Personal and Possessive Pronouns 2 страница

14. The stars glittered in the sky like so many fish.

15. The largest of all fishis the Whale Shark. It may grow up to 15 metres long and may weigh over 14 tons, over twice as much as an average African elephant! Though it has three thousand teeth, it will never bite you. This sea giant is quite harmless. It eats only tiny shrimp and fish.

Ex. 23.Translate into English.

1. В этой реке много рыбы. 2. Рыба проплывает боль­шие расстояния. 3. Эта девочка плавает как рыбка. 4. Если бы у меня была золотая рыбка, то я попроси­ла бы ее исполнить три желания. 5. Не грусти, свет клином на нем не сошелся. 6. — Какая странная рыба! У нее один глаз. — Это результат плохой эко­логии. 7. Он странный тип. 8. Рыба более полезна, чем мясо. 9. Моя любимая еда — рыба с жареным карто­фелем. 10. Ты опять выуживаешь (to fish out for) у меня информацию? 11. Рыбаки поймали полдюжины форелей. 12. — Что это за рыба? — Это летающая рыба. 13. Посмотри, как красиво плавают рыбки в пруду! 14. — Сколько рыб ты поймал в воскресенье? — Ни одной, но я получил удовольствие от рыбалки. 15. В аквариуме у Николаса было семь рыбок, но кошка съела двух, так что осталось пять рыбок. 16. Птички летают, рыбки плавают.

Ex. 24.Read and retell the following text in indirect speech.

Flying Fish

One day a sailor came from a voyage and said to his mother, "I have been on many voyages and have seen a lot of strange things. My companions and I once rowed for six days in an open boat and found ourselves in a sea of milk, in the middle of which was a mountain of sugar. I noticed too that the milk tasted quite fresh. On another occasion we came across an island of cheese and it tasted like Dutch cheese. But the greatest wonder of all the wonders I have ever seen are the flying fish of the Southern Pacific, which fly for quite a long time when they are pursued by their enemies." His mother thought, shook her head and replied, "I cannot believe that. Seas of milk and islands of cheese there may be, and I quite believe that they exist. But flying fish are out of the question. Nothing and nobody will make me believe it, unless I see those wonders with my own eyes!"

Ex. 25. A. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the meanings of the word fruit.

Fruitis rich in mineral salts and vitamins. 2. Is fruitcheap this year? 3. What fruitsdo you cultivate here? 4. To make a fruit salad we shall need different fruits. 5. A fruitarianis a person who eats only fruit.6. What an exotic fruit!7. Very soon you'll enjoy the fruitsof your hard work. 8. The fruitsof nature belong to all mankind. 9. It was a Sunday and no one was in the mood for a lecture about fruit.10. The strawberry is a beautiful and delicious fruit.

B. Translate into English.

1. Англия ввозит много фруктов. Их доставляют из Франции, Испании, Израиля. 2. Вымой фрукты и поло­жи их в вазу. 3. На Сицилии растут различные цитру­совые фрукты. 4. У рябины очень красивые плоды. 5. Ну что же, теперь он пожинает плоды своих махинаций.

6. Его успех — это плод упорного труда. 7. Абрикос — король фруктов. Это очень полезный фрукт. 8. На тре­тье у нас будут фрукты и мороженое. 9. Для многих людей фрукты очень дорогие, они не могут позволить их себе каждый день. 10. Различные фрукты использу­ются в косметологии. 11. Фрукты полезны, в них много витаминов и минеральных солей. 12. На наших рын­ках сейчас продается много экзотических фруктов.


Ex. 26.Replace the of-phrase by the noun in the possessive case.

1. The friend of my mother. 2. The speech of the President. 3. The farm of old McDonald. 4. The novels by D. Steel. 5. The hobbies of the children. 6. The poems by Burns. 7. The duties of a man. 8. A conference of doctors. 9. The life of a bodyguard. 10. The policy of France. 11. The streets of London. 12. The bank of the river. 13. The rays of the sun. 14. The way of nature. 15. The teas of India. 16. The history of the world. 17. The difficulties of the companies. 18. The crew of a ship. 19. A holiday for a week. 20. A break for five minutes.

