Личные и притяжательные местоимения

Чтение гласных букв

Буква I тип чтения открытый слог II тип чтения закрытый слог III тип чтения гласная + r (+ согласная) IV тип чтения гласная + r + гласная (e, y)
a [ei] name [æ] cat [a:] car, park [εз] care
e [i:] me, Pete [e] bed [з:] her [iз] here
i, y [ai] nine, pie, my, type [i] big, little, myth, `happy [з:] girl [aiз] fire, tyre
o [oυ] no, stone [o] not [o:] sport [o:] more
u [u:], [ju:] blue, tube [ʌ] bus [з:] turn [υз], [jυз] sure, cure

1. [ e ] [ i: ] ee [ i: ] [e – i:]

bed [bed] meddle [medl] me [mi:] Pete [pi:t] meet [mi:t] Ned – need ten – teen

Ted [ted] fettle [fetl] be [bi:] eve [i:v] deep [di:p] met – meet men – me

ten [ten] nettle [netl] bee [bi:] Steve [sti:v] beef [bi:f] fell – feel bed – be

end [end] mettle [metl] fee [fi:] dene [di:n] feet [fi:t] den – dene bet – beet

2. [ i ] [i – i:] [ ai ] [ i – ai ]

it his six `silly `kitten pit – Pete bit – beet tie five by type tip – type

is him mix `lucky `pyxis bid – bede sit – seet pie nine my lyme pin – pie

in kiss pyx `silky `system mill – mele tin – teen lie hide fly dyne link – line

ill did lynx `tizzy `visit hill – hele fit – feet die title sky fyke bit – bite

3. [ei] ai / ay [ei] [æ] [æ – ei] [æ – e] ea [i:]

name table main may am man Dan – day mat – mate pan – pen sea deal

pane stable pain pay Ann flat sad – say lad – laid bad – bed tea please

late fable nail nay at bad pat – pay man – main man – men seal leave

mate able vain day apple plan back – bay back – bake Pat – pet mean `easy

4. [s – z] ck [k] th [θ] [s – θ] th [ ð ] y [ j ]

bis – biz neck peck fifth thank sink – think these them yet yipe

hiss – hizz back sick thin teeth sick – thick the then yip yede

kiss – fizz lack stick thick theme seem – theme this than yin yelp

miss – mizzle black tick myth faith sin – thin that bathe yes yell

5. [ o ] [ oυ ] oi / oy [ oı ] sh [∫] ch / tch [t∫]

on not no note `open boy point she shock chin patch

off box so smoke alone toy boil shame shade chat match

odd spot hello tone `mobile foy moist sheet shop chess speech

ox top nose those `motive hoy soil shy shine catch `kitchen

6. c + i / e / y [s] [k] [ s – k]

cent `civil `icy can `vacant mice – Mick cist – cosh nice – Nick

face `pencil `bicycle cap cake cent – can cine – cly face – fact

ice cite `cycle cane fact celt – clap cill – clove lice – lick

cell `city cyst cop candle cede – clash civvy – clan voice - `vocal

7. [ju:] [u:] [ ʌ ] [υ] uy [ai] ph [f]

tune cube blue sun club `funny full buy phase phi`lology

tube mute clue bus fuss `sunny put guy phene re`phrase

use `student slue dub plus `lucky push cluy Phil `physics

tulip `music spue luck slum `muddy pull tuy phone phlox

8. [ʤ] [ʤ – j ] [g] g + e / i / y [ʤ] oo [u:] oo + k [u]

Jim Jake jet – yet go globe gin page gym spoon book

Jane Jeep jess – yes glad game gibe stage gybe too look

jam jinn jinny – yin grey glide gise bridge gyn school hook

joke join jeep – yede big green gippy gem gyve food took

9. [w] [w – v ] wr [r] wh [w] wh + o [h] qu [kw]

we went wave wain – vain write white which who quick queen

way wake wide wail – vail wrist whale while whom quack quest

well wait with wine – vine wrap wheel why whose quell quote

win weed waist weed – veep wreck when when whole quod quite

10. [r] ar [a:] are/ary [εз(r)] [a:] - [εз]

red rain arm card park fare dare Mary car – care

rax read car carm start hare care vary bar – bare

ripe risk bar farm lark mare stare wary far – fare

rock marry far bark yard rare bare `parents dark – dare

11. or [o:] ore, oor [o:] [a:] - [o:] ng [ŋ] [n – ŋ] ng [ŋg] nk [ŋk]

fork sort more door far – for bang win – wing `English ink

born port bore floor farm – form sing thin – thing `angry bank

corn short wore store barn – born long ran – rang angle think

torn forth tore score card – cord ring ban – bang `hungry sank

12. [з:] [з:]- [o:] ere [iз] ere [εз] ire [aiз] ure [jυз]

her sir fur burn – born here there fire tired pure

term girl burn turn – torn sere where tire shire cure

nerve bird turn firm – form mere quire fired mural

`certain third curse shirt – short cere mire desire mure

13. air [εз] i + ld/nd [ai] igh [ai] -er[з] a + l [o:l] a + lk [o:k]

vair hair child mind high right `summer `matter all talk

air chair wild find nigh light `sister `better small chalk

pair stair mild bind might night `letter `number salt walk

fair `prairie vild hind fight bright `butter `winter halt stalk


w/wh/qu + a (II) [wo] w/qu + a (III) [wo:] au(gh)/(aw) [o:] a + th или s /n + согласная [a:]

what quall war quarter `autumn pass ask past dance path

was quant warm quartz `daughter class task last France bath

want quash ward quart taught glass mask fast chance lath

wash quad warn `quarrel saw hassle `basket `master answer father

15. ou [aυ] [ʌ ] ou + ld [ud] ought [o:t] ow [aυ] ow [oυ]

out round couple should bought now down snow `yellow

house found cousin would ought how brown low `Moscow

sound count country could brought row tower show `window

noun scout double thought town flower own `fellow

16. oa [oυ] ew [ju:] o + n/m/th [ʌ ] kn [n] wor [wз:] [з: - o:]

coat new son come `mother knife work work – walk

boat sew month some `brother knight world word – ward

float few done `company `other know word worm – warm

load stew `London become another knew worm

Control reading:

