Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru Warming-up activity

I. What resources do you know? Name them.

II. Read the text on pp66-68 “The use of resources” and find the English equivalents for the following Russian ones:

a) Встречающийся в природе материал,

b) Жить, используя природные ресурсы,

c) Использовать для удовлетворения основных нужд и потребностей,

d) Ускорить передвижение ценных ресурсов,

e) Высоко значимый ресурс,

f) Приобрести значимость,

g) Искать дешевые заменители дорогим ресурсам,

h) Неравномерно распределять,

i) Очень важный фактор.

III. Put the following sentences in the correct logical order according to the text:

- Natural resources occur as a part of the environment and are an important part of an area’s characteristics.

- Scarcity and rising prices have always led people to seek cheaper substitutes for costly resources.

- People in the world use natural resources differently because of the following factors – cultural differences, technological change, economic factors, and geopolitics.

- Depending on the circumstances, a price increased or interruption in supply could result in great changes in the country importing the mineral.

- The international trade of scarce minerals provides an example of the importance of geopolitics in today’s world.

To make the text sound more logically, insert in the right places the connectors:

However, nowadays, to a large extent, I must say that, It is important to point out that, Let’s illustrate this point, firstly, secondly, thirdly and so on.

IV. The paragraph “Natural resources” is for the test-reading.

V. Answer the questions after the text on p68.

VI. Do the exercise “Oral Practice” on pp74-76.

VII. Read the text on pp68-69 “Renewable and nonrenewable resources” and fill in the chart writing down the main characteristics of the resources.


VII. Do the exercise “Development” on pp76-78.

VIII. Here are presented some possible ways of getting energy. Think of pluses for every variant (The sentences below will help you).

fossil fuels

Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru

water wind

sun nuclear materials

Fossil Fuels Nuclear Energy Alternative Technology

ü If we don’t start conserving fossil fuels now, it will be too late.

ü If we invest in further nuclear research now, we will be ready to face the future.

ü If we spent money on nuclear research now, we could develop stations, which create their own fuel and burn their own wastes.

ü What the world would be like if we didn’t have electricity!

ü If there were a serious nuclear accident, huge areas would be evacuated, and they could remain contaminated with radioactivity for years.

ü Terrorists could hold the nation to ransom if they captured a reactor.

ü If we didn’t waste so much energy, our resources would last longer.

ü Unless we do research on solar energy, wind power, wave power, tidal power, hydroelectric schemes, etc., our fossil fuels will run out, and we’ll all freeze or starve to dearth.

ü We really won’t survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy.

Read the text on pp69-71 “Energy resources support industrialization” and the text on p74 “Nuclear wastes” and complete the table.

IX. Do the exercises on pp 71-73


I. Divide the following resources into Nonrenewable and Renewable Ones:

Water, vegetation, nuclear energy, forests, wind, sun, wildlife, fossil fuels, fish.

II. Put in the right word into the sentences:

  1. _________ help people satisfy their needs and wants.
  2. _____ ______ can be used over and over again.
  3. Scarcity and rising prices have led people to seek cheaper _______ for costly resources.
  4. The factor is_________ - the relationship between geography and political policy.
  5. _____ _____ are impossible to replace.
  6. Resources depletion can be slowed through ________.
  7. Many countries want to become less _______ on fossil fuels.
  8. ______, __________, _________ are alternative energy sources.
  9. One of the biggest problem with natural resources is ________ _________ it produces.
  10. The government also doesn’t like the present _______ system.

III. Translate the text.

Природные ресурсы являются частью окружающей среды. Их можно поделить на восстановимые и невосстановимые ресурсы. Восстановимые ресурсы можно использовать несколько раз, например, ветер, солнце, вода, земля и т.д. Невосстановимые и скудные ресурсы должны быть сохранены или переработаны для будущих поколений.

Однако не все люди используют ресурсы одинаково. Факторы, которые влияют на пользование ресурсами, это культурные различия, технологические изменения, экономические факторы и геополитика.

