Substantivized Adjectives

Ex. 193. Read and translate the sentences Find and comment on the substantivized adjectives

1. Haven is where the police is British, the cooks are Italian, the mechanics are German, the lovers are French, and all is organized by the Swiss. Hell is where the cooks are British, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, the police is German and all is organized by the Italians. 2. Mr. Alexander is writing a book on fundamentals of English Grammar. 3. The prospect of a new business deal gave her a high. 4. His illustrated talk presented the highs and lows of his journey. 5. The place was deserted, all the locals had left with the summer residents. 6. The rest had done him good, he knew that. 7. Another thought struck Ursula all of a sudden. 8. Why do you ignore the obvious? 9. The navy was in the thick of the fighting. 10. She always tries to see the best in people. 11. The authorities are very much concerned with the number of the homeless on London streets. 12. He was a German through and through. 13. It's a pobbjble. I'll think about it later. 14. From the sublime to the ridiculous there is only one step. (Napoleon) 15. He is working like a black. 16. She admired the tints of Renoir's paintings. They were breath-taking: shell-pink and pearl, deep rose and gold, soft pastel blues and greens and the most glorious of yellows. 17. All my life, I've gotten nothing but A's, Even in Latin, which I found to be a difficult subject. 18. We must turn human wrongs into human rights, 19. This figurine is a pretty. I see you are fond of pretties.

Ex. 194.Insert the right article.

1, It had not occurred to her before that ... rich could be daft in the head. She had always thought it was the prerogative of ... poor. 2. He was a man who lives his life to ... fullest. 3. She stepped back and viewed the fir-tree with a critical eye. It was a healthy young fir, ... rich dark green. 4. She tried to remember only ... good and ... best. 5.1 felt claustrophobic all of ... sudden. 6.Come in, don't stand outside in ... cold. 7. She laughed, and a slight flush tinted her face ... pretty pink. 8. It felt like flying into ... unknown. 9. Escape ... ordinary. 10. How clever of you to help ... helpless and ... homeless. 11. ... more a man knows, ... more he is inclined to be modest. 12. He is leaving the country for ... good. 13. They did it for ... good of their country.

14. There are some changes for ... better in her condition. 15. His eyes were of ... brown so dark that they were almost black. 16. Do you believe in ... supernatural?

Ex. 195.Complete the table Mind the use of articles.

Название страны Прилага­тельное Житель страны Совокупность жителей Название языка  
1. Russia          
2. Britain British        
3. China          
4.   . the Americans    
Название страны Прилага­тельное Житель страны Совокупность жителей Название языка
5.     the Hungarian people  
6. Finland        
7.     the Spanish  
8. Turkey        
9. Scotland        
10. Holland        
11. Denmark        
12.   an Egyptian    
13. Swedish      
14. Israel        
15.   a Belgian    
16. Portugal        
17.       English
18. Czech      
19.     the Saudis  
20. Polish      
21. The Phi­lippines        

Ex. 196.Translate into English.

1. Белинский, говоря о языке Пушкина, — русском язы­ке, писал: «Он нежен, сладостен, мягок как ропот вол­ны; тягок и густ как смола; ярок как молния; прозра­чен и чист как кристалл; душист и благовонен как вес­на; крепок и могуч как удар меча в руке богатыря».

2. На конференции присутствовали немцы, шведы, швей­царцы. 3. Для него демократия — это идеал. 4. «Война и мир» Л. Толстого — это классика русской литературы.5. «Неприкасаемые» — моя любимая популярная груп­па. 6. Он работает как троянец. 7. Более двадцати про­центов шведов имеют загородные дома. 8. Датчане — это люди, живущие в Дании. 9. — Как вы называете людей, живущих в Нидерландах? — Это голландцы. 10. Как ис­тинный испанец, Хосе обожает корриду. 11. Индусы ве­рят в возрождение души. 12. Жители Израиля — изра­ильтяне, и говорят они на иврите. 13. — Миланцы гор­дятся своим оперным театром? — Да, так же как и венцы. 14. Когда я учился в школе М. Свона при Лон­донском университете, в моей группе было много иное транцев: один тайванец, два португальца, три американца, четыре француза и одна англичанка. 15. Жителей ост рова Сардиния называют сардами. 16. В Дании говорят на датском, в Голландии на голландском, в Норвегии на норвежском. 17. Мои любимые книги — «Отверженные» В. Гюго, «Зов предков» Дж. Лондона, «Красное и черное» Стендаля. 18. Филиппинцы — жители Филиппин. 19. Жители Перу — перуанцы.

