Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below

Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Main rivers and Niagara Falls Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Main Cities Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Population of Canada Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Canadian English
Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Main Holidays


A. What do you know about the economy of Canada? Complete this file, use vertical prompts if necessary.

    Currency:   Fiscal year:   Labor force by occupation: Which takes the lead (agriculture, construction, manufacturing, services, other)?     Main industries:   Export goods:   Main export partners:   Main import partners: U.S., UK, China services motor vehicles and parts, industrial machinery, aircraft, plastics, timber, telecommunications equipment, electronics, chemicals, fertilizer etc. 1 April – 31 March CAD U.S., China, Mexico

B. Do you know what these abbreviations stand for? Search a dictionary or the Internet if necessary:The IMF, GDP, G8, the OECD, the NAFTA, USGS.

C. Match the words from the text below with the definitions, translate them.

retail 2 a period of ten years
real estate 2 a service, such as transport or health care, that a government provides
income 3 the sale of goods in shops to customers, for their own use and not for selling to anyone else
robust (economy) 5 property in the form of land or houses; the business of selling houses or land
decade 7 a system of producing wealth based on the free operation of business and trade without government controls
public service 8 the money that you earn from your work or that you receive from investments
market economy 8 strong and healthy

D. Look at the box and check yourself if you have the same translation of the words given in Exercise C.

    Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below -     Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below -   Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below - Summarize the information about Canada. Give a two minute talk using one of the headings below -

E. Look at the text below and find English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

1 высокоразвитый;воспользоваться преимуществом/извлекать пользу (выгоду); современный сектор услуг; продуманное руководство; соглашения о свободной торговле; по данным;

2 в отличие от; общий объем продукции, произведенной в стране (национальный продукт); быть занятым; развиваться быстрым темпом;

3 насчитывать/составлять; добывающая промышленность и сельское хозяйство; продукция добывающей промышленности и сельского хозяйства; молочная продукция;

4 что касается; производственный сектор;

5 подписывать;

6 лесоматериалы; древесная и бумажная масса; «мягкие товары» (относящиеся к сырью, которые не добываются, а выращиваются); второй по величине; в частности;

7 взвешенная фискальная (налогово-бюджетная) политика;

8 структура производства; высокий уровень жизни; предоставлять услуги.

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