Вопросительные предложения

Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite)

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Do you speak English?

Does he/ she speak English?

Do they speak English?

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What foreign language do you speak?

What foreign language does he/ she speak?

What foreign language do they speak?

Настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous)

Вопросительные предложения - student2.ru

Are you staying in London long?

Is he/ she staying in London long?

Are they staying in London long?

Вопросительные предложения - student2.ru

Where are you staying in London?

Where is he/ she staying in London?

Where are they staying in London?

Вопросительные слова

what — что, какой

how long — как долго, сколько времени

when — когда

where — где, куда

who— кто

why — почему

8. Say how the following questions are formed:

What's the reason for your visit to the United Kingdom?

Where are you staying?

Are you staying in London?

When are you leaving?

What company is inviting you?

Who is inviting you?

Are you with the Group?

Is there a leader of the Group?

Where is your Group Leader?

Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones?

— Good morning

— Good morning, sir. May I see .. card, please?

— Certainly. Here.

— Thank you. What's the reason ...?

— I'm on a business . . programme.

— And how long are ..?

— A week ...

— Have you got ...?

— Yes, certainly. Here ...

— May I see ... receive . ?

— Just a minute, I'll .. Group Leader ... Here is ...

— Thank you. Everything is... Here is ...

Unit fifteen

Luggage and customs


After undergoing formalities at Immigration the group goes to the Luggage Reclaim point. They find the monitor showing their Flight Number and see their suitcases and bags on the belt. But one of the participants of the group does not see his suitcase and asks Andrew Lvov, the Group Leader, for help. Andrew comes up to an official:

Andrew: Excuse me, one of our suitcases is missing. Where can it be?

Official: What's your flight number, sir?

Andrew: It's SU 241 from Moscow.

Official: Some luggage is over there. I hope you'll find yours there. There wasn't enough space on the belt. We had to remove some and put it on the floor.

Andrew: Thank you.

Andrew and the gentleman who did not find his suitcase go to the place shown by the official and see the suitcase. The gentleman picks up the suitcase, puts it on the trolley and joins the group. So all the participants have collected their luggage.

Now they are moving to the Customs point. By the way, it is not necessary to fill in any declaration forms. They see the sign "Nothing to declare" and the green walls of the passage. They all have nothing to declare and pass through this corridor. They see a few Customs officials standing behind the rack. The officials say nothing to them and they safely pass.

Some other passengers pass through the red wall corridor since they have something to declare and probably they have to fill in some forms and pay customs duty. Usually every country has a list of the things liable to duty " in addition to the duty free allowance".

In a second or two our group gets out into the hall of the airport and sees the crowd of people meeting passengers who have just arrived.

Words and expressions

fifteen   пятнадцать (числ.)
luggage ['lögI³] багаж
reclaim   получение (обратно), вос­требование
to reclaim   получать (обратно), вос­требовать
to undergo formalities   пройти формальности
belt   транспортер
to miss   обнаружить отсутствие
One suitcase is missing.   Не хватает одного чемо­
over there   вон там
yours   ваш
зд = your suitcase    
space   место, пространство
to remove   убрать, переставить, пе­
We had to remove it   Мы вынуждены были убрать его
to put   класть, ставить
floor   пол
to put it on the floor   поставить на пол
place   место
place shown by   место, указанное
trolley ['trolI] тележка
to collect   получать, забирать
They have collected their luggage   Они получили багаж
to move   двигать (ся)
Customs     Таможенный контроль, Таможенная служба
sign   вывеска, знак
nothing   ничего
to declare   заявлять, декларировать
green   зеленый
wall   стена
official   официальное лицо
behind   за, сзади
rack   стойка (для багажа)
red   красный
They have something to declare.   Они имеют какие-то ве­щи, которые нужно дек­ ларировать.
They have to fill in some forms.   Они должны заполнить формы
customs duty ['köst@mz 'djütI] таможенная пошлина
in addition to ...   дополнительно к
duty free   беспошлинно
allowance [@'lau@ns] разрешенное количество
hall   холл
crowd [kraud] толпа
just [³öst] только что
They have just arrived   Они только что прибыли


1. Underline the sentences true to the text:

• The group undergoes formalities at Immigration and then goes to leclaim their luggage.

The group reclaims the luggage and then undergoes formalities at Immigration.

• Some participants had difficulties at Immigration.

Some participants had difficulties at the Luggage reclaim point.

One participant had a difficulty in finding his suitcase.

• The difficulty was eliminated with the help of an Immigration officer.

The difficulty was eliminated with the help of a Customs officer.

The difficulty was eliminated with the help of an official responsi­ble for luggage.

ü to eliminate — устранять

• All the participants of the group have a few things to declare for Customs.

All the participants have nothing to declare.

A few participants have something to declare.

• They all pass through the led wall corridor.

They all pass through the green wall corridor.

Most of them pass through the red wall corridor.

• Some other passengers pass through the red wall corridor.

All the passengers pass through the green wall corridor.

The text does not speak about this detail.

• All the countries have the same list of things liable to duty.

Every country has a different list of things liable to duty.

All the countries have similar lists of things liable to duty.

2. Match English and Russian equivalents:

Luggage Reclaim point Таможенный контроль
Immigration point Выдача багажа
Customs востребовать (получить) багаж
"Nothing to declare" багажная лента-транспортер
things liable to duty паспортный контроль
customs duty чиновник
belt работник (официальное лицо)
to leclaim luggage "Не имею предметов, подле­жащих декларированию"
to collect luggage предметы, за ввоз которых не­обходимо заплатить пошлину
an officer таможенный сбор
an official получить багаж

3. Insert the verbs as in the text and say in what forms they are used:

After undergoing formalities at Immigration the group ... to the Luggage Reclaim point. They ... the monitor showing their Flight Number and ... their suitcases and bags on the belt. But one of the participants of the group ... his suitcase and ... Andrew Lvov for help.

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