Ex. 197.Read and translate the proverbs. Find their Russian equivalents.

1. Actions speak louder than words. 2. He who is absent is always in the wrong. 3. A bad excuse is better than none. 4. Better late then never. 5. It is better to be born lucky than rich. 6. A creaking door hangs longest. 7. The difficult is done at once; the impossible takes a little longer. 8. The best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman. 9. Experience is the best teacher. 10. Fortune favours the brave. 11. One law for the rich and another for the poor. 12. A man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks. 13. The more you get, the more you want. 14. Nothing is certain but the foreseen. (The unexpected always happens.) 15. Prevention is better than cure. 16. The sharper the storm, the sooner it's over. 17. Never speak ill of the dead. 18. Two wrongs don't make a right. (Two blacks don't make a white.) 19. The weakest go to the wall. 20. A word to the wise is enough.

Ex. 198.Translate into English.

1. Этот мастер говорит, что всегда готов помочь моло­дым. 2. Ей хорошо знакомы все те соблазны, которые искушают знаменитостей. 3. Он считает, что чем стар­ше он становится, тем меньше он в чем-либо уверен. 4. Мы так устали от всех этих крайностей в погоде! 5. Она старалась не выделять любимчиков среди сво­их детей. 6. Мысли Лизы были о прошлом. Возмож­но, это было потому, что она не хотела думать о насто­ящем и будущем. 7. Я нисколько (ни в малейшей мере) не возражаю, если ты называешь меня прагма­тиком. Да, я не романтик. 8. Если у вас однажды по­явится привычка, то потом становится все труднее и труднее избавиться от нее. 9. С самого детства они были полными противоположностями по характеру. 10. С богатыми людьми очень трудно иметь дело, осо­бенно когда дело касается их денег. 11. Это последнее, что могло прийти мне в голову. 12. Его глаза были светлого серо-голубого цвета. 13. Почему вы переду­мали ни с того, ни с сего? 14. Испанцы говорят, что кофе должен быть черным как дьявол, горячим как ад и сладким как грех. 15. Чем большее я узнаю людей, тем больше мне нравятся собаки, (старая английс­кая пословица) 16.Моя новая квартира будет в пас­тельных тонах: бледно-серых и бледно-зеленых. 17. В последнее время на экранах телевизоров мы видим много сериалов: «Дерзкие и красивые», «Богатые и знаменитые », « Неприкасаемые ».

Ex. 199. Use the dictionary to help you with this exercise.

A. Name the nationalities.

1. Antigone is from Greece. She is ... . 2. Gareth is from Wales. He is ... . 3. Johan is from Holland. He is ... . 4. Teng is from China. He is .... 5. Ali is from Iraq. He is .... 6. Beatrice is from Switzerland. She is ... . 7. Abdul is from Sudan. He is ... . 8. Jean is from Belgium. He is ... . 9. Kemal is from Turkey. He is ... . 10. Carmen is from Spain. She is .... 11. Nils is from Denmark. He is ... . 12. Philip is from the Philippines. He is ... .

B. Name the languages

l.What language is spoken in Argentina? 2. What language is spoken in Brazil? 3. What language is spoken in Libya? 4. What language is spoken in Switzerland? 5. What language is spoken in Cyprus?

Chapter VI.


Ex. 200.Read the verse and learn it by heart Try to follow the given advice in your daily life

The ABC of Happiness

Aspire to reach your potential

Believe in yourself

Create a good life

Dream about what you might become

Exercise frequently

Glorify the creative spirit

Humour yourself and others

Imagine great things

Joyfully live each day

Kindly help others

Love one another

Meditate daily

Nurture the environment

Organize for harmonious action

Praise performance well done

Regulate your behaviour

Smile often

Think rationally

Understand yourself

Value life

Work for the common good

X-ray and carefully examine problems

Yearn to improve

Zestfully pursue happiness.