Ex. 27.Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the use of the possessive case.

1. 1. By anybody's standard this company was a good buy.

2. Douglas's voice trembled, "What I wouldn't give to be in his shoes." 3. She lay curled in a ball, staring into the fire's bright flames. 4. Derek's brother's name is Gregory. 5. She took a slice with a piece of last year's cheese on it. 6. In the evening I dined in the hotel's restaurant. 7. He reserved a seat on the following week's bus. 8.1 picked up a city map at the station's tourist office. 9. Fascinated, Harry thumbed through the rest of the envelope's contents.

II. 1. We had to move everything out of Tommy and Max's room into Dennis's. 2. It's somebody else's idea, not mine. 3. Michael works at Bill and Susan's firm, who are partners. 4. You can't build happiness on somebody else's unhappiness, at least that's my opinion. 5. They got a fax from the Pakistani Prime Minister's office. 6. The Queen of England's palace is a quarter of an hour's ride from the centre of London.

III. 1. Meredith linked her arm through Patsy's. 2. Now that we grew up, he intended to live by those standards, which were his father's. 3. Her eyes met her friend's.

4. Mrs. Pell's response was as warm as her daughter's.

5. She didn't have a mind like a woman's at all, more like a man's.

IV. 1. She came to England from Odessa years ago. Could it be that she's a relative of theirs? 2. Ben was such a favourite of my father's. 3. Grinning, he said, "Aren't you going to introduce that new partner of Stephen's to us?" 4. He hoped he had managed to avert an awkward discussion about that imaginary husband of Emma's. 5. That little boy of our neighbour's is looking for trouble. 6. That was a favourite game of his grandfather's, pulling surprises out of his pockets.

V. 1. — "So where exactly is this party?" my dad asked. — "It's at the Ferguson's." 2. Then he drove me to Alex's. 3. Her husband and all her kids are coming to Aunt Emily's. 4. We dropped in at the baker's for a French stick. 5. Occasionally I have a snack at McDonald's. 6. Sainsbury's is where teachers, vicars and suchlike do their food shopping. 7. Cadbury's make fine chocolate.

watchmaker's, the optician's, the doctor's, the dentist's, the confectioner's, the (dry) cleaner's, the stationer's, the hairdresser's (the barber's)

Ex. 28.Answer the following questions, using the phrases given below.

Where do you go if you want to ...

1. get fast food? 2. buy some vegetables? 3. have your eyes examined? 4. buy some nails and a hammer? 5. get your hair cut? 6. have some clothes cleaned? 7. buy some cigars and cigarettes? 8. buy a wedding ring? 9. get pens, pencils, paper? 10. buy cakes and chocolate? 11. buy a lot of small different things? 12. have your teeth examined? 13. buy some medicine? 14. buy some meat? 15. buy some flowers? 16. get some information about travelling? 17. have your watch repaired? 18. buy the most expensive things in London? 19. have your pet examined? 20. have advice about your health?

the florist's, the butcher's, the greengrocer's, the supermarket, the travelling agent's, McDonald's, the ironmonger's, the jeweller's, Harrods, the vet's, the chemist's (the drugstore), the tobacconist's, the in three (hours) time. 7. (Boys) clothes wear out very quickly. 8. How much does a (boy) jacket cost these days? 9. What's the name of (Charles) partner? 10. Are (policemen) uniforms comfortable? 11. Prague isn't more than a (day) journey from here. 12. Look at the roses in (Mrs. Jones) garden. 13. I'm trying to attract the (waitress) attention. 14. This church was twenty (years) work. 15. The oceans cover 70% of the (earth) surface. 16. Now comes the (journey) end.

