Check out of - to pay the bill and leave (the hotel).I checked out of the hotel at noon. оплатить счет и выписаться (из гостиницы)

chew on - 1. to chew something; 2. to consider something for a long time 1. My dog likes to chew on my shoes. 2. He chewed on this issue for a week. 1. жевать что-то; 2. долго обдумывать что-то

chew over - to consider something for a long time He chewed over this issue for a week. долго обдумывать что-то

choke on - to suffocate because of swallowing something She choked on a fish bone. He choked on a cherry pit. подавиться чем-то и поэтому задыхаться

choke with - to suffocate with (emotions) He was choking with anger. задыхаться от (эмоций)

chop down - to cut down (a tree) First, they chopped down the tree. срубить (дерево)

chop off - to cut off Then they chopped off the branches. отрубить

chop up - to cut up, to cut into pieces Finally, they chopped up the trunk of the tree. порубить на части

Claim from - to demand something from someone He claimed $10,000 from her. He claimed damages from the other driver. требовать что-то от кого-то

clean of - to remove (stains, dirt) I cleaned your shirt of the stains. очистить что-то от (пятен, грязи)

Clean out - 1. to empty and clean (closet, drawer); 2. to use up all the money 1. You promised to clean out the closet. 2. The purchase of the car cleaned out his savings. 1. вычистить (чулан, выдвижной ящик); 2. израсходовать весь запас денег

Clean up - to clean, to wash, to tidy up, to get rid of unwanted things We need to clean up the apartment before the party. Please wait here, I need just a couple of minutes to clean up. The police are going to clean up the slums. чистить, мыть(ся), прибраться, избавляться от ненужного

Clear away / off - 1. to remove objects for more space; 2. to disappear (about the fog, smoke); 3. to leave some place 1. After dinner my daughter helped me to clear off the table. 2. The clouds cleared away. The fog is clearing off. 3. The police cleared off the crowds. 1. расчистить, убрать; 2. рассеяться, проясниться (о тумане, дыме); 3. уйти, покинуть какое-то место

Clear out - 1. to empty and clean (closet, drawer); 2. to leave some place.1. You promised to clear out the closet. 2. As soon as her father returned, her boyfriend cleared out. The police cleared out the building.1. вычистить (чулан, выдвижной ящик); 2. уйти, покинуть какое-то место

Clear up - 1. to become brighter (about the weather); 2. to clean, to tidy up; 3. to make clear, to explain 1. The weather is clearing up. 2. We need to clear up the living room. 3. I really want to clear up this mystery. Let me clear it up. 1. проясниться (о погоде); 2. прибрать, привести в порядок; 3. выяснить, прояснить

click with - to have success with someone This song clicked with me right away. нравиться, иметь успех у кого-то

close down - to shut down The plant was closed down recently and the workers lost their jobs. закрыть предприятие (прекратить работу)

close in on - to get closer to someone with the aim of attacking or capturing He has a feeling that his enemies are closing in on him. The criminals closed in on him. приближаться к кому-то, чтобы напасть, захватить

close up - to shut or stop completely This road is closed up because of the flood. The summer camp closes up in September. полностью закрыть что-то

clutch at - to grab at something The little girl clutched at her mother's arm. He clutched at the opportunity. ухватиться за что-то

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