1. – 2. tell, tent, Ned, bell, Ed, dent, dell, bent, be, bede, feme, mete, tee, meet, feet, beed, leep, peel, peep, left, teem, Nell, mend, Len, Lee, tend, beet, dene, vet, veet, Bess, seed, Betty, seen, lend, settle, spell, pee, bye, style, vine, my, hive, size, type, skin, six, `sixty, fizz, hit, hint, five, `fifty, slide, like, pills, tin, fine, middle, pin, test, `missy, best, less, dive, seems, bite, beef, send, ebb, bee, mend, in`vite, nest, slim, slime

3. – 4. sad, dad, daddy, Ann, bay, stale, tale, day, nappy, tenth, and, sable, tax, faith, `native, man, name, May, tail, deal, tea, eat, mean, sea, lead, keen, keep, did, deed, fact, fate, faith, say, Spain, saint, tilt, title, dine, dye, slip, sleep, the, these, teeth, myth, bathe, 'gather, thank, sank, thin, sin, that, sat, think, sink, thick, sick, stick, pack, lack, back, black, yet, yes, yell, yak, yam, line, ink, bye, sky, peeve, sleeve, mail

Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick.

Six sick slick slim sycamore saplings.

Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

5. – 6. stone, no, zone, nose, lone, `focal, foe, fox, fob, dock, flock, `pocket, `noisy, foil, poison, boy, toy, ash, she, shy, shake, shelf, fish, shall, dish, `foppish, chose, chat, chain, cheese, match, patch, ship, chip, sheep, cheap, shop, chop, cit, city, cite, cete, cent, cess, `cecils, peace, ponce, pace, pice, lace, voice, clay, cat, clamp, coin, clan, cake, cash, catch, 'cosy, cone, cost, came, sick, neck, keep, toil, yoke, choice, clock

Listen to the local yokel yodel.

A noisy noise annoys an oyster.

Chop shops stock chops.

Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks.

I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.

A bloke's back bike brake block broke.

Sarah sees a shot-silk sash shop full of shot-silk sashes
as the sunshine shone on the side of the shot-silk sash shop.

7. – 8. plug, shut, but, must, chum, dull, bump, cup, `student, lune, cue, tube, puce, muse, fuse, `stupid, tube, phut, `phossy, `phantom, 'photo, josh, jole, joy, Joe, John, June, Ju'ly, jazz, jam, job, join, jell, yell, joke, yoke, jet, yet, bridge, gentle, cage, huge, gyps, gym, 'pygmy, big, gate, gamble, rag, gay, dog, guy, pig, egg, edge, `angel, angle, book, shook, room, fool, moon, `pupil, mice, stay, same, lump, buy, sphinx

A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.

Give me the gift of a grip top sock: a drip-drape, ship-shape, tip-top sock.

Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks!

Frankly Frank flips fine flapjacks.

Crisp crusts crackle crunchily.

9. – 10. wife, wuff, way, wink, week, wit, wait, wave, wage, wine, vine, wet, vet, wail, vail, west, vest, woke, vote, wrist, wrack, wreck, whale, while, wheel, veal, quip, quake, quiz, quick, quill, quench, quid, wrote, whote, quote, write, white, quite, rain, read, rock, race, `ribbon, rose, ag'ree, rest, rope, green, jar, park, farce, sharp, smart, 'tardy, re'gard, `sarsen, mare, ware, dec'lare, part, pare, sharp, share, tart, tare, went, tea, twins, god, Jat, sale, jumble, grace, jock, joke, style, smash

Which witch wished which wicked wish?

A bloke's back bike brake block broke.

Six sharp smart sharks.

11. – 12. lord, tort, North, sport, spar, lore, lock, force, farce, store, stop, star, a'dore, serf, serve, germ, verse, stern, skirt, first, girl, birth, `thirsty, firm, form, shirt, short, curl, curve, churn, nurse, church, turn, torn, 'certain, 'curtain, ere, here, sphere, fire, spire, tired, de'sire, sure, pure, fury, spring, song, bang, bring, `going, `singing, `darling, single, angle, chute, bunch, gap, age, part, peace, case, change, `taking

We surely shall see the sun shine soon.

Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.

Six shimmering sharks sharply striking shins.

She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

13 – 14. chair, air, hair, fair, lair, child, mild, find, kind, blind, night, might, light, `hunter, 'rubber, `silver, `river, summer, turner, waiter, reporter, all, ball, small, always, salt, walk, stalk, talk, chalk, what, was, watch, wash, quash, `quarry, `wharry, 'quarter, water, ward, wad, `warty, `wander, Paul, `author, caught, daughter, draw, dawn, 'awful, past, cast, ask, task, class, path, `father, last, chance, grass, trans'late, Steve

Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.

On mules we find two legs behind and two we find before.
We stand behind before we find what those behind be for.

You've no need to light a night-light on a light night like tonight,
For a night-light's light's a slight light, and tonight's a night that's light.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Betty bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter,
and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter.

Ned Nott was shot and Sam Shott was not.

Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.

Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?

While we were walking, we were watching window washers
wash Washington's windows with warm washing water.