Ex;. 29. Add s/ 's/ s ' where necessary.

1. Student grades depend on their tests. 2. Charles met Helen at my parents house. 3. We all went to Charles wedding. 4. The Brown painted their cottage green. 5. The Brown cottage is shining like a new pin. 6. The juror gave a fair verdict. 7. The juror verdict was fair. 8. Tedd is driving someone else car today. 9. Let's drop in at "The Smith". 10. Women fashions change more frequently than men. 11. Their house stood on the water edge. 12. The sun rays give us light, warmth and energy. 13. Last night game was something. 14.1 need some children toys for my small nephew. 15. By going to the sale I hope to get my money worth. 16. His work was much better than many other student works. 17. Frederick was satisfied with his semester work.

Ex. 30.Paraphrase the sentences using the possessive case where possible.

1. The beauty of Ireland is really breathtaking. 2. The coats of the children need cleaning. 3. The cover of the book is very bright. 4. The policy of the company is still not clear to me. 5. The construction of the new metro line has started. 6. The TV programmes of last night were very interesting. 7.1 was shocked by the opinion of Bess. 8. The children had a holiday for a week. 9. We need to paint the roof of the house. 10. The back of the chair was too low. 11. There was a lamp at the head of the bed.

Ex. 31.Use the words in brackets in the possessive case

1. Last week was my (daughter) sixth birthday. 2. (Child­ren) toys are very attractive these days. 3. Have you ever met (Denis) wife? 4. I'll see you in an (hour) time. 5. The house will be sold in two (week) time. 6. We'll be in Paris

Ex. 32.Read the following phrases and find their Russian equivalents. Learn them by heart.

To one's heart's content; at one's fingers' ends; at a hair's breadth; in the mind's eye; one's money's worth; out of harm's way; at arm's length (reach); for Heaven's sake; for Goodness' sake; for appearance's sake; at death's door; to be nobody's fool; to know someone for donkey's years; at razor's edge; (at) a stone's throw from...; to be at one's wit's end; at gun's point; a bird's eye view.

Ex. 33. A. Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the phrases in bold type.

1. He held her at arm's length, scrutinizing her intently. 2. I've never grown to like him, not one iota, even though I've known him and his family for donkey's years. 3. What saved the situation was that Alan's office was only (at) a stone's throw from the club. 4. In his mind's eye, Maxim pictured the people who were important in his life. 5. My mother loves the house and the grounds and she can garden away to her heart's content. 6. We are at our wit's end how to solve the dilemma. 7. The guns were now hidden, out of harm's way. 8. She made a will at death's door. 9. Mind, we did it just for old times' sake. 10. From this tower you can get a bird's eye view of the city.

B. Make up ten sentences of your own using the phrases given in exercise 32.

Ex. 34.Translate into English.

1. Завтрашняя программа очень напряженная. 2. Эд­вард один из близких друзей моей сестры. 3. Я обыч­но встречаюсь со своими родственниками в доме у бабушки и дедушки. 4. Эта девушка — одна из сту­денток моей мамы. 5. У него маленькие ноги, как у женщины. 6. Ему очень нужна была машина, и он вос­пользовался машиной своего босса. 7. Это замечание Феликса было совсем некстати. 8. Мой проект откло­нили точно так же, как и проект Джона. 9. Как же мне не нравится этот новый друг Бэсс! 10. Это не мои учебники, они Макса. 11. Экзамены позади, теперь мы можем вволю развлекаться. 12. Ради бога, пойми же наконец, что ты ходишь по острию бритвы. 13. Это не займет много времени, до моего дома рукой подать. 14. Не пытайся обмануть меня, я далеко не дура.

