Read and translate the text. 1) In areas where formations do not contain too much water and will not slough, air or gas drilling permits the fastest penetration rates
1) In areas where formations do not contain too much water and will not slough, air or gas drilling permits the fastest penetration rates. The lack of hydrostatic pressure keeps the hold-down effect to a minimum; in fact, a negative hold-down effect (from formation to borehole) may occur with air circulation. High-speed photographs have shown that chips seem literally to explode from the bottom of the hole after being barely touched by the bit teeth, causing dull bits to drill just as fast as sharp ones. Footage per bit and overall rates of penetration are usually much better with air or gas than with water or mud.
There are other advantages to air drilling. Rig time can be saved. Protective casing can be set at a shallower depth. Expenses for casing, mud, and extra time and money spent as a result of lost circulation can all be minimized. When formations become too porous to support a column of water, air may be a suitable choice for circulation.
Unfortunately, there are relatively few places where formation properties make air or gas drilling feasible. Also, the special equipment needed for air or gas work may be too expensive to justify the savings made possible by drilling faster hole. In some cases, an air-drilled hole would have to go down twice as fast as a mud-drilled hole to justify the cost of air drilling modifications to a conventional rig. Expensive foaming agents may also be required.
2) The use of air or gas as a circulating fluid requires making certain changes in rig equipment. Among the additional items needed for air drilling are:
- compressors, with approximately the same power output as the mud pumps;
- an air connection to the standpipe;
- a device such as a rotating head to seal off the annulus between the drill pipe and the top blowout preventer to divert the air flow into the flow line;
- a flow line, or blooey line, to carry air returns to the reserve pit, extended some 200 feet from the rig and equipped with a flare;
- a manifold on the air input to permit chemical injection;
- additional fire-extinguishing equipment as a safety measure in case of oxygen-gas mixtures in the well; and
- air-cooling equipment and personnel with experience in air drilling operations to see that air cooling is handled properly.
The addition of air compressors introduces new maintenance problems for the toolpusher. Compressors can overheat, discharge valves on reciprocating compressors may break, intake filters may become clogged, and lubrication problems can become severe.
3) The presence of water does not prohibit air drilling, but it does make it more difficult. And though shallow wells drilled in geologically old formations may pose no problems at all, wells of any considerable depth will encounter water sooner or later.
In air drilling, the cuttings return to the surface in a cloud of dust. If the bit penetrates a water-bearing formation, the natural result is that the cloud of dust is converted into mud. When there is only a slight flow of water, the mixture formed is not a liquid mud that flows like circulating mud, but rather a plastic mass that may plug up the bit and the annulus.
There are several ways to remedy this situation. More water can be injected into the hole, converting the plastic mass into a more manageable fluid that can be blown out of the hole. Foaming agents, which convert the intruding water into a stiff but manageable foam, are sometimes used. A gas such as silicon tetrafluoride may be squeezed into the water-bearing formation, to react with the water and form a seal that inhibits the entry of formation water.
Determining whether to use air drilling depends on the drilling situation. When the pros and cons are weighed, a compromise that alternates air and mud for circulation may be used. As in all decisions affecting the drilling program, total well cost is the important thing to keep in mind.
4. Give the adequate Russian variants for the following word combinations:
The lack of hydrostatic pressure; literally to explode; to keep the hold-down effect to a minimum; being barely touched by the bit teeth; to be set at a shallower depth; spent as a result of lost circulation; to make air or gas drilling feasible; to go down twice as fast as ... ; additional items needed for air drilling; to seal off the annulus; to divert the air flow into the flow line; to carry air returns to the reserve pit; a safety measure in case of oxygen-gas mixtures; new maintenance problems; wells of any considerable depth; a manageable fluid; to be blown out of the hole; to form a seal that inhibits the entry of formation water.
5. Find in the text the English variants for the following word combinations:
Бурение с очисткой забоя воздухом; осыпаться; высокоскоростная фотосъемка; экономить время эксплуатации буровой платформы; техническая обсадная колонна; оправдать затраты; противопожарное оборудование; пенообразователь; производимая мощность; водонапорная труба; затрубное пространство; противовыбросовое оборудование; запрещать; исправить ситуацию; преимущества и недостатки; принимать во внимание.
6. Look through the text and find antonyms:
- drawback
- to maximize
- cheap
- to permit
- dangerous measure
- heating
- to freeze
6. Look through the text and find words which correspond to the given definitions:
a) the space around a pipe in a wellbore, the outer wall of which may be the wall of either the borehole or the casing.
b) the discharge pipe from a well being drilled by air drilling; it is used to conduct the air or gas used for circulation away from the rig to reduce the fire hazard as well as to transport the cuttings a suitable distance from the well.
c) a sealing device used to close off the annular space around the kelly in drilling with pressure at the surface, usually installed above the main blowout preventers; it prevents the well from blowing out and is used mainly in the drilling of formations that have low permeability.
d) a gas that can be readily absorbed by water and that is used to seal off waterbearing formations in air drilling.
e) a vertical pipe rising along the side of the derrick, which joins the discharge line leading from the mud pump to the rotary hose and through which mud is pumped going into the hole.
7. Answer the questions:
1. Where does air or gas drilling permit the fastest penetration rates?
2. What have high-speed photographs shown?
3. What advantages of air drilling can you name?
4. Is it cost effective to use air drilling? Prove your point of view.
5. What additional items are required when air drilling is used?
6. What problems can it create?
7. How does the presence of water influence air drilling?
8. What happens when the bit penetrates a water-bearing formation?
9. How can this situation be improved?