Ex.201. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian Pay special attention to the words in bold type

1.1 like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutelymiserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainlythat just to be alive is a grand thing. (Agatha Christie) 2. There was a solution and it had come to Emma in a flash. The solution was planning. She suddenlyknew that if the work was planned properly and systematically, in a sensible way,and distributed more intelligentlyit would be easier to manage. Of this she was absolutelyconfident, and the more she thought about it, the more convinced she had become. 3.1 fell blindly, madly, irrevocablyin love with him. And he with me, as I was eventuallyto discover. He captivated me entirely.4. He stood up when he saw her and smiled faintly,almost apologetically,but he made no move in her direction, as he would normallyhave done. 5. We were close friends and then we started to work together professionally,when suddenly, unexpectedly,we broke. 6. You are old enough to discuss this calmly and intelligently. In a reasonable manner.7. Just as a newborn baby grows physically,so you will grow spiritually.8. May you always laugh heartily, cry openly,sing loudly,dance wildly,love unashamedly!

Ex. 202.Fill in the blanks with words from the right column

1. Mind, it is ... confidential. a. brightly

2. He'll have to limit his expenses.... b. well

3. It changes ..., like night and day. c. hopefully

4. We'll contact you ... . d. badly

5. They never took me ... . e. briefly

6. This morning they quarrelled ... . f • automatically

7. In the grate a log fire burned ... . g- occasionally

8. This chap plays the piano so ... . h. regularly

9. He expresses his ideas ... . i- directly

10. They didn't think twice and came j- seriously ... .

k. clearly

11. I go to the theatre .... 1- immediately

12. Her mind on her son, she cooked ... . m.severely

13. They considered the contract ... . n. normally

14. I ... get up at 8 o'clock. o. strictly

15. "Can we come in?" she asked ... . p. deeply

16. Always try to breathe ... .

Ex. 203.Give the degrees of comparison of the following adverbs.

Badly, briefly, carefully, clearly, distinctly, early, effectively, efficiently, far, fast, frankly, frequently, hard, heartily, honestly, late, little, much, often, patiently, soon, well, willingly.

Ex. 204.Put the words in brackets into the right form.

1. Statistics say that women drive (carefully) than men, 2. Please talk a bit (quietly) and (little) aggressively. 3. There's nothing (annoying) than losing your door key, 4. Tom prefers to be alone. He is (sociable) person in the office. 5. This time he tried (hard) than last time. 6. A big car can be parked (easily) than a small one. 7. We walked (far) than we had planned. 8. Today David acted (generously) than ever before. 9. The final exam was (little) difficult of all. 10. This month Caroline worked (badly) of all, though actually she works (well) of all the pupils of her class. 11. You don't remember some details, You should study the papers (closely). 12. They can get here at 7 o'clock at (early). It's a long way from here. 13. Changes will become necessary by the autumn, at (late). 14. Really, Alex, you could work (efficiently)!

Ex. 205.Translate into English.

1. Они прожили вместе много лет вполне счастливо. 2. Говорят, ты очень хорошо выступил вчера, поздравляю! 3. Инспектор немедленно принял необходимые меры. 4. Мой учитель бегло говорит на пяти языках. 5. Посидите здесь тихонечко, дети, пока не придет ваша мама. 6. Моему другу нравятся только быстрые ма шины. 7. Люди, которые очень быстро ездят, рано или поздно попадают в аварии. 8. Она настолько же глупа,

сколь и красива. 9. Это легкий вопрос. Ребенок легко может ответить на него. 10. — Вам понятно это пра­вило? — Да, вы его так четко объяснили. 11. Вчера к нам совершенно неожиданно приехали гости. 12. Ты определенно понапрасну тратишь свое время. 13. Я практически никогда не ложусь спать до 11 часов. 14. Мои друзья почти всегда отдыхают летом. 15. В основном это была моя вина. 16. Я полностью с вами согласен. 17. Давай поделим поровну денежный приз. 18. Позволь рассказать тебе вкратце в чем дело. 19. В этой школе примерно двести учеников. 20. Должен сказать вам, что вы вели себя провоцирующе.

Ex. 206.Find adverbs in column В which suit the verbs in column A. In some cases there can be more than one verb.


1. argue a. deeply

2. behave b. thoroughly

3. sleep c. convincingly, forcefully

4. speak d. spontaneously

5. explain e. bravely

6. feel f. truly

7. investigate g. deeply, heavily

8. react h. distinctly

9. sing i. badly, stupidly

10. fight j. softly, quietly

11. rain k. concisely, briefly

12. remember 1. sweetly

13. love and respect m. continuously

14. get mad n. easily

Ex. 207.Read and translate the sentences. Find adverbs-intensifiers.