Who washed Washington's white woolen underwear when Washington's washer woman went west?

Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos.

I saw Esau kissing Kate. I saw Esau, he saw me, and she saw I saw Esau.

15. – 16. out, house, mouth, mouse, round, sound, about, shout, ground, south, ouch, `cloudy, now, cow, crowd, down, `mellow, 'yellow, 'fellow, 'Moscow, bowl, throw, coat, road, boat, float, load, 'payload, few, news, hew, pew, chew, front, ton, month, 'honey, once, 'onion, some, 'company, 'comfortable, a'nother, other, knife, knell, knit, knight, words, worst, worse, while, tired, drink, air, thank, wall, call, bald, salt

Thank the other three brothers of their father's mother's brother's side.

I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.

The boot black bought the black boot back.

Ruby Rugby's brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.

If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?

Cows graze in groves on grass which grows in grooves in groves.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

fate, fat, far, fare, faint, fast, fall, fair, faught, sede, set, serd, sere, seard, file, fill, first, fired, fight, fie, tube, tub, turn, tured, tung, tuy, cure, cube, cup, curb, cuy, bone, born, `bottom, bore, boil, bowl, boat

I. Compose a noun: a verb + -er (Образуйте существительные: глагол + -er):

to tell – teller to meet – meeter to smoke – smoker

to use – user to jump – jumper to think – thinker

to eat – eater to make – maker to swim – swimmer

to pay – payer to play – player to send - sender

II. Form the nouns and translate them:

to fly, to thank, to open, to do, to leave, to joke, to help, to wait, to drive

III. Read, translate and remember:

to dictate – dictation to invite – invitation to translate – translation

to inform – information to declare – declaration to prepare – preparation

to demonstrate – demonstration to present – presentation to correct – correction

to transform – transformation to televise – television to discuss – discussion

to cooperate – cooperation to collect – collection

IV. Form the adverbs from the adjectives with -ly [li]and translate them:

deep – deeply happy – happily sweet – sweetly

bad – badly easy – easily nice – nicely

sad – sadly noisy – noisily angry – angrily

shy – shyly short – shortly serious – seriously

V. Form adverbs with –ly and translate them into Russian: important, quick, glad, warm, slow, polite

VI. Read, translate and remember (noun, participle):

to read – reading to end – ending to begin – beginning

to meet – meeting to drive – driving to swim – swimming

to feel – feeling to make – making to run – running

to jump – jumping to smoke – smoking to plan – planning

VII. Form the nouns and participles from these verbs with –ing and translate them into Russian:

to eat, to use, to study, to joke, to drink, to leave, to wait, to clean, to teach, to finish, to write, to wash, to play, to invite, to jump, to help, to shut, to read, to leave, to run, to go, to begin, to clean, to study, to write, to look, to work, to build, to draw

Личные и притяжательные местоимения

Личные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения
в Им. п., использу-ются только в роли подлежащего объектные (в косвенном падеже), используются в роли дополнения, стоят после глагола или предлога отвечают на вопрос чей?
после них всегда стоит имя существительное (могут переводиться «свой») после них никогда нет имени существи-тельного
I - я me - мне, меня. мной my мой, моя, моё, мои mine
You - ты you - тебе, тобой, тебя your[jo:] твой, твоя, твоё, твои yours
He - он him - его, ему his его his
She - она her- ей, её her её hers
It - он, она, оно it - его,ему,ей,её its его, её its
We - мы us - нас, нам, нами our наш, наша, наше, наши ours
You - вы you - вас, вам, вами your ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши yours
They - они them - их, им, ими their их theirs

I. Read, translate and remember:

a table – it, a small dog – it, a boy – he, him, Jake – he, him, Helen – she, her, my sister – she, her, the students – they, them, your parents – they, them, the Ivanovs – they, them, Alex and I – we.

II. Change the noun groups into pronouns:

a) the beds, a red pen, the people, a modern tie, my friend Helga, a smart boy, an easy test and a difficult text, a small flat, lamps, his sister, our friends, an old plan, a big old dog and a small kitten, a green apple, our teachers, tasty cakes, a round table, my mother and brother, her bag, his friends, our desk, doctors, a secretary, a new car, tall girls, a bag and shoes, his father, her boy-friend.

b) 1. Help Sveta. 2. Buy this bag. 3. Invite Alex and Tom. 4. Don’t see that film. 5. Wait for Mr. Black, please. 6. Feed my cat, please. 7. Let me read the letters, please. 8. Don’t waste money. 9. Meet our secretary, please. 10. Tell the director our plan. 11. Let’s send these papers to Mr. Druck.

c) 1. Nick is smart. 2. The book is very interesting. 3. The students are in the class-room. 4. His girl-friend is a geologist. 5. The projects are in the desk. 6. His test is the best. 7. Her bag is red. 8. My parents and I are doctors. 9. Jake and Steve are friends. 10. Mrs. Bell is a cleaner.

III. Choose the correct pronoun (Выберите правильное местоимение):

1. Help (he, him, his). 2. Help (he, him, his) sister. 3. (he, him, his) is a smart student. 4. Wait for (I, me, my). 5. (I, me, my) name is Jake. 6. Wait for (I, me, my) friends. 7. (I, me, my) am from Tomsk. 8. (she, her) cat is Persian. 9. Invite (she, her). 10. (she, her) is very pretty. 11. (we, us, our) are friends. 12. Let (we, us, our) dance. 13. Give Kate the keys from (we, us, our) car. 14. Make (they, them, their) coffee. 15. Feed (they, them, their). 16. (they, them, their) flat is very small. 17. (they, them, their) are economists. 18. Let me take (you, your) notes, please. 19. (you, your) children are so smart. 20. Let me help (you, your). 21. (it, its) is my table. 22. Give the dog (it, its) bone, please.

