I. Choose the right variant to fill the gaps in these sentences.

1. Some buildings have a basement room where things are stored and it is called …

a) an attic; b) a cellar; c) a garret; d) a pantry.

2. Some rooms don't have curtains on the windows, they have … instead.

a) blinds; b) panes; c) frames; d) glazing.

3. He keeps all his tools and do-it-yourself equipment in a … in the back garden.

a) stable; b) hothouse; c)shed; d)hut.

4. We haven't got a garage, so we leave our car outside the house in the …

a) path; b) driveway; c) parking; d) porch.

5. In your own garden you can sunbathe on the … in the summer.

a) field; b) pasture; c)lawn; d) flowerbed.


II. Health-conscious Americans eat snacks that are low in fat. Compare the regular tortilla chips with the reduced-fat kind. Fill in the blanks.

more...than – less…than – the same as

1. The reduced-fat chips have …calories … the regular chip.

2. The regular chips contain … fat … the reduced-fat chips.

3. The regular chips have … servings … the reduced-fat chips.

4. The weight of the reduced-fat chips is … the regular chips.

I. Choose the right variant to fill the gaps in these sentences. - student2.ru


I. Choose the right variant to fill the gaps in these sentences. - student2.ru III. 1) You need equipment to play most sports. Look at the list of sports and decide what equipment is needed for each sport.

A. Football ______

B. Basketball _______

C. Golf_______

D. Tennis ________

E. Baseball _________

2) There's something else that you need to play all of these sports. What is it?

3) What kind of sports do you play? What special equipment do you need?


IV. What type of TV program are you probably watching if you see the following? Match the description on the left with the programs on the right.

1. People trying to answer questions a) a detective series

2. Actors doing and saying funny things b) a commercial

3. People discussing politics c) soap opera

4. The animal life of Antarctica d) a comedy series

5. Guns, murder and police e) a talk show

6. A long interview with a famous person f) a current affairs program

7. Everyday lives of the same group of people g) a nature documentary

8. Characters played by moving drawings h) the news

9. Someone talking about a new soap powder i) a quiz show

10. A person telling you what happened today j) a cartoon


V. What do you want to do on vacation? Are there some things you don't like? Look at the list and talk about what you like to do or don't enjoy doing.


I enjoy / don't enjoy taking long walks.

I like / I don't like to take pictures.

I like / I don't like taking pictures.

- go skiing - go shopping - sleep late - visit museums - snorkel - travel to other countries -eat in different restaurants - go hiking - go fishing - play tennis


VI. Make a time chart for public holidays.

  Time Holiday
January 1
Martin Luther King’s Birthday
3d Monday in February
Last Monday in May
Independence Day
1st Monday in September ...
Columbus Day
October 31
Thanksgiving Day
December 25


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3. Bogoroditskaya V.N., Khrustalyova L.V. The World of Britain. Учебник англ. языка для X-XI классов школ с углубленным изучением англ. языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. – М., 1998.

4. Food for Thoughts. Сборник пословиц и изречений. / Составитель: ст. преп. Валентинова Л.К. – Мелитополь, 2001.

5. Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь/ Сост. А.Р.У.Рум, Л.В. Колесников, Р.А. Пасечник и др. – М.: Рус. язык, 1978.

6. Полупан А.П., Полупан В.Л., Махова В.В. Ukraine a cultural reader.-

7. Х.: Издательская группа “Академія”,2000-164.: ил.

8. Збірник текстів про Україну (частина І): Навчальний посібник/ укладач С.В. Гапонова – К.,1996.-64с.

9. Збірник текстів про Україну (частина ІІ): Навчальний посібник/ укладач С.В. Гапонова – К.,1996.-80с.

10.Ощепкова В.В. США: география, история.-М.:”Лист”, 1997.-192с.

11.Speak English with Pleasure/ За ред. Луїзи Грін (Велика Британія), Кіри О. Янсон (США). Вид. 2-ге, виправлене.-Х.: Торсінг,2002.-288с.

12.Martha Bordman. In the USA. Intermediate Reading. - О.:”Титул”, 1998.-105с.

13.Rander Falk. Spotlight on the USA. Intermediate Reading. – Oxford University Press,1993.-173p.

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