15. Давай уйдем отсюда от греха подальше. 16. Я счи­таю, что приличия ради нам нужно согласиться на их приглашение. 17. Романы Ильфа и Петрова попу­лярны у многих поколений читателей. 18. В течение четырех лет ты держала меня на приличном рассто­янии, а теперь я, кажется, не могу избавиться от тебя. 19. Машина мистера Джоунса— последняя модель Мерседеса. 20. Субботним утром любой человек мо­жет выступать сколько его душе угодно в Уголке Ора­тора в Гайд-Парке.

Ex. 35. A. Read the following phrases and explain their meaning.

I.Noah's ark 2. Pandora's box 3. Hobson's choice 4. Rubik's cube 5. Parkinson's disease 6. Aesop's fables 7. Achilles' heel 8. Aladdin's lamp 9. Murphy's law 10. Cleopatra's needle 11. Caesar's wife 12. Christie's 13. Tiffany's 14. Love's old sweet song 15. An old wife's tale.

B. Fill in the titles of some works of literature.

1. ...'s Adventures in Wonderland 2. ...'s Cabin 3. ...'s Choice 4. ...'s Complaint 5. ...'s Lover 6. ...'s Travels 7. ...'s Way 8. ...'s Web 9. ...'s Pilgrimage 10. ...'s House 11. ...'s Baby.


Ex. 36.Give the nouns of the opposite sex.

A. a boy, a husband, a brother, a father, a nephew, an uncle, a son, a king, a gentleman, a lad, a bridegroom, a monk, a headmaster, a bachelor, Mr., a cock, a bull, a man

B. an actor, a count, a duke, an emperor, a mayor, a god, a host, a heir, a manager, a millionaire, a prince, a poet, a waiter, a widow, a lion, a tiger, a hero, a czar, a giant, a businessman.

Ex. 37.Explain whether the nouns below denote male or female people.

An agent, a client, a cousin, a doctor, a mermaid, a friend, a foreigner, a guest, a client, a lawyer, a neighbour, a parent, a journalist, a person, a scientist, a stranger, a student, a visitor, a teacher, a witch, a magician, a clown, a fairy, an amazon, a brunette, a sailor, a spy, a ballet dancer, a ballerina, an angel, a wizard.

Ex. 38.Read and translate the sentences. Explain how gender of the nouns is expressed in them.

1. Ireland! She is our Motherland. 2. The. New Year brought more disastrous news for Britain and her allies. 3. Mine is a fine car. She has never let me down. 4. You can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink. 5. — What a fine yacht! — Yes, and she cost me a fortune. 6.1 can't guarantee at all that this plane will get down on the field. She's just as likely to pan down or overshoot. We'll probably try to bring her in from the east. I want you to unlock the autopilot, it will hold her straight and level. 7.1 reached for my little dog and picked her up. 8. The novel is about Japan's major problems, the adoption of Western style 26

and the preservation of her own. 9. He called her "Beautiful Dreamer". She was one of the most magnificent oceangoing yachts ever designed by the best naval architects. 10. My cat Trixie was such a gay little animal; she always brought a smile to my face and made me laugh.

Ex. 39.Read the text and retell it.

Gender Benders

Correct grammar beats political correctness, even in France. Each of the seven women in the French Govern­ment is in future to be addressed as Madame La Ministreaccording to the decree of the Prime Minister. But language laughs at legislators, for French grammar recognizes no governments other than its own rules. Ministre,like most titles and descriptions of professions in French, is of the masculine gender. The designation of a doctor, director or mayor is masculine, even when the holder of that post is a woman. Linguistic gender has no connection with sex or "natural" gender. Female sailors and farmers were rare in Ancient Rome. But their occupations are in the feminine gender in Latin, the mother of all the Romance languages. A spoon is masculine in German (der Loffel);a fork is feminine (die Gabel);and a knife is neuter (das Messer).Suspicious French feminists have recently published research suggesting that words of the feminine gender describe domestic items such as une casserole(a saucepan), while masculine words carry more prestige, like un livre(a book). Their evidence is gibberish. Even in languages such as English, where gender is mercifully vestigial and recalled only in pronouns, countries, shipsand vehiclesare called "she", as well as "it". Gender is not a matter of feminine stereotypes, for "she" can be used in anger. Guns, tanksand trucksthat refuse to work are still cursed as feminine.

