Complaints and Adjustments

1.1. Read and translate the following dialogue on the topic “Complaints and Adjustments”. Be ready to discuss the topic. Don’t forget to study useful vocabulary at first.

Complaint (syn. claim) Жалоба, претензия
To complain about smth Жаловаться на что-либо
Short-delivery / short-shipment Недопоставка, неполная поставка
Misdirection Отправка товара по неправильному адресу
Default of payment Неуплата
Delivery of substandard (wrong) goods Поставка недоброкачественного (или не того) товара
Infringement of terms and conditions of the contract Нарушение условий контракта
Inadequate packing Не соответствующая требованиям упаковка
Shortage of smth Нехватка чего-либо
To overlook smth Не заметить, упустить
Oversight Недосмотр, оплошность
To be damaged Быть поврежденным
To bring an action of damages against smb Предъявлять иск за убытки
Agreed and liquidated damages Согласованные и заранее оцененные убытки
Fault Недостаток, дефект, промах, ошибка
To find fault with smb, smth Придираться
To suffer losses Нести потери, убытки
To claim compensation Требовать компенсацию
To make a claim Предъявлять претензию
To withdraw a claim Снять претензию
To meet (to satisfy) a claim Удовлетворять претензию
To be caused by Быть вызванным чем-либо
To foresee Предвидеть
Unforeseen complications Непредвиденные сложности
To reject / to decline (~ a claim) Отклонять претензию
To compensate smb for smth / to make compensation for smth Компенсировать
Full / partial compensation Полная / частичная компенсация
To meet the deadline Уложиться в срок
Top executives Руководители
To be on the agenda Быть на повестке дня

Victor Klimenko and John Cartwright are discussing by phone some problems which have arisen in connection with the delivery of equipment.

Telephone Conversation

– John Cartwright speaking.

– Hello, John. This is Viictor Klimenko, from Kiev.

– Hello, Victor. Any problems?

– Yes. Did you receive our fax yesterday?

– Yes, we did.

– I’d like to know your reaction to it.

– We’ve carefully studied your complaints. You’re perfectly correct as to the short-delivery. Items 2.5 and 2.6 lack in the consignment of equipment we sent you. It was overlooked by our controller. We apologize for the oversight. It won’t happen again.

– When will you send us these parts?

– This week. By air. We’ll also send you some documents to facilitate customs clearance at your end.

– Fine. But what about the packing? The cover of one of the containers was badly damaged. The equipment in this container was damaged a little too.

– It wasn’t our fault, Victor. The equipment was packed in a required way. You should take this up with the captain of the ship.

– We’ve already done it, John. He believed that your packing is to blame.

– I must disagree totally with him. Perhaps you should have been firmer in dealing with him.

– Let’s come back to this matter in a couple of days, John. I’ll try to discuss it with the ship-owners. But there is one more problem: the three-week delay in delivery of equipment. We suffered some losses through this delay. I’d like to remind you that according to the sanctions clause of our contract we have the right to claim compensation.

– I’m afraid, you haven’t that right, Victor. This delay was caused by a strike in the Brighton port. We consider this strike to be a force majeure circumstance that had a direct effect on the execution of our liabilities. We did our best to meet the deadline.

– I don’t agree, John. English ports are often hit by strikes. You were able to foresee this complication. Moreover, to meet the deadline you could have delivered the equipment to other port.

– We couldn’t have done it owing to circumstances outside our control.

– If we don’t reach mutual understanding, our company will have to go through arbitration procedures.

– There is no need to get aggressive, Victor. There will be a meeting of our top executives at 11 o’clock where your claim will be on the agenda. I’ll try to settle it and ring you back after the meeting.

– All right. I’m waiting for your call, John.

– Bye, Victor.

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