Apply for - to make an application or request for something He applied for the position of a sales representative. I want to apply for a job. подать заявление с просьбой о чем-то
Account for - to explain the reason of something /How can you account for your absence at the meeting?объяснить причину чего-то
Account to - to provide a report on money spending to someone.You will account to the Finance Director for the money you spend. отчитываться перед кем-то за денежные траты
accuse of - to charge someone with something wrong (e.g. a crime, an offense) He was accused of murder. They accused him of murder. He was accused of stealing the money. She accused him of lying.обвинить кого-то в (в преступлении, совершении проступка)
Act on - to act in accordance with some advice or information He acted on the tip received from an insider and made a lot of money. действовать согласно какому-то совету или информации
Act out - to illustrate or play out by actions or by gestures and words Let's act out the second episode of the play. He acted out his meeting with the boss in a very funny way.изображать, иллюстрировать путем разыгрывания сцены
Act up - to behave badly or in a strange manner. Her little son often acts up in public. I can't go to your party because my back is acting up again. The coffee machine is acting up again. вести себя плохо, странно; капризничать
Add to - to put something together with something else She added a little milk to coffee. Add two to three - how much do you get? добавить, прибавить что-то к чему-то
Add up - to give a reasonable result It doesn't make sense, the facts don't add up. These figures don't add up. складываться, сходиться в логичный результат
Agree about / on - to have the same opinion as someone else They agree about everything. They don't always agree on the way children should be raised. соглашаться друг с другом по каким-то вопросам
Agree on - to decide on doing something They agreed on selling the house. They agreed on a plan how to make Mr. Smith pay right away. договориться о чем-то
Agree to - to consent to something She will never agree to your plan. согласиться на что-то
Agree with - 1. to have the same opinion as someone else; 2. to be in accordance with something 1. I don't agree with you about it. I don't agree with your plan. 2. Your report doesn't agree with these facts. Fried meat doesn't agree with my stomach. 1. соглашаться с кем-то, чем-то; 2. соответствовать, быть согласным чему-то
Answer for - 1. to answer in the name of someone; 2. to be responsible for one's actions 1. I'll answer for my mother. 2. He will have to answer for what he has done. He should answer for his actions. 1. отвечать вместо, от имени кого-то; 2. отвечать за свои действия
Answer to - to account to, report to someone You will answer to the Financial Director.отвечать, отчитываться перед кем-то
apply for - to make an application or request for something He applied for the position of a sales representative. I want to apply for a job. подать заявление с просьбой о чем-то
Apply to - 1. to make an application or request to someone; 2. to be applicable to something; 3. to place in contact with something 1. Apply to the boss and ask for a pay raise. 2. Does this rule apply to all cases? 3. Apply this ointment to the swollen knee 3 times a day. 1. обратиться к кому-то с заявлением, просьбой; 2. быть применимым к чему-то; 3. наложить что-то на что-то