This question of French gender is being debated with fit passion, as some people care more for political correctness than grammar. Language does evolve, but not for official circulars. So, why not go the whole way and have La Ministresse?If the French are starting to find gender odd, then it will fade away, as it has in English. Even French female masculine ministers have no right (or power) to alter French grammar.

Ex. 40.Are you "politically correct"? Which of the following terms do you use?

1. a) Mrs b) Ms

2. a) a chairman b) a chairperson

3. a) a fireman b) a firefighter

4. a) a pensioner b) a senior citizen

5. a) the handicapped b) the disabled c) the differently abled

6. a) a Red Indian b) a Native American

7. a) ladies b) women

8. a) a congressman b) a member of Congress

9. a) a mailman b) a mail carrier

10. a) mankind b) humanity

11. a) a policeman(woman) b) a police officer

Test Your Knowledge

Ex. 41.Make up sentences with the following pairs of words to show the difference between them.

Chicken — a chicken, experience — an experience, grammar — a grammar, hair — a hair, iron — an iron, lace — a lace, life — a life, room — a room, sight — a sight, speech — a speech, sport — a sport, success — a success, time — a time, wood — a wood, work — a work, whisky — a whisky, fish — a fish, fruit — a fruit.

Ex. 42.Use the correct form of the verb.

1. The class (has/have) its final test on Friday. 2. The class (is/are) working on their individual projects today. 3. The crew (was/were) asleep in their bunks. 4. The committee (is/are) ready to make the programme public. 5. The family (is/are) fighting among themselves constantly. 6. The fish in the aquarium (is/are) waiting for their daily feeding. 7. The press (was/were) requested to show their credentials to the guard. 8. The Portuguese (is/are) fortunate to have such a beautiful coastline. 9. The criteria for promotion (is/are) clearly stated. 10. Supernatural phenomena (is/are) of great interest to many people. 11. My family (live/lives) in a private house. 12. My family (is/are) early birds. 13. The police (think/thinks) it's the Mafia's doing. 14. What (is/are) the contents of the note? 15. There (was/were) many fish in this river some twenty years ago. 16. The police (was/ were) thorough in their examination of the murder site.

Ex. 43.Read the text and comment on the nouns in bold type.

Emma's shop was heavily stocked, and she anticipated a brisk business in the next few days. This was her third Christmas in the shop, and she was convinced she would have a lot of customers, both her regulars and new ones. Emma gave the shop a final glance, her eyes critically seeking out the tiniest imperfection. Not one was visible. The innumerable shelves, running around the walls and soaring up to the ceiling, held tins of ham, pork, and game,great black-and-gold canisters of varied teas, French glazed fruits, marzipan fruitsfrom Germany, and her own bottled fruits,vegetables, and jams.Ranged below were jars of candied peel,glazed cherries, mincemeat,and cranberry and apple saucesfor the Christmas turkeysand geese.Three huge barrels, to the right of the side counter, were filled to overflowing with nuts, apples, and oranges for the children's traditional Christmas stockings, and the faint aroma of fruitwafted sweetly on the air to blend with the mingled scents of the pungent herbs and spices from the Indies, the fragrance of the newly baked confectionery, and the mouth-watering smells of cheesesand cooked meats.Oh, how she loved her shop! Here she was secure, far away from the Fairleys and protected from them. She thought, too, and with enormous pleasure, of the forthcoming sales and her spiralling profits, and her face immediately broke into a smile.

(after B. Bradford)

Ex. 44.Translate into English.

