УПРАЖНЕНИЯ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ INTERNET И КОМПЬЮТЕРА. 1. Используя соответствующие программы для компьютера на свой выбор (SPSS, SAS, BMD Minitab и Excel)

1. Используя соответствующие программы для компьютера на свой выбор (SPSS, SAS, BMD Minitab и Excel), проанализируйте данные табл. 16.2. Выполните однофакторный ANOV двухфакторный ANOVA и ковариационный анализ. Сравните полученные результаты приведенными в книге.

2. Используя подходящую компьютерную программу, проанализируйте данные задачи 3.


1. Thomas Kiely, "The Internet: Fear and Shopping in Cyberspace", Harvard Business Review, Juh August 1997, p. 13-14; Pradeep Korgaonkar, George Moschis, "The Effects of Perceived Risk a; Social Class on Consumer Preferences for Distribution Outlets" in Paul Bloom, Russ Winer, Hare H. Kassarjian, Debra L. Scammon, Bart Weitz, Robert Spekman, Vijay Mahajan, Michael Le (eds.) Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, Series № 55 (Chicago, IL: American Ma keting Association, 1989), p. 39-43.

2. Michael Wilke, "Health Reports in Vogue Again for Drug Advertisers", Advertising Age, August 1 1997, p. 31; Easwar S. Iyer, "The Influence of Verbal Content and Relative Newness on the Effe tiveness of Comparative Advertising", Journal of Advertising 17 (1988), p. 15-21.

3. По последним применениям дисперсионного анализа см. работы Sajeev Varki, Rowland T. Ru "Satisfaction Is Relative", Marketing Research: A Magazine of Management & Applications, Sumrr 1997, p. 14-19; Rohit Deshpande, Douglas M. Stayman, "A Tale of Two Cities: Distinctiveness Thee and Advertising Effectiveness", Journal of Marketing Research, February 1994, p. 57-64.

4. Daniel B. Wright, Understanding Statistics (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1993); M Norusis, The SPSS Guide to Data Analysis for SPSS/PC^ (Chicago: SPSS Inc., 1991), p. 4.

5. Wade C. Driscoll, "Robustness of the ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer Statistical Tests", Computers Industrial Engineering, October 1996, p. 265-268; Richard K. Burdick, "Statement of Hypotheses the Analysis of Variance", Journal of Marketing Research, August 1983, p. 320-324.

6. F -критерий представляет собой обобщенную форму / -критерия. Если случайная п ременная является t -распределенной с п степенями свободы, то t2 подчиняет<

F -распределению с 1 и л степенями свободы. Если есть два факторных уровня ж факторных эксперимента, то дисперсионный анализ эквивалентен двусторонней пр< верке с помощью t -критерия.

7. Хотя расчеты аналогичны для модели с фиксированными факторами и случайными, ин­терпретация результатов разная. Сравнение этих методов можно найти в работах Amir Frez, Matthew С. Bloom, Martin T. Wells, "Using Random Rather Than Fixed Effects Models in Meta-Analysis: Implications for Situational Specificity and Validity Generalization", Personnel Psychology, Summer 1996, p. 275-306; John W. Neter, Applied Linear Statistical Models, 4th ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin, 1996).

8. Dawn Wilensky, "Cents and Sensibility", Discount Store News, March 4, 1996, p. 18-19; Denise T. Smart, James E. Zemanek, Jr., Jeffrey S. Conant, "Videolog Retailing: How Effective Is This New Form of Direct Mail Marketing?", in Paul Bloom, Russ Winer, Harold H. Kassarjian, Debra L. Scammon, Bart Weitz, Robert Speckman, Vijay Mahajan, Michael Levy (eds.), Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, Series № 55 (Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association, 1989), p. 85.

9. Мы рассматриваем только полные факториальные модели, которые объединяют все воз­можные комбинации уровней факторов. Например, см. статью Geeta Menon, "Are the Parts Better Than the Whole? The Effects of Decomposition Questions on Judgements of Frequent Be­haviors", Journal of Marketing Research, August 1997, p. 335—346.

10. James Jaccard, Interaction Effects in Factorial Analysis of Variance (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publi­cations, 1997); Jerome L. Mayers, Fundamentals of Experimental Design, 3rd ed. (Boston, MA: Al-lyn & Bacon, 1979). Также см. статью Mark T. Spence, Merrie Brucks, "The Moderating Effects of Problem Characteristics on Experts' and Noveces1 Judgements", Journal of Marketing Research, February 1997, p. 233-247.

11. Jacques Tacq, Multivariate Analysis Techniques in Social Science Research (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1997); Wayne W. Daniel, James C. Terrell, Business Statistics, 7th ed. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1995).

12. James Jaccard, Interaction Effects in Factorial Analysis of Variance (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publi­cations, 1997).

13. Robert A. Peterson, Alain J. Jolibert, "A Meta-Analysis of Country-of-Origin Effects", Journal of International Business Studies, Fourth Quarter 1995, p. 883-900; Paul Chao, "The Impact of Coun­try Affiliation on the Credibility of Product Attribute Claims", Journal of Advertising Research, April-May 1989, p. 35-41.

14. Хотя это и считается наиболее общим методом выполнения дисперсионного анализа, воз­можны и другие ситуации. Например, эффекты ковариаций и факторов могут быть инте­ресны в равной степени или набор ковариаций может быть очень важным. Текущее приме­нение см. в статье Kevin Lane Keller, David A. Aaker, 'The Effects of Sequential Introduction of Brand Extensions", Journal of Marketing Research, February 1992, p. 35—50.

15. Для более детального обсуждения см. работы John W. Neter, Applied Linear Statistical Models, 4th ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin, 1996); A.R. Wildt, O.T. Ahtola, Analysis ofCovariance (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1978).