Скудность ресурсов, повышение цен и неравномерность распределения ресурсов заставляют страны искать дешевые субституты для дорогих ресурсов.

Ученые обнаружили несколько восстановимых источников энергии – это солнце, ветер, сила воды. Ядерная энергия тоже используется, но она очень опасна для здоровья. Одной из проблем является хранение ядерных отходов. Самым подходящим местом для хранения этих отходов являются старые соляные шахты.


Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru Warming-up activity

I. What is implied under the notion “the world ocean”? How many oceans are there?

II. Classify the words below into the ones connected with water, land or both.


trade routes

mineral resources

fish resources



sea passages




water cycle



the North Pole


coastal regions


a clockwise circulation


acoustic tomography

III. Read the text “The Restless Ocean” and identify whether the statements are true or false:

1. Nowadays “ownership” of the ocean has already been solved.

2. A series of narrow waterways and other sea passages connect the earth’s oceans, forming a single world ocean.

3. The most important forces that move water through the world ocean are currents and floods.

4. Geographers identify two types of ocean currents.

5. Ocean currents don’t flow in a direct course due to the earth’s rotation.

6. The warm current is the Labrador Current and the cold one is called the Gulf Stream.

7. Oceanographers now realize that ocean currents are predictable and that is helpful in determining climate.

IV. Answer the questions on p.82.

V. Read the text “Tides” and answer the questions after the text.

VI. Read the text “Using Resources of the World Ocean”. Translate the following sentences:

  1. Scientists believe that the ocean’s mineral resources could supplement the decreasing reserves of nonrenewable resources on land.
  2. Offshore oil fields account for about 20 percent of the world’s oil production today.
  3. If all the water in the world ocean were dried up, the salts would form a layer on the ocean floor 152 meter thick.
  4. Marine biologists continually discover new species of life as changing technology allows them to probe deeper and deeper into the world ocean.
  5. The best fishing grounds for many kinds of fish are those rich in plankton.
  6. Over 5 million people make their living by fishing.
  7. Most fishing today is done on the large scale, using fleets of ships equipped with machines that do much of the work.
  8. Fish are being taken from the oceans faster than they can reproduce themselves.

VII. Do the exercises on pp.85-86.

VIII. Find some information about the examples of ocean pollution and speak on them.


I. Translate the following words into English:

компонент торговые пути здоровье морские проходы заливы проливы течения приливы движение по часовой стрелке движение против часовой стрелке определять климат беспокойный  

II. Put the sentences in the right logical order.

- The world ocean is subdivided into 4 main oceans – the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic.

- Warm ocean currents flow from the equator toward the North and South poles.

- Geographers identify two types of ocean currents.

- Cold ocean currents flow from the poles toward the equator or rise from the deepest layers of the ocean’s water.

- The new technique, called ocean acoustic tomography, provides three-dimensional images of the movement of ocean water.

- The water cycle continually recirculates the water from the ocean to the atmosphere to the earth’s surface.

- The Gulf Stream is a warm current in the North Atlantic Ocean.

- Oceanographers now realize that ocean currents do change and are, to some extent, unpredictable.

- The cold Labrador Current flows south along the shores of Canada as far as Newfoundland.

- It interacts with the atmosphere, affects world climate, influences world trade routes, provides a source of energy, and contains a wealth of mineral and fish resources.

To make the text sound more logically, insert in the right places the connectors:

However, nowadays, to a large extent, I must say that, It is important to point out that, Let’s illustrate this point, firstly, secondly, thirdly and so on.


Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru Warming-up activity

I. Choose the most appropriate definition for the notion “agriculture”:

- it is growing crops and looking after the animals.

- it is providing people with new products.

- it is a way of making money form selling dairy products, meat, crops and so on.

II. Read the first paragraph of the text on p.130 “Agricultural Land Use” and formulate the definition for this notion.

III. Read the text on pp.130-132 “Agricultural land use” and translate the following sentences:

1. In Canada and the USA scientific plant breeding has made it possible to extend the cultivation of wheat into areas which were previously thought to have been too dry or too cold.