I. Мысленным взглядом Эрик вновь увидел родитель­ский дом, который стоял на берегу реки. 2. Ферма ста­рого Макдональда была подобна раю. Мы увидели мно­го рыб, плавающих в пруду, кудрявых овечек, лежащих под огромными дубами. 3. — Какие великолепные часы! — Да, это Ролекс. 4. Сорок пенсов — не такие уж большие деньги. 5. Можешь вволю наслаждаться едой и напитками. Это не будет тебе стоить и пенни. 6. Я знаю его очень, очень давно и должна сказать, что он далеко не дурак. 7. Эти новости меня не удивляют. Я ожидал их. 8. Это феномен, это совершенно необъяс­нимая вещь! 9. Перестаньте спорить, хотя бы приличия ради. 10. Жюри было не в состоянии вынести решение. 11. Ума не приложу как выйти из этой сложной ситуа­ции. 12. Давай заглянем в кондитерскую и перекусим. 13. От дома Майкла до госпиталя Святого Томаса ру­кой подать. 14. Агент был на волосок от провала. 15. Я должна просмотреть банк данных и вывести сведения по этому делу. Они нужны начальнику. 16. Полиция прочесывает (to comb) город в поисках грабителей. 17. Почему полиция не принимает эффективных мер против преступности? 18. Музей купил потрясающую картину на аукционе Сотбис — Дега. 19. Музей Шер­лока Холмса находится в Лондоне на Бейкер-стрит. 20. Он написал книгу о сегодняшней Британии.

Chapter II.


Ex. 45. Use the necessary form of the indefinite article (a or an).

... academy, ... album, ... bright album, ... actor, ... great actress, ... arch, ... marble arch, ... chance, ... unlucky chance, ... dove, ... ear, ... elf, ... tiny elf, ... horse, ... hour, ... long hour, ... institute, ... lemon, ... mill, ... obelisk, ... opera, ... Italian opera, ... owl, ... paper, ... rabbit, ... quarter, ... train, ... wing, ... voyage, ... year.

Ex. 46. Change the nouns in the following sentences into the plural and make all the necessary changes.

1. She is a truly good person. 2. I have a special treat for tea today, a strawberry cake. 3. Never trust a stranger! 4. It's a question of principle, of ethics. 5. She is a most dependable business partner. 6. The girl was wearing a sheepskin coat. 7. That's a sensation, sir. 8. There is a small difficulty, madam. 9. He is a tea-taster. 10. Robert is a loving family man. 11. What an exotic creature! 12. The city has a proud history. 13. You are a romantic fool. 14. It's a medieval saga. 15. This young man is such a virtuoso at playing the piano.

Ex. 47. Change the nouns in the following sentences into the Singular and make all the necessary changes.

1. They are superb actresses. 2. What enchanting moments! 3. These are unusual stories, very moving. 4. They turned out to be fine illustrators. 5. They are tough guys. 6. Oh, what fantastic houses! 7. There are a few coffee-shops in this street. 8. These are recipes for customers to consider. 9. They seem to be rather thrilling prospects. 10. Teachers are educated people. 11. Buskers are street musicians who play outside cinemas or in the metro. 12. Accountants keep financial records. 13. Teen­agers are people between thirteen and nineteen years of age. 14. These are very helpful rules, thank you.

Ex. 48. Read and translate the following sentences. Comment on the meanings of the indefinite article

1. — Jeeves! You are a marvel! — Thank you, sir, but you've just called me an idiot. 2. A loved child usually grows up into a loving adult. 3. A fortune teller is a

person who will tell you your future. 4. The party was a real bore. 5. What is man? What has he got if not himself? 6.1 expect a hotel to be "a home away from home". 7. Yesterday life was such an easy game to play. 8. Oh, what a lovely surprise! 9. I'm a real Londoner, though I wasn't born there. 10.1 have a mountain of work to do by tomorrow. 11. She took a step forward. 12. It was a lucky choice on my part, I think. 13. Catherine gave him a loving smile. 14. Robert had a very good education. 15. There is a secret in her life, I feel it. 16. It's a magical story to be enjoyed by folks of all ages. 17. Miss Honey gave the tiny child a big hug and a kiss. 18. She loved her son with an everlasting love.