IV. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язык):

а) мои ручки, ее размер, его контрольная работа, наша помощь, ваша квартира, его яблоки, их план, его магазин, ее лицо, наш город, моя кошка, ваш кот, их торт, ее шляпы, его кепка, ваши карандаши, наш дом, их подарки, его шутка, наш чай, ее машина, их сестра, мое желание, ваша собака, его друзья, наши книги, их дети, ее тетради, мои статьи, ваше место, ее телефон.

б) 1. Встретьте меня. 2. Подари мне синюю ручку, пожалуйста. 3. Дай мне мою ручку. 4. Подождите ее. 5. Прочитайте ее статью. 6. Встреть нас. 7. Пришлите им вашу статью. 8. Помогите ему. 9. Заплатите им. 10. Пригласите его. 11. Возьмите его планы. 12. Дайте ей яблоко, пожалуйста. 13. Пригласите их. 14. Проверь их машину. 15. Заплатите нам.

Imperative Mood

I. Read, translate and remember:

1. Tell me your life story. 2. Meet Ted, please. 3. Feed Eve. 4. Feed my dog, please. 5. Feel my care. 6. Be careful. 7. Test his car, please. 8. Give me an apple, please. 9. Give him a pen, please. 10. Let me tell. 11. Let me live in this flat, please. 12. Let me meet Em. 13. Let me help you. 14. Let Steve sleep. 15. Let me feed Pete. 16. Let him see that film. 17. Let Kate leave. 18. Let her take the test. 19. Let her pay. 20. Let me send a message. 21. Let him tell. 22. Let us make a film. = Let’smake a film. 23. Let us leave. = Let’s leave. 24. Let’s eat. 25. Let’s open the door. 26. Let’s make a cake.

II. Change the sentences as in the model:

1. Help him. – Let’s help him. 2. Open the door, please. – Let’s open the door.

1. Play with Jim. 2. Invite Tom. 3. Stay at home. 4. Stay with the children. 5. Make tea, please. 6. Wait for him, please. 7. Read the book. 8. Leave the park. 9. Wait for her sister, please. 10. Clean the room.

III. Compose the sentences:

Давайте begin translating the text. finish the game. take care of these dogs. close the box, please. clean the room, please. read all these books. open the window. look after the flowers. tell about his/her/my/their school. give me a watch, please. read the article.
Пусть она/Дайте ей Пусть он/Дайте ему Пусть они/Дайте им
Позвольте мне Разрешите мне Давайте я

IV. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язык):

1. Помогите нам, пожалуйста. 2. Пришлите мне 5 галстуков. 3. Встретьте его. 4. Поговорите с Бетти. 5. Покормите мою кошку. 6. Сделайте этот тест. 7. Посмотрите этот фильм 8. Бегите. 9. Оставайтесь дома. 10. Спи. 11. Поиграйте с моей кошкой. 12. Ешьте этот торт. 13. Прочитайте только этот текст. 14. Зайдите в мою квартиру. 15. Приходите ко мне. 16. Уезжайте из этого города. 17. Уходите из моей квартиры. 18. Подождите их. 19. Давай попрыгаем. 20. Давай подарим ему собаку 21. Давай останемся и посмотрим фильм. 22. Давай я останусь. 23. Разрешите мне встретить его. 24. Дайте ему поспать. 25. Дайте ей закончить тест. 26. Пусть он побегает. 27. Дайте ему часы, пожалуйста. 28. Дайте ему прочитать эту статью (an article). 29. Дайте мне эту книгу, пожалуйста. 30. Дайте мне отдохнуть. 31. Давай я проверю тест.

V. Read, translate and remember:

a) 1. Do not jump. = Don’t jump. 2. Do not go to the street. = Don’t go to the street. 3. Do not come tonight. = Don’t come tonight. 4. Do not give her this book. = Don’t give her this book. 5. Do not let him run. = Don’t let him run. 6. Do not be silly. = Don’t be silly. 7. Don’t come here. 8. Don’t be greedy. 9. Don’t leave. 10. Don’t write to me. 11. Don’t let Alex sing. 12. Don’t let Mike leave.

b) 1. Do not let’s leave. = Don’t let’s leave. 2. Do not let’s buy this cake. = Don’t let’s buy this cake. 3. Do not let’s invite them. = Don’t let’s invite them. 4. Do not let’s tell him this. = Don’t let’s tell him this. 5. Don’t let’s have coffee. 6. Don’t let’s translate the paper. 7. Don’t let’s play cards.

VI. Change into negative form:

1. Look at me. 2. Make a photo. 3. Take my pen, please. 4. Wait for me. 5. Smoke, please. 6. Swim in winter. 7. Read this text. 8. Let him close the door, please. 9. Run. 10 Meet my friend, please. 11. Let’s swim. 12. Take those boxes, please. 13. Let’s stay at home. 14. Let me make a plan, please. 15. Let him eat this cake, please. 16. Let’s watch TV. 17 Let them jump. 18. Let’s sing his song. 19. Give him a sweet. 20. Write to us every day. 21. Let’s look for the material for the paper. 22. Laugh at them.