I.I definitely think she will win. 2. Olga is really competent. 3. Your garden is absolutely lovely. 4. Your English has greatly improved lately. 5. Mary hardly ever calls me. 6. This is very nice indeed. 7. What you suggest is simply ridiculous. 8. He particularly enjoyed the news. . - 9. Theodora was most certainly welcome to stay as long as she wished. 10. That's what my father said actually. 11. They almost never see each other. 12. This is an exceptionally good chance. 13. Happily, the show melted. 14. The roof leaks, unfortunately. 15. Specifically, what is bothering you? 16. Actually, I didn't come here to listen to all this .... 17. Personally, I have nothing to do with it. 18. Basically, it's a good idea.

Ex. 208. A. Intensify the sentences by using the adverbials.

1. It was ... cold that night. very

2. He spoke ... fast. especially

3. This stamp is ... valuable. particularly

4. He spoke ... slowly. pretty

5. The food here is ... awful. rather

6. We get on ... well together. quite

7. Your work is ... poor. fairly

8. She left ... suddenly. not particularly

9. He speaks Dutch, but not ... well. extremely

10. The time passed ... fast.

11. It's a ... difficult test.

12. We are ... keen to go.

B. Use the following adverbs in sentences of your own.

Actually, officially, geographically, frankly, confidentially, between you and me, funnily enough, surprisingly, undoubtedly, basically, ironically, apparently, surely, mainly, generally, curiously.

Ex. 209.Put the adverbs in the right places.

1. You are right, (absolutely) 2.1 got to bed at twelve, (always) 3. Do you go to parties? (ever) 4. You can be sure of anything, (never) But you can trust me. (certainly) 5. They meet every weekend, (usually) 6. My friends invite me to the theatre, (occasionally). 7.1 have had such a shock! (never) 8. They met again, (never) 9.1 remember meeting those people, (definitely). 10. Some­thing is happening, (definitely) 11. Does he tell you the truth? (always) 12. He tries to do his best, (always) 13. He talks sensibly, (never) 14. He's late, (always) He was late for his own wedding, (even) 15. Can you be sincere? (ever) 16. Expensive remedies are useful (always), if not to the sick, then to the chemist. (Russian proverb) 17. We fans give up hope, (never) 18. Are you all right? (really)

Ex.210.Paraphrase the sentences according to the models.

Model: That was a perfect dance. — They danced perfectly.

She is a friendly girl. — She behaves in a friendly way.

1. Mr. Gibson is a creative teacher. 2. Frederick is a regular reader of "The Times". 3. They got instant access to the data. 4. That was a cowardly thing to do. 5. Little Tim is a quick learner. 6. Andy was a hard worker. 7. Helen is a very poor student. 8. She is a bad cook. 9. That was a provocative act on the girl's part. 10. Bill is a wise investor. 11. She is a slow thinker. 12. I am a good eater. 13. He is a heavy drinker. 14. You can buy cheap things in this shop. 15. It was a heroic act. 16. We had an early lunch. 17. That was a silly thing to do. 18. She is a graceful dancer. 19. You did good work. 20. They had a late dinner. 2I.He is a fast driver. 22. That was a lively performance. 23. They gave a simultaneous reply. 24. Mr. Jones gave them precise instructions. 25. Susan was very competent at her work.

Test Your Knowledge

Ex. 211.Read the sentences and translate them. Comment on the Words in bold type.

1. Time deals gently with those who take it gently. (Anatole France) 2. "Dear Nobody" is a classic story which vividly portrays the feelings of teenagers and their parents when faced with the unknown. 3. It's difficult to grow old gracefully, 4. Act honestlyand go boldly. 5. A full stomach studies unwillingly. 6. "The Wild Geese" is the most Japanesenovel ever written. It was destined to become a classic. 7. Sheis as contemporary asthe Greenwich time signal, as punctual asa tax demand , and as worldly asa punk. 8. The cheerfullive longestin years. 9. If you want to live twice as long, eat half as much,sleep twice as much,drink water three times as much,and laugh four times as much. 10.Life is easierthan you'd think: all that is necessary is to accept the impossible,do without the indispensable,and hear the intolerable.

