Задание 3. Выполните следующие упражнения к тексту урока

Упражнение1. Выполните упражнения для чтения текста : а) прочтите следующие слова, обращая внимание на чтение

буквосочетания ea:

[ i: ] mean, steam, heat, leave, treat, cease, clean, each ;

[ e ] instead, weapon, leather, ready, wealth, health, already;

б) прочтите следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударение:

на 2-м слоге: achievement, discovery, advantage, comparision, successful, improvement, support, electrode, experiment.

на 3-м слоге: application, incandescent , introduce, economic.

Упражнение2. Прочтите следующие слова и подберите к ним русские с тем же корнем:

electrode, electricity, demonstration, economy, experiment, practical, lamp, patent.

Упражнение3. Прочтите и переведите группы родственных слов: to create - creator - creation - creative ; to invent - inventor - inventive - invention ; success - successful - succession - successive - successor ; electric - electrical - electrical - electrician - electricity - electrify ; to demonstrate -

demonstrator - demonstrative - demonstration ; economy - economic - economical - economist ; to found - founder - foundation.

Упражнение4. Прочтите текст , выпишите в словари все незнакомые слова с транскрипцией и переводом , переведите тексте устно.



The creation of the first incandescent lamp is closely connected with the name of the well-known Russian scientist and inventor, Alexander Nicolayevitch Lodygin.

Lodygin created the first incandescent lamp and laid the foundation for the production of the present-day incandescent lamps that are more economical than those with carbon electrodes. He was also the first inventor who discovered the advantages of the metal wire filaments in comparison with other ones.

Lodygin’s great achievement paved the way for further successful work of a number of other Russian electrical engineers.

In 1872 Lodygin constructed a number of incandescent lamps, these first lamps consisted of a glass bulb with a carbon rod serving as a filament.

In 1873 he produced an improved lamp having two carbon electrodes instead of one and a longer life. That very year Lodygin demonstrated his invention in several Petersburg streets, lighting them by means of his electric lamps. It was the first practical application of the incandescent lamp for lighting purposes. Lots of people went out into the streets to see electric lights for the first time in their life and for the first time in the world.

Lodygin was never satisfied with his achievements and continued to perfect his invention. Indeed, a more perfect lamp designed by him appeared in 1875. The interest in Lodygin’s lamp greatly increased. However, under very hard economic conditions existing in tsarist Russia he got neither help nor the necessary support to realize his plans. He himself was practically without money, because he spent all he had on his numerous experiments.

Lodygin’s study of metal filaments having a high melting point is a work of world importance. He introduced tungsten filaments in a vacuum. He received a patent for his invention in America. The electric lamps that light your rooms every evening have tungsten filaments.

Lodygin died on the 16-th if March, 1923, at the age of 76.

Упражнение5. Выпишите русские эквиваленты следующих выражений из текста:

incandescent lamp -

wire filament - tungsten filament - carbon rod - glass bulb - melting point - vacuum - electrode - electric lights -

practical application - a means -

by means of - perfect ( adj. ) - to perfect ( v.)-to improve -

Упражнение6. Найдите в тексте и выпишите предложения, в которых говорится о первом практическом применении ламп накаливания, изобретенных Лодыгиным.

Упражнение7. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту .

1. What was Lodygin’s great invention?

2. What lamps are more economical?

3. What lamp did Lodygin construct in 1872?

4. What improvements did he make in 1873?

5. Where did Lodygin demonstrate his invention?

6. Who introduced tungsten filaments?

7. What filaments are used now in electric lamps?

Упражнение8. Найдите и выпишите из текста предложения со словами ’’ones’’ и ’’those’’ в функции слов-заместителей. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Проверьте себя, знаете ли Вы следующие слова и выражения :

1) to work hard 9) to attract attention

2) to be interested in 10) thorough study

3) to devote 11) to invent

4) to create 12) discovery

5) achievement 13) success

6) application 14) improvement

7) to perfect 15) advantage

8) to be born 16) to be burried



Задание 1:Прочтите и переведите весь текст устно.Перепишите1-й абзацтекста и переведите его письменно. К собеседованию подготовьте контрольное чтение всего текста. Одновременно с заданием I выполнить задание II.



I am a first year student of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute. I study at the extra -mural department. Our Institute was founded on December 15, 1943 and was first called the Chelyabinsk Mechanical- Technological Institute. There were only two faculties: the Tank faculty and the Mechanical-Technological faculty. Only 80 students and 14 teachers began the first academic year. In January 1951 the Institute was reorganized into the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic and later was included into a group of 30 largest higher schools in the country.

At present about 20 000 students and post-graduates study at its day-time, evening and extra-mural departments. The biggest faculties are as follows: Instrument Making, Building Engineering, Automabile and Tractor, Metallurgical, Mechanical-Technological and Power Engineering ones. There are 73 chairs at the Institute training specialists for various branches of industry. The ChPI occupies 5 modern multistoried buildings. Each houses many lecture halls, libraries, reading-halls, a great number of well-equipped laboratories, workshops and a computer center as well. Since 1943 thousands of students have graduated from the ChPI.

The Chelyabinsk polytechnic is one of the largest research centers of our country. Its research activities are aimed at solving the most important theoretical and practical problems in the fields of electronics, construction, metallurgy, transport, etc. The Institute has 16 large research laboratories, which are equipped with up-to-date instruments. The ChPI takes part in international scientific Conferences. It is a regular participant of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements in Moscow. The Institute has scientific contacts with many enterprises in other cities.

Задание 2:Выпишите все незнакомые слова в словарь.Найдите в текстеследующие слова и словосочетания, выпишите их, найдите их

транскрипцию в словаре, выучите их. Значение слов будет проверяться на собеседовании.

основывать заочный факультет (2-а варианта) отрасль, область

оканчивать учебное заведение предприятие аспирант включать мастерская оборудовать исследование

Задание 3:Найдите во2-м абзаце текста предложения,в которыхупотребляется Participle I, переведите их на русский язык.

Задание 4:Выпишите из текста предложения,содержащиеприлагательные в разных степенях сравнения, переведите их.

Задание 5:Перепишите и переведите предложения,обращая внимание наперевод существительных в функции определения.

1. The rapid progress of science and technology depends on the qualification of higher school graduates.

2. Specialists for power-industry are trained at Electromechanical Institutes.

3. Our first-year students study general engineering subjects.

Задание 6:Выпишите из2-го абзаца текста2предложения,содержащиеслова с окончанием “s”. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию данного окончания.

Задание 7:Переведите предложения на русский язык,обращая вниманиена значение предлогов.

1. The library of our Institute provides the students with literature on special subjects.

2. Extra-mural students receive all the instructions necessary for their work.

Задание 8:Выпишите из текста2предложения с оборотом“there + be”,переведите их, учитывая правила перевода данной конструкции на русский язык.

Задание 9:Раскройте скобки,поставьте глаголы в нужном времени изалоге. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. Soon they (to work) at the laboratory.

2. The new project (to develop, to work out) by our engineers last year.

3. The academic year (to begin) in September and (to end) in June.

Задание 10:Перепишите предложения,поставьте вопросы к выделеннымсловам.

1. At the end of each term the students take their examinations.

2. The first-year students were shown the new laboratory equipment.

Задание 11:Ответьте письменно на вопрос к тексту.

What is the role of Chelyabinsk Polytechnic in research work of our country?

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