2. After two years, cultivation is no longer worthwhile, the plots are abandoned and fresh clearings are made in the forest.

3. This means that it does no long-term damage to the environment, if the intervals between cultivation are long enough to allow the forest trees to regenerate and the soil to recover its fertility.

IV. Read the text on pp.130-132 “Agricultural land use” and find the translation for the following words and phrases.

влиять на…

также взаимосвязаны…

средняя ежедневная температура

период роста растений

были доставлены с глубины моря

разведение растений

выращивание нескольких урожаев

V. Look through the part “Factors involved in land use” and point out these factors.

VI. Look through the part “Agricultural system” and find out the main characteristics of different agricultural systems:

subsistence agriculture

shifting agriculture

mixed agriculture

specialized agriculture

VII. What modern ways of farming do you know? In order to find out more about them read the texts on pp.132-134 “Development of agriculture” and on pp.138-140 “Plants for the future”.

Underline the sentences which deal with the modern farming.

Speak on the scientific innovations in farming using the following phrases:

to become crop-growers

to survive poor weather conditions

green revolution

to grow at a faster rate than the number of people

to cultivate new crops


to increase food supply

genetic engineering

to alter the genes

to control heredity

resistance to disease

an era of custom-designed agriculture

to be grown on a large scale

healthy snack foods

the age of biotechnology

VIII. Do the exercises on pp. 136-137 Translation and Vocabulary review.


Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru Warming-up activity

I. What industries do you know? Name them.

Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru

III. Read the text “Industrial activity and location” on pp.144-145 and explain the following notions in your own words:

primary sector

secondary sector

tertiary sector

industrial revolution

pre-industrial stage

post-industrial period

IV. Characterize our country using the notions from the previous exercise.

V. Look at the map and try to fill it in:

Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru Economic geography deals with ……..

Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru

Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru is studied by …….


1…….. 2 …….. 3 …….. 4 ……… 5 ……… 6 ……..

Now read the text “Economic geographers” on pp. 151-152 and check your answers.

VI. Read the text “Manufacturing industry” on pp.158-159 and point out the link words.

VII. These are the words from the text. Some of them express the main idea of the text, but some have got general meaning. Look through the words and identify the ones connected with the main ideas and justify your choice (you can add more words).

raw materials

processing industries

finished products

basic material

to cut costs

integrated iron and steel plants

imported materials

horizontal organization


household names

VIII. Using the main words make up a map on the text.

IX. Do the exercise “Oral Practice” on pp.165-168.

X. Industrial change is connected with a new phenomenon – globalization. Some people think it is good, but some are against it. Work in groups and think of pros and cons. Compare them. What do you personally think about it?

Read an example of globalization – “Integration and globalization” pp.159-160 and answer the questions after the text. Think of your own example.

XI. Do the exercise “Vocabulary review” on pp.164-165.

XII. Do the exercise 2 on p.170 with the help of web-search. You can choose any country you like. Present the material you will find. Do not forget to name the web sites you will visit!

Unit 14. EUROPE

Unit 5. The EARTH’S RESOURCES - student2.ru Warming-up activity

I. What part of the world is called Europe?

II. Make the quiz “How good do you know Europe?”

1. What is the political system in Great Britain?

a) Federal Republic

b) Democracy

c) Monarchy

2. Which country did have an election in September?

a) Russia

b) Germany

c) The Ukraine

3. How many countries are there in the European Union?

a) 25

b) 30

c) 50

4. The membership of which country is being discussed in the European Union?

a) The Ukraine

b) Russia

c) Greece

5. What currency unites Europe?

a) Deutch mark DM

b) Dollar $

c) Euro €

6. Where were the latest summer Olympic Games?

a) Greece

b) Turkey

c) The USA

7. Who won the election in Germany in 2005?

a) Angela Merkel

b) Gerhard Shroder

c) Jacques Chirac

8. What country suffered from bomb explosion in June 2005?

a) Greece

b) Italy

c) Great Britain

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