Ex. 212.Choose the right word

1. The chances are ... . This is a ... complex law. (high, highly) 2. He was a tall man with ... shoulders. The child yawned ... . (wide, widely) 3. We have a very ... opinion of you. The review is ... critical, (high, highly) 4. Her books sell ... . The gap between the poor and the rich is, very ... . (wide, widely) 5. They are ... educated people This is ... fashion, (high, highly) 6. She opened her еуеs ... and stared. These books are ... known, (wide, widely) 7. The students spoke ... of the teacher. He lives to very ... standards, (high, highly) 8. She loved her husband ... . They dug ... down into the earth, (deep, deeply) 9. They are ... religious people. The river was three meters ... . (deep, deeply) 10. We had a ... talk. They stopped ... . Ho told me ... what to do next, (short, shortly) 11. The Marathon runner was breathing ... . We ... know each other, (hard, hardly) 12. The sun was ... above the trees. Her dress was cut ... in front, (low, lowly) 13. The crowd moved more ... around him. Nancy is a ... relative of Bess's, (close, closely) 14. Vladimir is a ... and able man Things should develop more ... . (dynamic, dynamically) 15. Turn the gas ... . I am in ... sprits today. The magazine ranked a ... 52nd among British publications, (low, lowly)

Ex. 213. Translate into English

1. Откровенно говоря, ты не очень серьезно относишься к своим обязанностям. 2. Вообще-то мне очень нужна твоя помощь. 3. Я лишь частично согласен с вами.

4. Скажи нам честно, почему ты вел себя так глупо. 5. Он совершил добрый поступок, и от этого ему хоро­шо. 6. Простуда прошла, и я хорошо себя чувствовал. 7. Вчера шел сильный дождь, а сегодня снегопад. 8. Уже почти время ланча. Давай остановимся около ближай­шего кафе. 9. Он упорно старается преуспеть. Но он едва ли знает, с чего начать. 10. Рано или поздно прав­да выходит наружу. 11. Все хорошо, что хорошо кон­чается. 12. Я определенно считаю, что мы все сделали правильно. 13. Лучше поздно, чем никогда. 14. Старай­ся излагать свои мысли логично. 15. У нас практичес­ки нет другого выхода. 16. Выслушай меня вниматель­но и начинай действовать немедленно. 17. Мой друг — постоянный читатель этого журнала. Он регулярно его выписывает. 18. Ландшафт был невероятно красив. 19. Мой брат — высокообразованный человек. 20. Дима живет дальше всех. 21. Относись к этому легче.

Ex 214. Choose the right word

1. By nature all men are alike, but by education widely ... . Do you think ... about it? (different, differently) 2. My teacher taught me ... as he used the latest, most... methods of teaching, (effective, effectively) 3. Men talk ..., but live ... . Even ... men make ... mistakes, (wise, wisely, foolish, foolishly) 4. The children's presentation was very ... . The events developed ... . (dynamic, dynamically) 5. Life is too ... to learn more than one business well. They returned ... afterwards, (short, shortly) 6. — Act ... and go ... . — But I am neither ... nor ... . (honest, honestly, bold, boldly) 7. She is walking so ... . How ... this ballerina is! (graceful, gracefully) 8. — We must have a ... talk. — Is it so necessary to discuss all this ... ? (confidential, confidentially) 9. His name can be ... seen in many papers. What's the ... news? (current, currently) 10. — Charles and Diana were very ... matched. — Yes, it was a ... match from start to finish, (bad, badly) 11. Make haste ... . He is as ... as a snail, (slow, slowly) 12. Computers have ... made a difference in our lives. She is ... to arrive on time, (sure, surely) 13. On the new stereo, many of the records sounded ... . This time we shall do it ... . (different, differently) 14. The age difference between the brothers is really quite ... . Her husband was ... shorter than she was. (slight, slightly) 15. She paused ... . Landing on the moon was one of the most ... scientific adventures of the twentieth century, (dramatic, dramatically)

Ex. 215. Translate into English

1. Вообще-то это не имеет значения. 2. Она говорила легко, но твердо. 3. Успех пошел ему на пользу. 4. Этот магазин продает практически все. 5. Она восприни­мает окружающий ее мир философски. 6. Он едва ли в состоянии работать сегодня. 7. Эта девушка необы­чайно эгоистична. 8. Вы ужасно добры. 9. Они сказа­ли это одновременно и рассмеялись. 10. Малейший шум пугал его. 11. Не имею ни малейшего понятия, о чем вы говорите. 12. Белое вино следует слегка ох­лаждать. 13. — Ты уверен, что все правильно услы­шал? — Абсолютно. 14. Мне хотелось бы быть эконо­мически независимым. 15. Эта машина очень эконо­мична. 16. Они слишком легко согласились на наше предложение. 17. Сегодня у нас будет нормальная (proper) еда. Ты никогда не ешь толком. Только по­мни слова: «Готовь быстро— ешь медленно.»