VII. Translate into English:

1. Не закрывайте дверь. 2. Не давайте ей торт, пожалуйста. 3. Не ждите их. 4. Не убирайте квартиру. 5. Не открывайте дверь, пожалуйста. 6. Не читайте это письмо, пожалуйста. 7. Не клади учебники в стол. 8. Не бери тетради из моей сумки. 9. Давай не будем покупать собаку. 10. Не позволяй ей бегать. 11. Давай не поедем на море. 12. Пусть он не кричит. 13. Принесите, пожалуйста, те ящики. 14. Попросите их помочь. 15. Дайте нам потанцевать. 16. Дайте нам задание. 17. Спойте хорошую песню. 18. Переведите эти статьи на английский язык. 19. Не танцуйте здесь, пожалуйста. 20. Не пойте здесь, пожалуйста. 21. Не отвечайте ему, пожалуйста.


I. Read, translate and remember:

a pen, a bed, a man, a table, an apple, an eve, an end; a fine pen, a little apple, a silly man, a little size, a fine life, an ill man, an old lamp, an ugly face, a tall girl, an oval table, a sweet, a big dog.

II. Put in “a” or “an” (Вставьте “a” или “an”):

plate, little aim, old man, exam, fact, fine tie, ox, red apple, ugly face, little step, silly film, ill dog, aid, deep lake, edge, funny story, student, easy test, orbit, arrow, sweet cake, blue pen, atom, tasty ice-cream.

III. Study the meaning of the article:

1. This is a cat. The cat is grey. 2. The lamp is bad. 3. These are students. The students are in the laboratory. 4. Tom is a lucky man. 5. I am a first-year student. 6. My sister is an engineer. 7. The Sun is a star. 8. Give me that book, please. Don’t read the book. 9. The Blacks are from India. 10. This is his hotel. The hotel is little but fine. 11. Mr. Bent is an old man. 12. Mrs. Hope is the director of our company. She is a good director. 13. I have a car. The car is old but good. 14. The notebook is in the desk. 15. Pete is little. 16. That is a fine pen. 17. Ann is sad. 18. My cat is black. 19. The film is silly. 20. Kate is happy. 21. Our city is big and fine. 22. Kiev is my native city. 23. His dog is silly. 24. Buy me a pen, please.

IV. Put in the article “a/an” where necessary (Вставьте неопределённый артикль, где необходимо):

1. This is … pen. It’s … black. 2. That is … sad … film. 3. It is … my … flat. 4. Is this … his … table? – Yes, it is. 5. That is … Betty. 6. Take … my … pen. 7. This is … bad … desk. 8. Make … little … bed. 9. That is … tie. It is … black. 10. See … this … film. 11. Pay … that … man. 12. Send … them … plan. 13. Let … me … sleep. 14. Take … five … pens. 15. Make … eleven … tables.

V. Change the sentences using “the” where possible (Измените предложения, используя определённый артикль, где возможно):

e.g. That cat is silly. = The cat is silly.

1. This test is fine. 2. That text is silly. 3. My pen is black. 4. Kate is sick. 5. This boy is shy. 6. This box is little. 7. Ben is in this shop. 8. That cap is nice. 9. His flat is nice. 10. My cake is on that table. 11. Ann is at that desk. 12. Nick is at his desk. 13. My pen is black. 14. Mary is in her room.

VI. Put in the article:

1. This is black cat. 2. Lamp is fine. 3. These are boxes. 4. Minsk is fine city. 5. That is his flat. 6. Those are friends. 7. Tests are easy. 8. His present is nice. 9. Eat apples. 10. Hats are red. 11. Ben is at table. 12. Parents are at home. 13. She is in bed. 14. Cat is in box. 15. Kate is student. 16. They are at university now. 17. Lamp is on desk. 18. Pens are in desk. 19. This is cat. Cat is nice. 20. Pete’s student. 21. This is hat and that is cap. Hat is black and cap is blue. 22. Tom is teacher. He is French teacher. 23. Helen is doctor. She is good doctor. 24. He is driver. He is fine driver. 25. This is Helen. She’s silly girl. 26. This is our classroom. It isn’t large. 27. These are desks. Desks are brown. 28. Mike is three. He is smart.


предлоги места:

at – у, за; (местонахождения на работе или учёбе) в, на at the table; at home, at university

in – в in the room, in the shop, in the car

on – на on the desk, on the wall, on the trees

over = above – над over the table, above the door

under = below – под under the bed, below the window

in the middle of – посредине in the middle of the room

between – между between the window and the table

among – среди among the boxes, among the trees

`opposite – напротив opposite the shop, opposite the door

in front of – перед in front of the car

behind – позади behind the house, behind the piano

inside – внутри inside the box, inside the bank

outside – снаружи, за пределами outside the shop, outside the cafe

far – далеко, far from – далеко от far from home, far from the car

by = beside – около, возле by the door, beside the phone

next – следующий; соседний, next to – рядом, около next to the window

around/at the corner – за углом,

предлоги движения:

to – к, в, на go to work, to France, to the hotel

towards = in the direction of – по направлению к go towards the centre

from – из, от, с, go from the cinema, come from Moscow

into – в, внутрь, get into the room, put into the box

out of – из, за пределы, за get out of the car, take out of the box

away (from)/off – прочь (от/из) run away from the house, drive off

across / over – через go across the street, get over the wall

along – вдоль go along the road, walk along the river

past – мимо walk past the shop, get past the

round the corner – из-за угла walk round the corner from the car park

up – вверх go up the stairs, get up the hill

down – вниз run down the stairs, drive down the street

through [θru:] – через, сквозь get through the window,

back – назад come back from university, go back home

forward – вперед drive forward

предлоги взаимоотношений

for – для, ради; за (thank for, pay for, apologise for, blame for) a present for my mother

with – (together with) – вместе с walk with a dog, a woman with glasses

without - drink tea without milk

about = of – о, talk about computers, think of future

among – среди, among my friends

by – посредством, с помощью go by bus, send a letter by post

as … as … – как, as clever as Einstein

than – чем,

of – о, из, как показатель Родительного падежа (не переводится) dream of a big house, one of my friends, a handle of an umbrella,

