The Indefinite (Simple) Tenses

The Indefinite forms merely show that the action takes place in the present, past or future.

The form of the verb gives no indication as to its duration or completion.

The Present Indefinite

The Present Indefinite is formed from the infinitive without the particle to:

In the 3rd person singular the ending -s or -es (after o, s, ss, ch, tch, x) is added.

Interrogative and negative forms are formed with do/does and do not (don't) /does not (doesn't) and a bare infinitive:

The Indefinite (Simple) Tenses -


1) For giving emphasis with positive statements in the pre­sent do/does is added.

/ do know him. Я в самом деле знаю его

2) Negative Yes/No questions express surprise.

Don V you know about it? Разве вы не знаете об этом ?

3) Why don't ...? is used for a suggestion. Why don't you help us? - Good idea!

Spelling Rules: Whenj follows a consonant we change у into i and add es: he/she tries, copies, carries; but verbs ending in у following a vowel obey the general rule he/she plays ,obeys, says.

The Present Indefinite is used:

1. to talk about things in general, to give a general characteristic to a person or thing denoted by the subject.

I come from Belarus.

I live in Minsk.

My father works at a plant.

2. for habitual or repeated actions (with adverbs or adverbial phrases:

always, usually, sometimes, often, seldom, generally, occa­sionally, frequently, every week/year, twice a day / a month, hardly ever, rarely, from time to time, as a rule).

I don't smoke and my friend doesn’t smoke either.

It often rains in autumn.

3. to express a general truth; a statement of fact.

Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. Cats don't eat sweets.

4. for events in the future which are part of a prearranged program (for cinemas, theatres, public transport, a journey, a timetable).

The meeting starts at б о 'clock.

When does your train leave ? - In an hour.

5. with the verbs referring to thinking, liking or disliking, possession, perception, wish, being instead of Present Con­tinuous: know, understand, like, love, hate, remember, seem, believe, belong, mean, want, wish, see, hear, etc.

I don't understand what you mean.

Do you hear any noise? - No, I hear nothing.

6. in clauses of time and condition (type I), referring to the fu­ture (after: when, till, until, as soon as, before, after, as long as, if, unless, provided).

When he comes, ask him to wait.

If it stops raining, we'll go for a walk.

7. with the verb say when we are asking or speaking about books (other verbs of communication are also possible).

What does the book say? It says, "Learn to speak by


Shakespeare advises us not to borrow or lend.

8. in demonstrations, descriptions, step-by-step explanations.

Here are some important dates in the history of space


1957. The Russians send a rocket into space and Sputnik 1.

1961. Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in Space.

1969. The Americans put a man on the Moon.

9. It is often used in newspaper headlines.

Peace Talks Fail. Murderer Escapes.


/. Analyze the tenses in the following conversations:

Ann: I like this supermarket. I think it's one of the best in our town. The goods they sell here are not very ex­pensive.

Vera: Yes, my husband likes it, too. As we live quite near, it doesn't take us long to get to it.

We always shop here on Saturdays. Do you also do shopping at this supermarket? You live nearby, don't you?

Ann: Oh, it's not quite so. I live rather far from here and it takes me about an hour to get to this supermarket. That's why I prefer to come here only once я month.

Answer the following questions:
Yes/No questions Does Ann like this supermarket? Does she often go shopping there?
Subject questions Who shops there on Saturdays? Who lives far from the supermarket? Whose husband likes this supermarket?
Wh-questions How long does it take Ann to get there? Why does she come there only once a month?
Alternative questions Does Vera shop on Saturdays or Sundays? Does she come there alone or with her husband?
Tag questions It takes Ann long to get there, doesn't it? They don't sell very expensive goods there, do they?
Indirect questions I wonder why Ann likes this supermarket? I'd like to know how she gets there?

2. Give additional information (positive or negative) to the fol­lowing sentences, using words in brackets.

Model: This is the Glasgow train (go).

This train goes to Glasgow every day, it doesn't go to London.

1. My friend is finding life in Paris a little bit difficult, (not, speak)

2. He is on business m Italy now. (travel)

3. John is a good tennis-player, (play)

4. Saturday morning Ls a busy time for my mother, (have a lot of work to do)

5. No supper for me. (not eat)

6. Whether we go out in the evening usually depends on the weather, (rain)

7. She doesn't care for detective films, (prefer)

8 There is always much noise in my neighbour's flat, (apologize for)

9. My grandmother believes in God. (go to church)

10. She hates telephone answering machines, (like to talk to people)

11. Vicky is anxious about her English exam, (not, know)

12. This actor is famous for his film roles, (play)

13. My brother reads a lot about computers, (programmer)

14. My mother is proud of her work, (teach)

15. Alex is good at inventing stories and does it artistically. (Everybody, laugh)

16. Why are you in such a hurry? (train, leave)

17. Mrs Green is never on time, (come)

18. Ann is very sociable, (know)

19. My boss never worries about money, (earn and spend)

20. Don't try to ring the bell, (not, work)

21. The child is afraid of the dark, (never go out)

22. The United State is a federal union, (consist of 50 states)

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