Chapter VIII.


The Present Tenses

The Present Simple

Ex. 216.Comment on the use of the Present Simple in the following sentences

1. Wisdom comes with age. 2. There is a reason for everything. Nothing falls from heaven. 3. — Do you believe in miracles? — I do. 4. Palermo is the capital of Sicily. 5. No one in this world is perfect. 6. Students buy a lot of books at the beginning of each term. 7.1 think that English Grammar is easy. 8. Frank has a good head for figures. 9. A cat purrs when it is pleased, but a dog waves its tail. 10. That's the way it usually happens. 11. The client is always right. 12.1 often sleep with the window open. 13. My mother doesn't like it when we play in the street. 14. The beauty of the Internet is that you can get virtually anything that your heart desires. 15. Every generation has its way. 16. I watch evening news every day. 17. — Do you have a sweet tooth? — Yes, several.

Ex 217. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets

1. This man (know) from his experience what it (mean). 2. Nothing (happen) by accident. 3. As man (grow) older, he (tend) to be more sceptical. 4. My mother often (tell) me that you not (leave) your problems behind you when you (go) to another place. Pain and heartache (travel) well. And indeed they (do). 5. Mrs. Osborne (own) this business, and she (run) it herself. 6. He (be) a complete mystery to me. 7. What he (do) for a living? 8. In Rome every building (tell) its own story. 9. When the weather (heat) up and you (need) to cool down, a lake, a river, a pool — is what your body and soul (need). 10. My great-grandmother is very old, but she (hear, see and understand) everything quite well. 11. I (remember) that Margaret (own) a villa on the Adriatic. 12. "The Bible (say) that the heart of man is exceedingly wicked," the Pastor replied.

Ex 218. Translate into English

1. Твой друг — это человек, который знает о тебе все и тем не менее любит тебя. 2. После печали прихо­дит радость. 3. Он любит лежать на диване и смот­реть телевизор. Он лежебока (a couch potato). 4. Все зависит от того, как он видит свое будущее. 5. — Ре­бенок хорошо спит по ночам, мамаша? — Да, хорошо, он просыпается один или два раза. 6. Он игнорирует наши звонки, потому что не хочет выполнять эту ра боту. 7. Тот, кто говорит, что деньги не могут купит}, счастья, просто не знает, где делать покупки. 8. Не волнуйтесь, мы уже здесь. 9. Он видит жизнь такой, как она есть. 10. Деньги не растут на деревьях. Их трудно добывать. 11. Все уже знают эти новости. 12. Кто знает, какая сейчас погода в Лондоне? 13. Я забыла, где он живет. 14. Мы слышали, что он чув ствует себя гораздо лучше. 15. Этот словарь предла гает точную и подробную информацию об английском языке. 16. — У вас много друзей? — Не очень, а у вас много друзей? 17. — Ты ведь обычно обедаешь дома, не так ли? — Это так. 18. Мой сосед охотится на ди­ких гусей и уток. 19. Каждый день приносит нам массу новых сведений. 20. В Калифорнии никогда не идет снег, не так ли? 21. Иногда в Москве зимой идет дождь.

Ex. 219. A. Read the following proverbs and sayings and give their Russian equivalents.

1. A stitch in time saves nine. 2. A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 3. A good wife makes a good husband. 4. A man is known by the company he keeps, 5. A lawyer never goes to law himself. 6. A civil question deserves a civil answer. 7. Time heals all wounds. 8. 11 takes three generations to make a gentleman. 9. He calls a goose a swan. 10. The more a man knows the mon1 modest he is. 11. An apple a day keeps wrinkles away. 12. Big fish eat little fish. 13. He laughs best who laughs last. 14. He who laughs last, laughs longest.

B. Give the English equivalents for the following.

1. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят. 2. Насильно мил не будешь. 3. Ум хорошо, а два луч ше. 4. Свет клином на нем не сошелся. 5. Клиент все гда прав. 6. Что легко приходит, то легко уходит. (Как пришло, так и ушло.) 7. С миру по нитке. 8. Крайности сходятся. 9. За добро добром платят. 10. История по­вторяется. 11. Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется пос­ледним. 12. Горбатого могила исправит. 13. Жизнь на­чинается в сорок лет. 14. Деньги делают деньги. 15. Новая метла по-новому метет.