from … into/to … – с … на … / из … в … translate from English into Russian

устойчивые выражения глаголов с предлогами

to wait for – ждать,

to leave for – уезжать в/на,

to care about – быть внимательным к, заботиться о,

to look (at) – смотреть (на),

to look after = to take care of – следить за, ухаживать за, заботиться о,

to look for – искать,

to leave – уезжать, уходить из, оставлять, покидать

to listen to – слушать кого-л.,

smile at – улыбаться кому-л.,

laugh at – смеяться над кем-л.,

talk/speak to – беседовать, разговаривать с

write to – писать кому-л.,

thank for – благодарить за,

ask for – просить о,

depend on – зависеть от,

live on – жить на,

spend on – тратить на,

happen to – случаться с,

prefer … to – предпочитать что-л. чему-л.

to fail in the exam – провалить экзамен

to rely on – полагаться на кого-л., доверять кому-л., рассчитывать на кого-л.

to arrive in a country or town – приезжать, прибывать to arrive in Italy, to arrive in Achinsk

to arrive at other places – приезжать, прибывать to arrive at work, to arrive at the hotel

to be afraid of – бояться чего-л., кого-л. I’m afraid of bears.

to be angry with somebody – сердиться на кого-л. She is angry with her child.

to be angry about something – сердиться на что-л. They are angry about the weather.

to be different from – отличаться от I’m different from my brother.

to be good at – хорошо разбираться в чем-л. He is good at painting.

to be bad at – плохо разбираться в чем-л. You are bad at cooking.

to be interested in – интересоваться чем-л. We are interested in football.

to be married to – быть женатым на, замужем за My sister is married to a famous artist.

to be fond of – обожать что-л. I’m fond of butter-flies.

to be tired of – уставать от чего-л. Our mother is tired of washing today.

to be busy with – быть занятым чем-л. He is busy with repairing his car now.

I. Read and translate:

1. on the shelf, on the plate, on the balcony, on the bed, on the table, on the chair, on the floor, on the wall, on the door, on the ceiling ['si:liŋ], on the trees, on the grass, on the horse, on the bicycle, on the bus, on the train, on the plane, on the ship, on the ground floor, on the first floor, on the second floor, depend on the parents, live on 3,000 roubles a month, live on the salary, spend holiday on writing papers, spend all money on presents, rely on the friends, rely on the weather forecast, Remember: on the way to (my) work, on the way to (my) study, on the way home, on foot, on holiday, on TV, on the radio

2. at the table, at the bus stop, at the door, at the desk, at the top of the page, at the bottom of the glass, at the end of the street, at the concert, at the party, at the football match, at the wedding, at the railway station, at the bus station, at the airport, at the hotel = in the hotel, at the restaurant = in the restaurant,look at the picture, smile at the baby,laugh at the dog, arrive at the dacha, arrive at the theatre, I’m good at dancing, you are good at lying, I’m bad at painting,Remember: at home, at work, at school, at college, at university, at rest, at war, at Jane’s (house), at my sister’s (house), at his parents’ (house), at the doctor’s, at the hairdresser’s, at the baker’s, at the age of 18

3. in these shops, in my bed, in the room, in the middle of the room, in his car, in the water, in the garden, in the city centre, in France, in the kitchen, in that box, in those bags, in the bank, in the newspaper, in the world, arrive in Moscow, I’m interested in celebrities’ lives, fail in math exam, fail in English exam, Remember: in bed, in hospital, in the street, in the sea, in the sky, in the photo, in the picture

4. above the clouds, above the table, above the box, over the picture, jump over the wall, fly over the city, Remember:over the radio, over the phone, over 15 miles, over 5 years, He is over 30, all over Russia

5. under the tree, under the hat, go under the bridge, work under the earth, below the line

6. in the middle of the café, in the middle of the garden, in the middle of the hall, in the middle of the month, in the middle of the game, in the middle of the life, in the middle of the winter

7. between the window and the table, between the shop and the bank, between London and Paris, between meals, between boys and girls, between you and me, between the TV set and the computer

8. among the crowd, among the boxes, among the trees, among my friends, among her things

9. `opposite the bus stop, opposite the bank, opposite the window, opposite my desk

10. in front of the house, in front of the university, in front of the computer, in front of my bed

11. behind the door, behind the shop, behind the desk, behind the sofa, behind the bookcase

12. inside the desk, inside the bag, inside the room, inside the car, Remember:inside the mouth

13. outside the door, outside the room, outside the town, outside the house, outside my experience

14. far from the city centre, far from home, far from my car, to walk far, to get far into the woods

15. by the door, by the desk, by the sea, Sit by me, a play by Chekhov, a book by L.N. Tolstoy, a painting by Picasso, music by Tchaikovsky, a paper by Ivan Petrov, Remember:to travel by train / by bus / by plane / by air / by bike, little by little,step by step, to play by the rules, a doctor by profession, by the way

16. beside the sea, beside the TV set, beside the shop, beside the car, beside the wall

17. a next house, the next petrol station, next to Mike, next to the wall, next to the university

18. drive around the corner, meet at the corner of the street, go around the corner of the shop

19. go to London, return to France, come to the hotel, walk to the city centre, go to the theatre, get to the party, speak to the students, talk to girls, listen to music, write to Malakhov, Tom is married to my sister, happen to me, prefer coffee to tea, Remember:go to work, go to bed, go/come/walk/get/arrive home

20. walk towards the bank, go towards the town centre, swim towards the river bank

