EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2

Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 correspondingly. The sphere’s centre is situated on a distance of ℓ=10 cm from the plate. Find the electric intensity at the point А, which is situated on a distance of а=5 cm from the sphere’s surface and b=10 cm from the plate; force, which will act on the point charge q0=0,1 nC, if it is put to the point А.

Input data: s1=10 nC/m2=10×10–9 C/m2 s2=–15 nC/m2=–15×10–9 C/m2 R=5 cm =5×10–2 m l=10 см =10×10–2 м а=5 cm=5×10–2 m b=10 cm =10×10–2 m q0=0,1 nC=0,1×10–9 C   EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru
Find: Е, F – ?


According to the principle of superposition of electric fields: the sphere creates the electric field irrespective of the plate position in the space, and vice versa: the plate electric field is independent of the sphere position. That’s why the resultant intensity equals the vector sum of the individual intensities:

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru .

a) We must show the directionof the resultant vector of electric intensity defined by parallelogram ruleto the diagrammatic drawing(see picture).

b) We define the magnitude of the resultant vector by cosine theorem:

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru .

Let’s find the individual intensities creating with the sphere and plate.

The sphere’s field intensity is in the point at a distance of r from its centre

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru (1)

where e0=8.85×10-12F/m – the vacuum permittivity; Q1 – the charge of sphere.

Let’s find the charge of the sphere through the surface charge density s1 and the area of sphere surface S=4pR2:

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru .

In this equation from the point А to the centre of the sphere distance r is defined as a sum of the distance a to the surface of sphere and radius of sphere R.

Inserted these expressions in the formula (1), we’ll get

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru . (2)

The plate electric intensity of the uniformly charged with the surface density s2

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru . (3)

The vector EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru is directed along to field line from the sphere, as the sphere is positively charged. The vector EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru is directed to the plate, as the plate is negatively charged.

As the vector EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru and vector EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru are mutually perpendicular and cos90О=0, then cosine theorem is transformed to a Pythagorean theorem:

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru . (4)

Putting (2) and (3) in (4) and removing a common factor 1/e0 beyond the radicand, we’ll get

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru . (5)

2. The magnitude of force, which is exerted with the point charge EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru ,which is situated in the electrostatic field, is defined with the formula

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru (6)

We check if the formula (5) gives unit of intensity V/m, and the formula (6) the unit of force N.

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru ;

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru

Let's make substitution in the formulas (5) and (6) the value of quantities in the units of SI-system and make the evaluations

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru

A direction of force coincides with a direction of vector EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru . (as EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru ), that is shown in the picture.

Results: EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru , EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru

Example 2. The air cylindrical capacitor consists of two coaxial cylinders with radiuses R1 =1 cm and R2 =3 cm. The length of the cylinders is L=50 cm. The capacitor was charged with the voltage U=100 V.

Find: 1) the electro capacity of capacitor; 2) field intensity in the capacitor at a distance of r=2 cm from the axle of the cylinders.

Input data: R1= 1cm =0,01m; R2=3cm = 0,03m; L=50 cm =0.5m; U=100 V; r =2cm =0,02m;   EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru
Find: С; E – ?


The electro capacity of the air (e=1) cylindrical capacitor can be found with the formula

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru (1)

where e0=8.85×10-12F/m – the vacuum permittivity; L – the length of cylinders; R1 and R2 – radiuses of cylinders.

Let’s find the vector of electric intensity at the distance of r from the axle of cylinders, at the point А, we’ll use the principle of superposition of electric fields

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru ,

where EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru – electric intensity at the point А, created with the inner cylinder; EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru – electric intensity of the exterior cylinder at the same point. As it is necessary to find the intensity at the distance of r <R2 , then Е2=0 and Е=Е1. Supposing, that the cylinder is rather long (r<<L), the necessary intensity is found with the formula of calculation of the field intensity of the endless cylinder

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru (2)

where EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru – the linear density of the cylinder charge. When one applies the voltage U to the terminals of capacitor, then the charge Q will be induced on the cylinders:

Q=CU. (3)

Putting the expressions for t and Q to the equation (2), we obtain

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru (4)

We check if the formula (1) gives unit of capacitance F, and the formula (4) the unit of electric intensity V/m.

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru ; EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru

Let's make substitution in the formulas (1) and (4) the value of quantities in the units of SI-system and make the calculations:

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru ;

EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru

Results: EXAMPLES OF PROBLEM SOLUTION. Example 1. The sphere with radius R=5 cm and the endless uniformly plate are charged from the surfaces with the charge density s1=10 nC/m2 and s1=–15 nC/m2 - student2.ru .

Individual tasks for PROBLEM 1.1.

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