Ex. 220. Read the following just for fun and then retell it.

A sure sign that a person is English is that he or she:

1. treats anybody foreign with suspicion. 2. never leaves home without an umbrella.

3. has little sense of rhythm. 4. understands the rules of cricket. 5. is still mentally at war with Germany, France, Scotland, the American colonies, the Danes, the Celts, the Vikings, the Romans. 6. thinks the weather is a more exciting topic of conversation than baseball.

7. doesn't expect any form of public transport to run on time. 8. thinks sarcasm is the highest form of wit. 9. thinks France begins and ends at the Calais hyper­market. 10. hasn't been to the Millennium Dome. 11. on holiday in Spain, searches for a bar that serves fish and chips.

12. has a proverb to cover any eventuality.

Ex 221. Translate into English.

1. Кто говорит, что жизнь скучна? Только не я! 2. Жизнь продолжается. 3. Когда мне плохо, то луч­шее лекарство для меня — Моцарт или Вивальди. 4. Что бы ни случилось, мой босс никогда не теряет хладнокровия (to lose one's cool). 5. Он всегда помо­гает людям советами и деньгами. 6. — В мае в Мос­кве иногда идет снег. — Да, погода преподносит нам сюрпризы. 7. Эти телевизионные новости дают точ­ные и верные сведения. 8. Ветреная погода сводит меня с ума. 9. О таких вещах прямо не говорят. 127

10. Когда температура поднимается, влажность обыч­но падает. 11. Цемент состоит из смеси глины и хи­микатов. 12. Мне нравится, когда ты носишь эту ро зовую блузку. 13. Все, что ты делаешь, зависит от тебя. 14. Он очень мудр: все слышит, все видит, все понимает, всегда дает хорошие советы. 15. Каждое лето Олег ездит в экспедицию и привозит много на­ходок.

Ex. 223.Read the following Agree or disagree with what is written Start with A person is (not) a computer nerd if

You might be a computer nerd (swot) if:

1. your Web page is more popular than you. 2. you think Bill Gates is a "cool guy". 3. you wake at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom and, on your way back to bed, you stop to check your e-mail. 4. you've never actually met any of your friends. 5. the optician looks deep into your eyes and sees a screen saver. 6. you'd prefer to buy Computer Weekly than Playboy. 7. you've read more books over the Internet than in real life. 8. your dog has its own home page. 9. you can't speak to your mother because she doesn't have a modem. 10. you name your daughter Dotcom. 11. you spend a plane trip with your laptop on your lap and your child in the overhead baggage compart­ment. 12. when someone yells out, "Where's Tommy?", you do a search for 13. you run back into your burning home to rescue your computer rather than your family.

a nerd — US si. a dull, uninteresting person

a swot — Br mfml. a person who works (too) hard at his studies

Ex 224. A. Translate into English

Мой день

Я обычно просыпаюсь около шести часов утра и сра­зу выбираюсь из кровати. По утрам я, как правило, принимаю душ, а по вечерам ванну. Я готовлю себе очень крепкий кофе и сажусь на кухне с газетами и журналами. Я люблю читать их, мне нравится узна­вать, что радует людей и что их огорчает, что их сер­дит и удивляет. В 8.30 я начинаю приводить дом в порядок, потому что экономка приходит в 9 часов, а я слишком воспитан, чтобы оставлять дом в беспоряд­ке. Я заканчиваю все до того, как она приходит. За­тем я сажусь в машину, и в 9.30 я уже в офисе. Моя секретарша Эмма Томсон также приходит в это вре­мя. И именно теперь начинается настоящая жизнь. Эмма — очаровательная женщина, очень энергичная и доминантная по характеру. Моя сестра считает, что

в прошлой жизни Эмма была сержантом. Она обычно говорит: «Мистер Картер, Вы должны подписать это, согласиться с этим, отказаться от этого и так далее». И если она начинает слишком командовать (to get bossy), я говорю: «Эмма, мы встретимся через час». Мой рабочий день заканчивается в 6 часов вечера. Вечером я могу делать все, что хочу. Иногда я ветре чаюсь с друзьями, хожу в театр, навещаю родителей. Иногда провожу спокойный вечер дома: смотрю те­левизор, читаю книги.

В. Describe your working day or a day off.

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