Show up - to appear, arrive He showed up after 10 o'clock. I waited for an hour, but he didn't show up. появиться, прийти
Shut down - 1. to close down; 2. to switch off electricity 1. The plant was shut down recently and the workers lost their jobs. 2. They shut down the power again. 1. закрыть предприятие (прекратить работу); 2. выключить электричество
Shut up - 1. to lock, to be locked; 2. (rude) to close one's mouth 1. The store was shut up for three days. 2. Now shut up and listen. 1. запереть, быть под замком; 2. (грубо) закрыть рот, заткнуться
Sit down - to take a seat Please come in and sit down. сесть, присесть
Sit in for someone - to replace someone Can you sit in for me for an hour? подменить кого-то
Sit in on something - to be present as a spectator She was allowed to sit in on classes and exams as a visiting teacher. присутствовать в качестве наблюдателя
Sit up - 1. to rise to a sitting position (from lying); 2. to stay up; 3. to sit upright 1. She helped the old man to sit up in his bed. 2. I sat up late yesterday because I had to finish my report. 3. Sit up, don't slouch. 1. принять сидячее положение (из лежачего); 2. не ложиться спать допоздна; 3. сидеть прямо, не горбясь
size up - evaluate someone It took her 5 minutes to size up that man. оценить, составить мнение
slip away - to go away quickly or unnoticed She slipped away quietly because she didn't like the show. Time slips away quickly. незаметно уйти; быстро проходить (о времени)
slip by - to go by quickly or unnoticed Time slips by quickly. Don't let this chance slip by! быстро или незаметно проходить, ускользать (о времени, шансе)
slip by / past someone - to go unnoticed by someone He quietly slipped past the guard. But how did he manage to slip by the dogs? проскользнуть мимо кого-то незамеченным
slip out - to slip outside (about objects, people, facts, secrets, etc.) The note probably slipped out when I dropped my bag. It was dark in the house and the robbers slipped out quietly. He didn't tell anyone about the accident, but the facts slipped out somehow. выскользнуть наружу (о предметах, людях, фактах, секретах и т.д.)
slip out of something (bag, hand, place, clothes) - to get out of something The letter slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor. Nobody saw him slip out of the house. She slipped out of her dress. выскользнуть из чего-то (сумки, руки, места, одежды)
slip up - to make a mistake He slipped up and sent the letter to the wrong person. сделать ошибку
slow down - to reduce the speed of something The car slowed down before the turn. You live like there's no tomorrow, you have to slow down. замедлить скорость, темп чего-то
smell of something - to have a certain smell The tea smelled of mint. This room smells of roses. пахнуть чем-то
smile at someone / something She smiled at me. She smiled at his joke. улыбнуться кому-то / чему-то
sort out - 1. to arrange according to type, sort, class; 2. to put things in order, to make clear 1. Sort out the verbs alphabetically. Sort out the books according to the date of release. 2. I need some time to sort out my thoughts. They should sort out their affairs themselves, without your help. 1. отсортировать по типу, сорту, классу; 2. привести в порядок, прояснить (мысли, дела, отношения и т.д.)