Call in - to invite a specialist for consultation and help We called in an interior designer to help us with redecorating. вызвать специалиста для консультации и помощи

Call off - to cancel something He called off his dogs and let me in. The open-air concert was called off because of rain. The police decided to call off the search for the missing man. отменить, отозвать

call on / upon - 1. to visit someone; 2. to appeal to someone (for an answer, advice, help) 1. He calls on her when he is in Rome. 2. He called on a technical specialist. He called on God for help. 1. навестить кого-то; 2. обратиться к кому-то (за ответом, советом, помощью)

Call up - to telephone, to call by phone I called up a friend and we went to a movie. He called me up at 6 o'clock. позвонить кому-то

calm down - to relax, to stop worrying Calm down! Everything will be all right. успокоиться

camp out - to go camping, to live in tents They like to camp out in the woods in summer. жить в палатках под открытым небом

Care about - 1. to like someone; 2. to be interested in something 1. He cares about his little sister. 2. I don't care about your opinion. 1. любить кого-то; 2. интересоваться чем-то

Care for - 1. to like someone; 2. to want something; 3. to look after someone 1. He cares for his little sister. 2. Do you care for a drink? 3. Will you care for my cat while I'm away? 1. любить кого-то; 2. хотеть чего-то; 3. присмотреть за, позаботиться о ком-то

carp at - to find fault with someone, something Stop carping at me! The teacher always carps at my translation from French. придираться к кому-то, чему-то

Carry away - to excite someone greatly or excessively He was carried away by the music and didn't hear the doorbell. сильно, чрезмерно увлечь чем-то

Carry on - 1. to continue doing something without stopping; 2. to behave excitedly, foolishly 1. The lifeguards carried on their search for the missing child in spite of the wind and huge waves. Carry on with your work. 2. I hate it when she carries on like this. 1. продолжать (упорно, без остановки) делать что-то; 2. вести себя возбужденно, глупо

Carry out - to fulfill, to complete.He needs to do a lot of things to carry out his plan. выполнить, довести до конца

Carry through - 1. to fulfill, to complete (despite difficulties); 2. to support someone through a difficult time 1. Despite all obstacles and difficulties, he carried his plan through. 2. His will and his wife's support carried him through in his struggle with cancer. 1. выполнить, довести до конца (несмотря на трудности); 2. помочь кому-то пережить трудное время

cast away - 1. to throw away; to discard; 2 (passive) to be shipwrecked 1. He casts away his mother's money. She cast away her old friends when she moved to New York. 2. Several passengers were cast away from a sinking ship. 1. выбрасывать, бросать; 2. (passive) потерпеть кораблекрушение

cast down - (passive) to make someone feel sad or depressed She was really cast down when she learned that he got married. (passive) повергнуть в печаль, уныние

cast out - to throw out; to expel Several disloyal employees were cast out (of the company). выбрасывать; выгнать

Catch on - 1. to become popular; 2. to understand quickly, to grasp mentally 1. The tune is very catchy, the song caught on quickly. 2. She is a quick learner, she catches on very fast.1. стать популярным; 2. быстро схватывать, улавливать суть

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