Make up a short report based on the expression

“ Demography explosion – Environmental pollution – Demography crises – exclusive circle!”




The noise pollution can makepeople ill. What can you do to keep yourself from the noise pollution?

Read and learn the following new words

1.lorry грузовик

2.deaf глухой.

3.ear plugs затычки для ушей (беруши)

4.drugs зд. успокоительные средства благо­творительное общество become aware of осознать.

Read the text and translate it into Russia

Although noise is not a chemical and cannot be seen like a broken-downcar, it is a kind of pollution. Noise is all around us, wherever we live, and we do not notice it most of the time. Sometimes though, it gets too loud for comfort. The noise of heavy lorries in cities, of motorways through the country, and of airplanes flying low overhead make life less pleasant for thousands of people. Loud noise is not just unpleasant— it can makepeople ill.

People who are exposedto loud noises all the time run the risk of goingdeaf if they do not use ear plugs. Some peoplebecome verynervous and upsetbecause of the noise from traffic and airplanes. They may have to take drugs to keepcalm and to get to sleep at night. If you care for a betterlife for your children you may join "Friends of the Earth Trust". It is an educational charity set up help people of all ages become aware of the threats toour environment. Don't be a nobody, do something about it.

2.1 Answer the following questions.

1. What are the sources of the noise pollution?

2. What is the cause of the noise pollution?

3.What can you say about “Friends of the Earth Trust"?

What other sources of the noise pollution do you know ?

2.3 Complete the following sentences:

1. Noise is not a chemical and cannot be seen like a broken-
downcar, it is...

2. . Loud noise is not just unpleasant— it... .

3.Some peoplebecome very.... because of the noise from traffic and airplanes

4. . If you care for a betterlife for your children you may join ...

2.4 Agree or disagree with the statements below. Begin your sentence with one of the following:

I fully agree; I disagree;

I quite agree here; I don not think so;

I suppose so; On the contrary;

I am afraid so; Far from it.

1. Noise is not a kind of pollution.

2.Noise is all around us, wherever we live, and we do not notice it most of the time.

3. Sometimes though, it gets too loud for comfort.

4. . People who are exposedto loud noises all the, time run the risk of goingdeaf if they do not use ear plugs.

5. "Friends of the Earth Trust" -it is an educational charity set up help people of all ages become aware of the threats toour environment.

2.5 Join the words to combination used in the text. Use them in the sentences.

1) to get too loud for a) keep calm

2) to make life b) going deaf

3) to make people c) the threats to our environment

4) to be exposed to d) comfort

5) the risk of e) very nervous and upset

6) to become f) loud noises

7) to take drugs to g) people ill

8) to becomeaware of h) less pleasant

2.6 Match the sentences and retell the text:

1)Noise 2)Sometimes it gets 3)The noise of heavy lorries in cities, of motorways and of airplanes make life 4) Loud noise 5) Some peoplebecome 6) They may have to take drugs 7)If you care for a betterlife 8) It is an educational charity set up   a) can makepeople ill. b) to keepcalm and to get to sleep at night. c) is a kind of pollution. d) too loud for comfort. e) verynervous and upsetbecause of the noise from traffic and airplanes. f) for your children you may join "Friends of the Earth Trust". g) less pleasant for thousands of people. h) help people of all ages become aware of the threats toour environment.  




Warm up.

Is waste a problem in your city? What disposals of waste are used?

Text 1

1.Read and learn the following new words:

  • waste
  • dispose of
  • household waste
  • hazardous waste
  • nuclear waste
  • rubbish
  • landfill
  • incinerate
  • recycle
  • trash
  • garbage
  • legally require a Federal Aviation Administration permit as a threat to aircraft
  • decompose
  • decomposition
  • dumb
  • toxic ash
  • incinerator
  • get rid of
  • отходы
  • размещать, хранить мусор
  • бытовые отходы
  • ядовитые отходы
  • радиоактивные отходы
  • мусор, сор, хлам
  • свалка (в таких свалках мусор сваливается в яму и прессуется)
  • сжигать мусор
  • перерабатывать отходы
  • отбросы, хлам
  • мycop, отбросы (особенно пищевые)
  • официально обратиться в федеральное управление авиации с просьбой зарегистрировать как помеху для полетов
  • разлагаться
  • разложение, гниение
  • свалка
  • токсичная зола
  • печь для сжигания мусора
  • избавиться

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