Sum up what the text said about the FAX


1. Read the new words:

lightweight легковесный; лёгкий

coded кодированный

to get in touch with smb.связаться с кем-л.

to alert предупреждать

subscriber абонент; пользователь

to trigger запускать; инициировать


to rely onзависеть от


transmitting tower радиобашня

dialing набор номера

paging terminal вызывной терминал , пейджинговый терминал

to encode кодировать, шифровать

party абонент

Read the text and translate it:

Pager, portable, lightweight receiver of coded radio signals that indicates to its user that a message is waiting or someone is trying to get in touch. When people want to page someone—that is, contact a person via the person’s pager—they telephone a paging service company, which then sends wireless radio signals to the pager. These signals, in turn, alert the pager’s user by triggering a tone or a vibration. Most pagers can also deliver brief messages on liquid crystal displays. Because pagers do not rely on telephone wires, a page can be transmitted from a central location and received anywhere within the range of the transmitting tower. Pagers make their users easy to contact, even if the user is away from a telephone.

A page is the coded radio signal sent from a transmitter to the pager. Pages usually begin with the dialing of a telephone number to the user’s paging service provider, a company that maintains the paging transmitters and radio equipment. Placing a telephone call to the service provider enables the caller to access a computerized terminal. The caller hears a tone or receives instructions on how to page a subscriber. Pressing the telephone’s pound (#) or star (*) key informs the paging terminal that the message is complete.

The area can vary; some services are local, while others are networked together via satellite to cover larger regions. The transmission of the page is encoded so that only the intended recipient of the page can receive and decode the message. If the pager is switched on and is within range of the radio tower, the pager will recognize the coded signal. The pager then converts the signal to data, alerting the owner that a page has been sent with a beep, tone, or vibration. Most pagers have liquid-crystal displays that can show the number of the calling party, or short messages. The owner of the pager can telephone the paging party, or call the paging company to retrieve other messages.

Modern pagers have screens that can display numbers or short message, and they can store those messages for future referral. Pagers users can subscribe to special services that broadcast information such as stock market quotations and up-to-the minute sports scores. The next generation of pagers will include the ability to acknowledge reception of a page and respond with a short, predetermined message.

Answer the following questions:

What is pager?

2) What does the phrase “to page someone” mean?

3) What should people do if they want to page someone?

4) What gives the fact that pagers do not rely on telephone wires?

5) What is page?

6) How does the page function?

7) In what way is the transmission of the page encoded?

8) What happens if the page is switched on?

9) What do modern pagers have?

10) What will the next generation of pagers include?

Explain in English the following words and phrases:

To get in touch

To retrieve

Up-to-the minute


To rely on telephone wire


To maintain

To alert



Give the English equivalents to the following Russian words:

Жидкокристаллический дисплей, указывать, гудок, клавиша, абонент, изменять(ся), преобразовать, в свою очередь, беспроволочный, спутник, приводить в действие , включить, дальность передачи , получатель, команда, радиобашня, передавать (по радио ), отвечать, в пределах , короткое сообщение, местный, восстанавливать ( данные), экран, набирать номер, узнавать, хранить, оборудование, легкий, через, телефонный провод, счет ( спорт.), покрывать, сеть, самый последний (имеющийся на данный момент), котировка (курс), завершить, фондовая биржа.

6. Give synonyms to the following English words:

To respond, to convert, subscriber, up-to-the minute, recipient, referral, to vary, to maintain, to send ,to get in touch, radio.

Translate from Russian into English:

Большинство пейджеров имеют жидкокристаллический дисплей, который показывает номер звонящего.

2) Пейджер – это портативный получатель кодированного радиосигнала.

3) Пейджер преобразует сигнал в цифровые данные, извещая владельца специальным гудком или вибросигналом о получении сообщения.

12.Владелец пейджера может позвонить в пейджинговую компанию с целью восстановления сообщений.

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