведите предложения, содержащие независимый причастный оборот.

1. Data being accessed randomly, semiconductor memories are called random access memory (RAM). 2. Primary storage having similarity to a function of the human brain, the storage is also called memory. 3. Computer system architecture being organized around the primary storage unit, all instructions must pass through it. 4. Computer system architecture is organized around the primary storage unit, all instructions passing through it. 5. For this reason most computer systems use electronic memory for primary storage, electromechanical memory being used for secondary storage. 6. The CPU controls the operation of the entire system, commands being issued to other parts of the system.7. Being not visible software makes possible the effective operation of computer system. 8. Being introduced in the beginning of this century the flash memory cards will replace the floppy disks and even the disks. 9. The control unit interpreting instructions is one of the important parts of any computer system.

Exercise 2. Преобразуйте предложения с независимым причастным оборотом в сложные предложения.

Models:A joystick being connected to your computer, this icon lets you set up the joystick. => If a joystick is connected to your computer, this icon lets you set up the joystick.

1.Your program refusing to save a file, the disk is possibly full. 2. Windows being started, a dialog box prompts you to enter your name and password. 3. The program already running, you can use the standard File½Open command to open a document. 4. You can copy the text, the Copy command leaving the selected text in your document. 5. Satellite PC promising 400KBs data transfers, the modem speed will triple.

Exercise 2.Переведите предложения.

1. Компьютерная система включает в себя память, компоненты обработки и контроля.

2. Основные инструкции и команды выполняются центральным процессором.

3. Блок управления позволяет контролировать выполнение инструкций.

4. АЛУ и блок управления работают благодаря сохраненным во внутренней памяти компьютера программам и инструкциям.

5. При необходимости этот компонент компьютерной системы найдет инструкцию во внутренней памяти, выполнит операции согласно этой инструкции, записав результаты в память.

Exercise 3.Tell about CPU (8-10 sentences)


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