Ex.1.3. Find the logical sequences of the steps you should take

What should you do to find a job?

– get an invitation for an interview

– make an appointment with an employment agency counselor

– read the classified ads, think what kind of job you want

– analyze your skills, personality traits and accomplishments

– get ready for the interview

– find out what employment agency you can use

– find out as much as you can about the company

Ex. 1.4. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Очень многие люди не оправдывают надежд, поэтому задача человека, проводящего интервью заключается в том, чтобы увидеть, на что способен кандидат и не надеяться, что он сколько-нибудь значительно изменится в будущем.

2. Резюме должно содержать наиболее важную информацию для той должности, которую вы хотите занять, поэтому укажите лишь одно или два ваших наиболее важных навыка или умения, оставив все остальные для интервью.

3. Такие черты характера, как беспокойство, низкая самооценка, не меняются в течение всей жизни.

4. Всегда надо помнить, что самый лучший кандидат - это тот, который окажется надёжным исполнителем.

5. В этом месяце компания может опоздать с выполнением заказов из-за высокого уровня отсутствия служащих на работе.

2.1. Read and translate the task “DO’s and DON’Ts for job seekers”.

Choose 5 the most suitable for you as an applicant for job expressions from each part; complete the list of expressions according to your own experience. Don’t forget to learn some new vocabulary before.

To prolong – продлить

To hang around - слоняться

To assume – напускать на себя

To owe smth for - …быть обязанным

Dignity – достоинство

Inferiority – более низкое положение

To maintain poise – сохранять равновесие

To get along with – ладить с кем-либо

Flexibility - гибкость

To cringe – раболепствовать

To muffle – бормотать

To hedge – уклоняться от прямого вопроса

DOs and DON'Ts for Job Seekers


DOlearn ahead of the time about the company and its product.

Do your homework.

DO apply for a job in person.

DO let as many people as possible know you are “job hunting”.

DO stress your qualification for the job opening.

DO recount experience you have had which would fit you for the job.

DO talk and think as far as possible about the future rather than the past.

DO indicate, where possible, your stability, attendance record and good safety experience.

DO assume an air of confidence.

DO approach the employer with respectful dignity.

DO try to be optimistic in your attitude.

DO maintain your poise and self-control.

DO try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath.

DO hold yourself erect.

DO answer questions honestly and with straightforwardness.

DO have a good resume.

DO know the importance of getting along with people.

DO recognize your limitations.

DO make plenty of applications.

DO indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn.

DO be well-groomed and appropriately dressed.


DON’Tkeep stressing your need for a job.

DON'T discuss past experience which has no application to the job.

DON'T apologize for your age.

DON'T be untidy in appearance.

DON'T display «cocksureness."

DON'T cringe or beg for consideration.

DON'T speak with muffled voice or indistinctly.

DON'T be one of those who can do anything.

DON'T hedge in answering questions.

DON'T express your ideas on compensation, hours, etc. early in the interview.

DON'T hesitate to fill out applications, give references, take physical examination or tests on request.

DON'T hang around, prolonging the interview, when it should be over.

DON'T go to an interview without a record of your former work connection.

DON'T arrive late and breathless for an interview.

DON'T be a «know it all» or a person who can't take instructions.

DON'T isolate yourself from contacts that might help you find a job.

DON'T feel that the world owes you for a living.

DON'T make claims if you cannot «deliver» on the job.

DON'T display a feeling of inferiority.

Ex. 2.2. Study the names and the positions of the employees in the left column and their activities in the right column. Think if employees’ activities suit their held positions.

Names Job Titles Activities
Mr. Black Clerk Prepare invoices Write reports
Miss Quest and Mr. Sikorski Computer operators Write computer programs Operate the computer
Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Gibbs Typists Write reports Type letters
Miss Frost Receptionist Answer inquiries Welcome visitors
Mr. Sommer Accountant Monitor cash flow Prepare regular financial statements
Mrs. Bee and Miss Shriver Secretaries Operate the computer Write telexes, faxes, letters Welcome visitors Answer telephone
Mr. Luckins Manager Meet clients Write telexes Answer inquiries Write reports

Ex. 2.3. From the list of adjectives given below choose one that perfectly characterizes the following persons / positions:

a) yourself

b) secretary

c) accountant

d) trade agent

e) director

1) active 9) extroverted
2) attentive 10) independent
3) constructive 11) methodical
4) cooperative 12) realistic
5) creative 13) sincere
6) diplomatic 14) systematic
7) disciplined 15) tactful
8) energetic 16) skillful

3.1. Read and translate the text “So, you are looking for a job”. Don’t forget to learn new vocabulary on the text before reading.


to face the sack- оказаться перед угрозой увольнения

press release – пресс релиз

to look smart – выглядеть опрятно

annual report –ежегодный отчёт

in a nutshell – в двух словах, кратко

to give up- бросить, прекратить

tip - совет

to conform to the company’s new image –соответствовать имиджу компании

to fit in - подходить

concise - сжато

key –questions – ключевые вопросы

to follow the company’s policy- следовать политике компании

weakness – слабая черта

strengths – сильные стороны

to undermine company’s discipline - подрывать дисциплину компании

in-depth - углублённо

to make a good impression –произвести хорошее впечатление

to sue – преследовать в судебном порядке

human rights - права человека

employment agency – агентство по трудоустройству

to size up own chances – соизмерять свои возможности

to be consistent with the level of skills - соответствовать уровню навыков

on behalf of .. – от имени…

in general outline – в общих чертах

to be misled by… – быть сбитым с толку

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