Ex. 49. Insert the article if necessary.

I. Bill is ... workaholic. 2. It was ... long-term agreement. 3. He is ... eccentric. It's in his nature. 4. In my opinion you deserve ... medal. 5. Amanda had ... passion for ... order. 6. Marigold. It's such ... lovely name for ... child. 7. Lord, what... day! 8. Mum gave me ... list of things to do about the house which was ... mile long. 9. He is making ... film about Everest. 10. Saunas give ... good impression of how ... turkey must feel on Christmas Day.

II. Keep ... cool head, stay calm, she cautioned herself. 12. — ... penny for your thoughts! — You can have them for nothing! 13. ... life is ... gift, ... life is for you to enjoy it. 14. Alex kissed him on the cheek and gave him ... bear hug. "I love you, ... daddy of mine!" "And I love you too, ... daughter!" 15. She took ... deep breath. 16. England had made ... lasting impression on her. 17. She made ... trip from Paris to New York to visit... client. 18. I'm Mrs. Stratton. You don't know me. I'm ... friend of ... friend.

Ex. 50. Make up sentences of your own with the following phrases.

1. one thing at a time 2. to have a good head for something 3. to know a thing or two 4. to have a go 5. a hard nut to crack 6. not have a clue 7. to keep a level head 8. a man (woman) in a million 9. a black sheep in the family 10. to tell a white (black) lie 11. a big fish in a small pond 12. a storm in a teacup 13. a red-letter day 14. to make a man of... 15. to be at a loss 16. to be a hit with somebody

Ex. 51.Read and translate the following sentences. Comment on thе use of articles.

1. A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will

get you a seat, (old New York proverb) 2. Italy is a never-ending voyage of discovery. 3. You should live in a different cultural climate. 4. Grammar isn't just a set of models. 5. Even a masterpiece may not last forever. 6. For as little as one pound you can buy a perfect gift for a loved one. 7. She made a face at the thought. 8. His heart missed a beat. 9. Come, Teddy dear, give me a good- night kiss and let's go to sleep. 10. It's a herculean task, so it may take a while. 11. A still tongue and a wise head. 12. A double bass is a musical instrument. It has deep

sound. 13. He's a funny bird, I must admit. 14. This year my birthday fell on a Tuesday. 15. Taking a step forward, I gave her a quick hug. 16. A man walked into the kitchen, a man she had never seen before. 17. Stevie was a pragmatist at heart. 18.1 see that you have a problem on your mind. 19. He who buys a diamond, purchases a bit of eternity, runs an ancient Hindu saying. 20. Derek Raynes was now a living legend on the English stage.

Ex. 52. Insert the article if necessary.

1. New York is ... most exciting city. 2. She could afford it, since she was ... millionairess in her own right. 3. Are you trying to be ... matchmaker? 4. She was ... good looking woman with ... great deal of personal style. 5. There was, after all, ... supersonic flight on the time­table. 6. The general register office is ... place of records, and it's ... mine of ... information. 7. You've won, and I'd like to drink ... toast to that. 8. Patrick O'Shea was ... tall man, well-built, with ... graying hair and ... pleasant manner. 9. If you have ... afternoon sleep, you'll have ... headache. 10. There is ... good progress in her studies, I'm sure. 11.... washing machine saves a lot of time and energy. 12. We brought... thermos of ... iced tea. 13. You are ... very special woman. I've never met anyone like you. 14. Richard had ... quick wit and ... good sense of humour. 15. "You are ... dark horse," he grinned. 16. She had ... enormous capacity for ... work. 17. She was not... troublemaker. 18. It was ... three-hour operation, but she came through it well. 19. She made ... mental note to cancel the flight. 20. This writer has ... sharp eye for detail.

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