21. walk from the cinema, go from the party, come from great Britain, run from the dog, a letter from my mother, return from the party, borrow money from a friend, 2 km from the sea, a rest from work, protect from the sun, I’m different from my parents, Kate is different from her friends

count from 1 to 10, go from Russia to Italy, return from the conference to the hotel, from time to time, from day to day, from the beginning to the end (of), translate from German to Chinese

22. jump into the water, put the papers into the box, get into the car, put a lipstick into the bag

23. take out of the bag, come out of the house, walk out of the room, jump out of bed, look out of the window, run out of the woods, get out of petrol

24. go away for a week, drive away from the city, run away from the house, take the food away, give the money away, swim away, walk off, get off the bus, fall off the bicycle, take the feet off the table

25. swim across the river, walk across the street, turn over the page, climb over the wall

26. walk along the street, go along the road, run along the river bank

27. walk past the church, run past the school, drive past the police station, go past the bank

28. stop round the corner, drive round the corner, run round the corner from the dog, turn round the corner

29. walk up the hill, jump up, run up the stairs, lift the box up, fly up

fly down, walk down the stairs, run down the street, drive down the hill

30. get through [θru:] the woods, fly through the window, drive through the village

31. bring the umbrella back, give the books back, come back from Germany, walk back, go back home

throw a stone forward, look forward, drive forward, run forward

32. flowers for my mother, meal for the cat, thank for the help, pay for the meal, blame the government for the reforms, apologise for the mistake, forgive the friend for rude words, wait for the teacher, leave home for the university, leave family for the lover, look for the glasses, ask for help, ask for money

33. without me, tea without sugar, life without problems, a house without electricity, a dog without a tail

34. with my friends, coffee with milk, a house with a big garden, I’m angry with my dog, my mother is angry with our little Nelly, Nick is busy with his translation, together with parents

35. a book about fashion, talk about cars, know much about computers, a programme about sport, speak about science, care about health, never care about people, you are always angry about the weather

hear much of the film, think of love, the dream of a sport car, one of the students, a leg of the table, the size of the room, the colour of the walls, a bag of potatoes, 2 kg of sugar; take care of the baby = look after the baby, I’m fond of music, I’m tired of classes, I’m afraid of street dogs

36. as proud as a king, as wise as a snake, as sly as a fox, as loyal (= faithful) as a dog

II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions:

a) in, on, at

1. My mum is … the kitchen. 2. The pens are … the box. 3. The clock is … the wall. 4. The students are … the desks. 5. Jane is … the dentist’s. 6. The car is … the street. 7. Don’t sit … the grass. 8. Don’t look … me. 9. Don’t spend your money … that girl. 10. Smile … people. 11. Don’t laugh … me. 12. I’m … the wedding now. 13. John is … holiday now. 14. Kate and Steve are … hospital now. 15. The table is … the middle of the room. 16. You’d better get there … foot. 17. There is some money … home. 18. There are a lot of people … the park. 19. There is sports news … TV tonight.

b) to, into, in, at

1. Don’t read … bed. 2. It’s late. Go … bed. 3. Let’s walk … the park. 4. Go … the park. 5. Play … the park. 6. Put the papers … the desk. 7. Go … the desk. 8. Stay … the desk. 9. Don’t go … the room. 10. Put the brush … the bag. 11. Keep the brush … the box. 12. Stay … home. 13. Listen … me. 14. Don’t swim … a cold water. 15. Let’s go … the party. 16. Don’t stay … the party long.

c) from, out of, away

1. It’s a message … our teacher. 2. Get … the river. 3. Get … the car and drive … . 4. Take the papers … the secretary. 5. Take the papers … the table box. 6. Take the papers … the table. 7. The dog is not hungry. Take its food … . 8. Take the food … the fridge. 9. Take the food … the table to the fridge. 10. Run … . 11. The house is 250 m … the river. 12. Don’t return … work late.

d) 1. Wait ... the teacher. Don’t go … . 2. Let’s leave … Moscow … holiday. 3. Don’t look … your bag. It’s … the bed. 4. Care … other people. You are too rude. 5. Don’t laugh … sick people. 6. Thank you … your help. 7. I prefer cats … dogs. 8. You cannot rely … Tom. He isn’t honest. 9. Don’t ask me … any money. 10. Speak … Kate. 11. Nick is afraid … you. 12. I’m angry … you. 13. I’m angry … your words. 14. Don’t listen … this music. 15. You are quite different … your brother. 16. Take care … my cat, please. 17. I’m interested … French fashion. 18. I’m not busy … my guests tonight. 19. We’re tired … this work. 20. His father is married … my aunt. 21. I can’t depend … you.