16. U.N. Umesh, Robert A. Peterson, Michelle McCann-Nelson, Rajiv Vaidyanathan, "Type IV Error in Marketing Research: The Investigation of ANOVA Interactions", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Winter 1966, p. 17-26; William T. Ross, Jr., Elizabeth H. Greyer, "Interpreting Interactions: Raw Means or Residual Means", Journal of Consumer Research, September 1993,. p. 330-338; J.H. Leigh, Т.О. Kennear, "On Interaction Classification", Educational and Psychological Measurement, Winter 1980, p. 841-843.

17. James Jaccard, Interaction Effects in Factorial Analysis of Variance (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publi­cations, 1997); Brian Wansink, "Advertising's Impact on Category Substitution", Journal of Marketing Research, November 1994, p. 505-515; Laura A. Peracchio, Joan Meyers-Levy, "How Ambiguous Cropped Objects in Ad Photos Can Affect Product Evaluations", Journal of Consumer Research, June 1994, p. 190-204.

18. Rohit Verma, John C. Goodale, "Statistical Power in Operations Management", Journal of Operations Management, August 1995, p. 139-152; Gordon A. Wyner, "The Significance of Marketing Research",

Marketing Research: A Magazine of Management & Applications, Winter 1993, p. 43—45; Alan Sawyer, Paul Peter, "The Significance of Statistical Significance Tests in Marketing Research", Journal Marketing Research, May 1983, p. 125; R.F. Beltramini, "A Meta-Analysis of Effect Sizes in Consun Behavior Experiments", Journal of Consumer Research, June 1985, p. 97—103.

19. Эта формула не подходит, если делают повторные измерения по зависимой переменно См. работы Edward F. Fern, Kent В. Monroe, "Effect-Size Estimates: Issues and Problems in I terpretation", Journal of Consumer Research, September 1996, p. 89-105; David H. Dodd, Roger Schultz, Jr., "Computational Procedures for Estimating Magnitude of Effect for Some Analysis Variance Designs", Psychologists Bulletin, June 1973, p. 391-395.

20. Формулу w2 приписывают У. Хейсу. См. работу W.L. Hays, Statistics for Psychologists (N< York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963). Современное применение см. в статье S. Rz neshwar, Shelly Chaiken, "Comprehension's Role in Persuasion: The Case of Its Moderating Effe on the Persuasive Impact of Source Cues", Journal of Consumer Research, 1991, p. 52-62. othoci тельно альтернативного метода см. также статью Adam Finn, Ujwal Kayande, "Reliability A sessment and Optimisation of Marketing Measurement", Journal of Marketing Research Februa 1997, p. 262-275.

21. Edward F. Fern, Kent B. Monroe, "Effect-Size Estimates: Issues and Problems in Interpretation Journal of Consumer Research, September 1996, p. 89-105; Jacob Cohen, Statistical Power Analysis} the Gehavioral Sciences (New York, NY: Academic Press, 1969).

22. John W. Neter, Applied Linear Statistical Models, 4th ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin, 1996); B.J. Wine Donald R. Brown, Kenneth M. Michels, Statistical Principles in Experimental Design, 3rd, ed (Ne York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1991).

23. Возможно объединение межгруппового и внутригруппового факторов в одной модели. С\ например, работы Michael К. Mount, Marcia R. Sytsma, Joy F. Hazucha, Katherine E. Ho "Rater-Ratee Effects in Developmental Performance Ratings of Managers", Personnel Psycholog Spring 1997, p. 51-69; Susan M. Broniarczyk, Joseph W. Alba, "The Importance of the Brand Brand Extension", Journal of Marketing Research, May 1994, p. 214-228; Aradhna Krishna, "Tl Effect of Deal Knowledge on Consumer Purchase Behavior', Journal of Marketing Research, Febn ary 1994, p. 76-91.

24. См. работы Thomass Novak, "MANOVAMAP: Geographical Representation of MANOVA Marketing Research", Journal of Marketing Research, August 1995, p. 354-374; J.H. Bray, S. Maxwell, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 198f Относительно применения MANOVA см. статью Sajeev Varki, "Satisfaction is Relative Marketing Research: A Magazine of Management & Applications, Summer 1997, p. 14-19.

25. Neil R. Abramson, Robert J. Keating, Henry W. Lane, "Cross-National Cognitive Process Diffe ences: A Comparison of Canadian, American and Japanese Managers", Management Internation Review, Second Quarter 1996, p. 123-147; Ishmael Akah, "A Cross-National Analysis of the Pe ceived Commonality of Unethical Practices in Marketing Research", in William Lazer, Eric Sha> Chow-How Wee (eds.), World Marketing Congress (International Conference Series), vol. IV (Bo< Raton, FL: Academy of Marketing Science, 1989), p. 2-9.

26. Eric L. Einspruch, An Introductory Guide to SPSS for Windows (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Public; tions, 1998); Paul E. Spector, SAS Programmingfor Researchers and Social Scientists (Thousand Oak CA: Sage Publications, 1993); Mohamed Afzal Norat, "Software Reviews", Economic Journal: T) Journal of the Royal Economic Society, May 1997, p. 857-882; John Wass, "How Statistical Softwa Can be Assessed", Scientific Computing and Automation (October 1966).

27. Patricia L. Smith, Ellwood F. Oakley, "Gender-Related Differences in Ethical and Social Values < Business Students: Implications for Management", Journal of Business Ethics, January 1997, p. 37-4 Ishmael Akaah, "Differences in Research Ethics Judgements between Male and Female Marketir Professionals", Journal of Business Ethics, August 1989, p. 375-381.

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