III. Choose the correct preposition:

1. The cat is on/in/at the bed. 2. Mike is ill. He is on/in/at bed. 3. I always get to work on/in/at/by bus. 4. You can get in/into/to/at the university on/in/at/by the bus. 5. Helen depends of/on/from her parents. 6. Don’t spend all your money at/for/on drinks. 7. I’m at/by/in/on the way on/to/into my work. 8. It’s useful to go at/in/on/by foot. 9. Wait -/about/for/with me at/in/on/to the bus stop. 10. Let’s go at/in/into/on/to the concert tonight. 11. The car is at/in/on/by the end of the street. 12. Let’s meet at/in/on/into/by the football match. 13. Don’t smile at/for/-/with that boy.14. I’m good at/of/with/-/about dancing. 15. You are bad at/of/with/-/about painting. 16. The director is in/on/at/for rest in/on/at/by/to the sea now. 17. Our father is at/in/to/on/by the doctor’s. 18. You can fail -/at/by/for/in/on/with your English exam. 19. Arrive at/in/to/into the bank by 4 o’clock. 20. It suddenly rained at/by/in/on/for the middle of the game. 21. Go across/over/under the bridge. 22. Don’t talk by/in/on/over the phone so long. 23. The bus stop is among/behind/between/by/in front of/inside/over/outside the shop and the bank. 24. There is no money among/between/behind/next to/opposite her things. 25. Your coat is at/behind/in/into/inside/under the car. 26. The car is at/behind/by/over/opposite/under the shop. 27. Don’t get far at/in/into/on/outside/over the woods. 28. Tom is an engineer at/by/in/of/on/over profession. 29. There is a table at/beside/by/in/on/over the wall. 30. I like plays and stories at/by/of/-/under Ostrovski. 31. He doesn’t want to return from/out of France in/into/to Russia. 32. Mike is married at/in/on/-/to/under my cousin. 33. We prefer sweets at/for/-/of/to/behind biscuits. 34. Come at/in/-/on/to/into/for home by dinner. 35. Don’t return from/out of/into/to/at the cinema late. 36. Take a lipstick at/in/from/into/out of/to the bag. 37. Don’t apologise at/for/-/in/on/to/with the mistake. 38. I prefer tea of/to/across/without/behind/together with sugar.

IV. Translate into English:

а) На моём столе, в этом столе, за тем столом, на его кровати, в той постели, в этом магазине, в этом кинотеатре, в его шляпе, в больнице, дома, на соседней улице, на свадьбе, на работе, на каникулах, на том камне, на море, на фотографии, на концерте, далеко от дома, далеко от парка, далеко от двери, под дверью, над дверью, из Минска, из Красноярска, далеко от парка, далеко от друзей, в магазине, в университете, в этом городе, на той улице, по телевизору, над кроватью, под кроватью, под ящиком, в моей сумке, в озере, на море, на Чёрном море, в море, в машине, под машиной, в парке, во дворе, далеко от дома, на выходные, на отдыхе, за дверью, на столе, за столом, в столе, под столом, в моём ящике, на этом ящике, среди бумаг, напротив окна, по дороге домой, посредине комнаты, среди книг, между столами, напротив кровати, передо мной, за домом, внутри ящиков, в книге, около стены, рядом с домом, по соседству с банком, возле дивана (sofa).

b) Вальс Штрауса, опера Верди, для моей сестры, с сестрой, подарок от друзей, письмо от друга, с другом, с друзьями, письмо другу, с кошкой, среди кошек, забота о кошке, подарок родителям, только с родителями, для его родителей, без родителей, торт от родителей, в письме родителям, с собакой, о собаке, для собаки, деньги за статью, статья о студентах, статьи Салина Петра, деньги от отца, ради отца, среди студентов, для студентов, о студентах, без студентов, мечты о ней, подарок от меня, с нами, с ним, от них, к нам, к ним, от него, для них, для него, с тобой, к тебе.

c) Идти в кинотеатр/в магазин/домой, идти из кинотеатра/магазина/университета, прогуливаться по парку/лесу/двору, переходить улицу/проспект, проходить мимо магазина /университета /дома /машины, вернуться в магазин/на работу/домой, выйти из-за угла/из автобуса/из магазина, уехать из города/университета/дома/банка/с работы, слышать через стену, бежать через лес, влететь через окно, кричать через улицу, гулять вдоль берега моря/дороги/домов, бежать вверх по лестнице, смотреть вверх на облака, кинуть камень вниз/в окно/через стену, идти только вперед.

d) 1. Возьмите её письма со стола и положите в ящик. 2. Где кинотеатр? – Идите вдоль по улице, мимо магазина, под мостом. За мостом посредине площади стоит памятник Пушкину. Кинотеатр находится за памятником. 3. Поставьте цветок возле стола. 4. Деньги под ковром, а ключи на полке. 5. Возьмите тексты из стола и положите на компьютер. 6. Верни эту сумку в магазин: она не модная. 7. Иди в университет без меня. 8. Поищи ручку в ящике стола. 9. Спой со мной.

e) 1. Он занят работой в саду. 2. Она увлекается музыкой и танцами. 3. Вы женаты? – Нет. Я устаю от женщин и детей: они такие шумные. 4. Я очень устаю на работе. 5. Моего отца интересуют только машины. 6. Моя собака обожает меня. 7. Они увлекаются цветами. 8. Мой брат увлекается рыбками. 9. Ты плохо готовишь. – Неправда, я очень люблю готовить. 10. Мой отец очень любит рыбачить, а мама устает готовить рыбу. 11. Я увлекаюсь футболом. 12. Мой брат женат на нашей соседке (a neighbour ['neibə]). 13. Я сейчас занят – чиню телевизор. 14. Тебя интересует музыка? – Да, я обожаю джаз. 15. Вы любите петь? – Да, мы с сестрой очень хорошо поем. Но наши родители устают от нашего пения. 16. Я плохо разбираюсь в химии.

V. Finish the sentences as in the model:

e.g. He is fond of … (to sing). – He is fond of singing.

1. My sister is interested in … (to play tennis, to cook Chinese dishes, to sing folk songs, English poetry)

2. Our mother is tired of … (to cook, to wash, to iron, to do the work about the house, to clean windows)

3. My brother is afraid of … (to ski, to swim, animals, to cook, to play golf, to walk in the woods)

4. I’m fond of … (to play basketball, to paint, to read poems, to watch TV, to play with my little brother)

5. Our father is busy with … (his dog, to mend his car, to discuss a contract, to sign documents)

6. My grandparents are busy with … (to knit, to work in the garden, to plant flowers, to cook, to sing)

7. You are bad at … (to sing, to write, to draw, to write papers, classic music, to dance, to cook)

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